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Posts posted by lau_chivo

  1. Born and raised in the South Bronx. Went to UB during the Super Bowl run. Buffalo was such a small city you would bump into the players almost every night. I remember the hot bar to go to on Sunday night's was "No Names", and we would see a lot of the players almost every weekend. There was like 1 hot bar for everyday of the week that had Bills players socializing with the locals.


    I embraced the love the city had for the Bills and I never let that love go.


    Live in DC area now and haven't been back to Buffalo since 1995, but thanks to Grevey's, Laughing Man, Jimmy's Tavern, and Direct Tv, I haven't missed a game on TV in a decade.

  2. How is howard faster? Reports range from 4.49 via ESPN to 4.51 and 4.53.


    Either way howard ran similar not better, so in essence he's not faster. Why wouldn't you want Engram over Howard? Engram had a better 40


    Moreover, are we really basing a draft pick on straight line speed?

    Are you serious?


    Engram is projected a late 2nd, 3rd round pick. He's 6'3 235 not 6'6 250 and he doesn't have the tools of Howard. Howard has all the tools at a Superior size. It's not just straight speed. Although Engram was faster in the 40, he was slower than Howard in the 3 cones, the 20, and the 60. Howard had the fastest TE times in all those cats. At 6'6 250. Don't underestimate his size.


    Again I ask, are you serious?


    You're comparing apples and oranges.





    Compared to MW and Engram, I rather have MW. I like OJ because he's big and as fast as receivers, lining up against safeties and linebackers which will make him truly elite.


    Don't get me wrong, if we go a different route in the 1st round (I rather the Bills trade down and get Sidney Jones, now that he's hurt), I wouldn't mind the Bills getting him in the 3rd.

  3. I'd be surprised if CB were in the mix. McD's Cover 3 doesn't require a big investment in the position. No need to go after a CB to play bail at 10.

    Not sure I agree. This past season, McDermott's defense really took a tumble after losing Josh Norman. They dropped from 6th in total defense in 2015, to 21st this past year.


    Not saying the drop is directly related to Norman's departure, but I'm sure it played a major role.

  4. I personally, would rather get a CB in the 1st round. Lattimore or Tabor. Even trade down and get Sidney Jones possibly early in the 2nd round, now that he's hurt.


    If we were to get an offensive player in the 1st round, I would wait until the reports of the 40 times of Davis, and Williams before we make a decision. If it turns out that Howard has the fastest time between all three (highly likely), I would pick him over the other two. Too much of a mismatch with the size and speed, and not sure we get much of a 1st round value with Corey or Williams if most balls thrown their way are contested (most of the balls thrown to them in college were contested).

  5. And that excuses him consistently not seeing the WR's and TE's that were on the field getting open? Watch an All-22 from last year. Any.



    The Defense certainly played a part. I don't think you'll hear anyone argue against that. But Monday Night in Seattle - the Defense put Taylor in position to win the game. If it's all on the Defense, why did they lose that game?


    I ask that you please watch the last play of the Seattle game and come back and tell me if it was TT's fault. Robert Woods was looking the other way when TT was scrambling and didn't see the ball that more than likely would have been a touchdown. They teach kids to keep eye on QB when they scramble. That's why TT was so upset after the play.


    And it's funny that you took Shady's name right out of my mouth. Maybe because you expected it and you expected it because it's true. Fact is - when you have the #1 Rushing attack in the league, having the WORST passing attack is all the more damning. When you can run, it's much easier to pass. And Taylor made it look very hard.


    So Shady was the offense and no one else? TT threw for 3,000 yards and 23 TDs (including 6 Rushing TDs) in a rush heavy offense and it was just McCoy (15 TDs). Wow!

    *head against wall* How do the kids put it these days? "I literally can't even right now"..... Now if you can't admit that TT was better than Manning LAST YEAR (not overall), and would have helped the Broncos win the Super Bowl, then I'm wasting my time.



    Being better than straight up trash doesn't make someone good. Tyrod Taylor is a step up from what they've had at times, yes. But it's still not good enough.

