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Posts posted by bobdigital

  1. From the POV of a Pats fans.


    You should expect your offense to have a very long day against this Patriots Defense.  It isn't just good.  It's great.   I know they haven't played good offenses yet, but you can take my word that it's absolutely for real.  I put it on the level of 2013 Seahawks and 2015 Broncos.  It doesn't have the stars those groups did but it has no weakness or area you can attack.  They are 17-18 legit players deep.  Their ability to substitute and keep guys fresh allows for constant pressure and energy that never lets up.  With all due respect, your offense is about to walk into a buzzsaw.


    When it comes to your defense i think that will be able to be much more competitive.   I will admit Brady has slipped just a tad.  His consistency isn't what it use to be, he will miss a few more easy throws a game than he did 5 years ago.  That being said his arm strength is still there.  It actually looks better than last year.  He has become a bit more streaky.  I imagine you'll fine success stopping our running game, particularly up the gut.  They are still trying to figure it out but with Andrews out for the year they are just slower than they use to be.  That being said they can still get 1 tough yard more often than not up the middle so that will be a challenge for your team.  They will lean on their RBs to catch about a dozen passes this game.  It really can't be stopped, only limited.  Edmunds I think has the speed to keep a 5-10 yard catch from White from being broken into a 20 yard catch.  Our WRs are a bit gimpy but serviceable.  I believe Edelman and Gordon will both play and be effective to a degree.  A challenge for your team is how you deal with Dorsett and to a lesser extent Meyers.   Dorsett has been very good for them as a guy who goes against a teams 3rd CB.    As for the TEs unless your D makes a big mistake they shouldn't be a factor, but they have had a few big catches when other teams were caught sleeping.  I doubt your D will allow that much if at all. 


    It will most likely be a fairly conservative low scoring game.

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