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vegas baller

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Posts posted by vegas baller

  1. He's no LeGarrette Blount. Tolbert is shorter, slower, fatter with 114 yards all last season. Didn't crack the rotation even when Carolina's 1st stringers went down which always happens. Guaranteed to slow down the game and force punts if he plays. Anybody with an OL can gain a yard. Winning appears to be secondary to McDermott. What a coward.

  2. Tyrod is a "look at me" type who I would kick straight to the curb and look forward to competing against if another team is dumb enough to let him play. At the preseason game in D.C. you could spot him from a mile away because he was the only guy wearing a red hat, desperately trying to stand out, not being a team player. Get rid of this punk, who by the way CAN'T throw a pass. I am a VT Hokie but not a fan of Tyrod at all. I would take Vick over this loser, if the goal is to win.

  3. If that's the case and they still took him third overall, so I'm not too impressed with that either. They thought enough of him to take him then brag about what a great player they got. Hmmm

    Drafting someone third is not a guarantee of riches and it shouldn't be. All 31 other first rounders probably would've taken the deal offered had they been drafted #3. Maybe San Diego realizes they made a mistake and are bent on teaching this bozo Bosa a lesson. He is not a future Hall of Famer. He's a wannabe. I would tell him to sign or get ready for the 2017 draft.

  4. Bosa can be a good player but will never be a good teammate, so I applaud San Diego, and wish more NFL teams would use the leverage that they have to deny astronomical salaries to selfish punks like him. I was a Dallas fan for many years but that changed when Jerry Jones caved and gave Emmitt Smith exactly what he wanted. Smith wanted to be the highest paid running back even though he probably wasn't a top 10 RB talent. Screw the players. Make them earn it. Let them walk. Never give in.

  5. same as any other team. If your a star player, multiple infractions are not acceptable. If you have "potential" or at a position of depth, your expendable. Still, at least play him against the Giants.


    NFL players never win or lose their jobs during preseason games. Daily production (practice and work ethic) are probably 1,000 times more valuable when evaluating talent. If he didn't deserve a spot on the roster, he can't be allowed to masquerade on the sideline agaimst the Giants.

  6. Back from the ban with a fresh name?


    First time poster, originally from Virginia Beach, VA who knows what he's talking about. Wasting clock is a recipe for disaster, especially with a playmaker at QB. It's the reason why Frank Beamer never accomplished a single thing in 29 years at Va Tech without Taylor or Vick doing it on their own. The NFL has been the same for over 30 years now. You can't just run the ball and expect to win. You can only hope to get lucky. I would've fired Rex after Year 1 and brought in someone else.....we'll see how Year 2 goes.

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