    How could you say that with a terrible defense? It was the defense that made us 7-9 not TT.


    Who will replace him? I don't know for sure. But I can tell you one thing - there is worlds more available to the Bills in FA and the Draft then there was two years ago when we were in a similar situation. And that year they found someone no one was talking about in Tyrod Taylor. I have faith they can find better in FA and/or the Draft this year.

    Of course they will, just not in our life time.



    And if Tyrod Taylor flames out on another team or we go through another year of mediocrity because we kept him - i'll remember people like you and hope not to hear sorry excuses like "so and so was hurt" and "he can't pass but he helps the run game".

    I have no problem admitting I'm wrong, I've done it twice.

  6. People look at Taylor's stats without comparing them to the rest of the league.


    They see little to no INT's but don't see it's because he hardly ever throws the ball unless someone is wide open and sitting in their route.


    They see his completion percentage but don't see that much more than half of those completions are dumpoffs that RB's got all the yards on.


    They see two Pro Bowls but they don't pay attention to how many QB's had to pass before they came to Taylor.


    They see him evading sacks in an elite fashion. But they neglect to mention evading sacks doesn't put points on the board. And that part of the reason he's so good at evading sacks is because he gives up on plays and starts scrambling early most of the time.


    The national media sees Buffalo Bills and thinks we should be happy if we have a QB who can get us to 8-8. If Tyrod Taylor was QB of the Dallas Cowboys or New York Giants - the media would be talking completely differently.


    I'm baffled that so many of you are so adamant that the QB who led his offense to DEAD LAST in the league in passing needs to come back and we're screwed if he doesn't.


    Especially when you consider there was much less available to us in FA and in the Draft when they came up with an unknown QB named Tyrod Taylor.


    You forgot a few:

    They see is lack of pass attempts and forget his #1 wide receiver missed 8 games and never was the same when he got back.

    They see his lack of INTs and wonder why isn't it a lot more with the clowns we had as part of the WR core

    They see his win-loss record and forget that the Bills would have been in the playoffs making some noise, if the Bills defense held their opponents to less than 25 points less than the 8 times they allowed (All losses). No one blames the Defense. BTW, Patriots allowed 25 points in a game only once (and won that game),

    They see his win-loss record and no one blames the horrible defense

    They see TT as a QB who led his offense to DEAD LAST in the league (with all the injuries), and still had a top 6 offense in the league, If you think it's just because of Shady you crazy.

    They see TT's statistics and no one argues that he could have won the Super with the Broncos last year. The Broncos would have benched Manning for TT if they signed him last year with Emmanuel Sanders and Demaryius Thomas. They would probably have a dynasty.

    They see two Pro Bowls and realize TT is the best Bills QB since Kelly. It only took us 20 years. If we dump TT how long will it take to get someone just as good?

    They see TT's completion percentage and realize that there have been worse QBs with Super Bowl rings.


    I just hope all the TT haters will admit they were wrong when TT blossoms into a top 10 QB on another team. Instead of making sorry excuses like, "it's a different system" or "of course, with those WRs", or "the defense carried the team".

  7. Is it hard to imagine the Bills making the playoffs with TT? It makes sense that once in the playoffs, anything can happen. The best team doesn't always win or even make it to the Super Bowl once in the playoffs. So if the Bills get to the playoffs with TT, why can't they win or make it to the Super Bowl.


    The Patriots never allowed a team in the regular season score more than 25 points (Bills week 8 and that's it). The Bills in contrast, allowed 25 or more points 8 times. ALL LOSSES. Allowed 30 or more points 6 times (twice by the Jets).


    3 (Miami twice and 1st Jets game) of these games could have been won by just 1 final defensive stop another if Woods was looking at his QB when he was scrambling on the final play of the Seattle game. They teach that in PeeWee.


    The topic that should be flooding this Wall is how we're going to improve our defense to make this a legitimate Super Bowl contender.


    Not who's going to be our QB, we already have one. We'd be stupid to let him go. If it was so easy to produce a QB better than TT the Bills would already have one. We haven't had anyone better in 17 years.

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