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Loyal Opposition

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Posts posted by Loyal Opposition

  1. I am a lurker and Pat's fan. That being said, the hit was dirty and if he is suspended for one or two games, I won't feel aggrieved. But, this is not a criminal matter. Thw only people calling for that option to  be employed are, frankly, ignorant of the law and criminal procedure. Criminal law, and the process do not work the way some people think. Slow down. You and the fans, and the team have every right to be angry. A man was hurt, unfairly. But this was not a crime. 


    Really? I heard from a Pats fan this weekend that Pats fans have never suffered, because the Patriots have never sucked, because...19 of 31 winning seasons or some ****.


    Any individual Pats fan might okay. Pats fans are insufferable tools who should be drowned in molasses.


    (And Marky Mark...you first.)

    Ok. There is simply no coming back from Markey Mark....He should be drowned in Molassas as a Dot Rat But I digress...


    But as for Never Suffering. FFS we were the laughing stock of the AFC until 2001...What clue bereft F*** Weasel said that? :)

  3. We are not all a$$holes. Bills fans are knowledgeable and sadly long suffering. We have that as our history and appreciate it in other fan bases, particularly Buffalo. I've been lurking here for two years and appreciate the posters and even the good-natured hate. Just hate us for the right reasons.😊 But yes some of us are insufferable.


    Edited for clarity

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