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Boo Radley Boston

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Posts posted by Boo Radley Boston

  1. Why should we care what Pats fans think? Because the team they happen to root for is really good, that means they know better?




    Who the hell are they?

    My take.


    2018 is supposed to be a loaded QB draft. I want the 1st pick because you aint winning jack squat without a franchise QB in today's NFL.

  2. Chargers and San fran SB.


    The comparison was between SD football and baseball between Boston FB and BBQ.


    Keep up buddy.


    You're like my wife.... will see the wrong point to make yourself.


    Anyway.... been to Boston a lot. My brother is an engineer for the city. Boston is a baseball town. FENWAY is hollowed ground. The Sox will always have a loyal fans base.


    The Pats* do not have the same history. Brady gone, fans gone. Can't wait.


    First you thought the Chargers and Patriots played in a Super Bowl.


    Stay out of the hot sun.

  3. Why are you still here?


    Waiting for the victory parade and festivities.


    I'm not upset at all. I'm laughing at your fans calling our guys thugs because your players were breaking the NFL rules (again), and yet again your fans blame everyone else for not accommodating said rule breaking.


    Oh, the Pats were on the Bills side of the field.


    Im sure they apologized to the city of Buffalo.




    No offense--every team's fans say this when Buffalo beats them.


    Both Jets games last year were "our super bowl" according to Jets' fans.


    This game was apparently "our super bowl" according to Pats' fans.


    Green Bay fans were chirping about how beating them in 2014 was "our super bowl".


    Some fans may be too recent to understand this, but the Super Bowl is actually "our super bowl". This isn't our first rodeo; we actually used to be really, really good. Dominant even. 6 division championships in 7 years and 4 straight Super Bowl appearances.


    I can assure all of you of one thing: while we are always happy to beat our opponent, nothing will be "our super bowl" until we win the Super Bowl.


    This is Rex and the Patriots.


    No game on his calendar means more than NE and it goes back to his days with Baltimore.

  5. You're right... it was San Francisco. Not the Pats* but still san diego always supported the Padres. Could care less about the chargers. At least while I lived there from the late 80's to the late 90's.


    The 49ers never played NE in a Super Bowl.


    Keep trying. There are 28 more cities.

    True Red Sox fans don't have much of an overlap with Patriots fans.


    The Patriots fans base is comprised largely of pink hats and Yankee fans who are nothing more than Johnny come latelys and front runners.


    Could not be more wrong.


    At Super Bowls you see Red Soxs fans everywhere with their gear on.

    didn't think we were talking about Rex. We are talking about the douchebag pats*** fanboard.


    Rexs Super Bowl win has come around again.


    NE fans have seen this movie before and know how it ends.

  6. This is so true.


    I hope this continues. It would be nice to be on a level playing field.


    Yes, he had a great time. I did as well for the short time I was there.


    I would like to go back next summer, catch a Red Sox game, see the sights, maybe go down to the Cape . . . .


    I like Boston and the surrounding area . . . and (shhhh) the people as well.


    Yeah, but they are all band wagon fans who really like the NY Giants.


    He just started high school. We shall see . . . .


    We have friends who spent a month in July in an apartment overlooking Fenway. One of their sons had an internship at Harvard medical school. Their other son invited my son to go to a camp at MIT where they learned 3D imaging. It was a great experience for them. Not only being on a college campus, but being at MIT learning what they learned.


    I flew my son up to Boston and we met our friends at their apartment. We went up to the rooftop to look at Fenway. I noticed that there was a sign that advertised that Paul McCartney was playing at Fenway THAT night. I love the Beatles and have seen McCartney twice. My son was able to essentially experience the concert from the rooftop of the apartment.


    When I was there to drop my son off, we walked around Fenway. I was very impressed. My Dad also was a Red Sox fan (even though many of us from Buffalo are Yankee or Mets fans). He loved Ted Williams and respected that he served in the military in what presumably would have been among his most productive years.


    We also went to the Wahlburgers near Fenway. I have to say, they had really good food.


    Sounds like a great time.


    My 14 year old went to a camp at MIT back in July for a week. He went to a Thursday night Red Sox/Twins game. Full house. He is not much of a sports fan, but he thought that the atmosphere was fantastic and has become a bit of a Red Sox fan as a result.


    Lots of Red Sox across the county who are not from NE.


    Does your kid plan to go to MIT?

    The average ticket for a Sox game is like $65. They have one row of $12 seats in the last row of the outfield


    They still supported a team that had not won a Series since 1918.


    Fans are loyal in NE.


    Sadly, I know about mediocre QB play. Brady is amazing. I also have tons of respect for Belichick. Sadly he was the DC for the Giants who beat us in Super Bowl 25 largely because of Belichick's defense. If only Jim Kelly realized that the smart move would have been to give the ball to Thurman much more than he did.


    Oh well. Even without TB, you guys will have a very good team as long as Belichick is he HC.

    I met Jim Kelly at a Super Bowl.


    Great guy and Yuuuuge. Looked like a LB.


    Sure. I lived in Boston from 1988-1997 and could walk up to the ticket window and buy tickets to any Sox game (except when the Yankees were in town) the evening of the game. The games were rarely sold out. I also attended a good number of Pats* games during that time and the place was 50% full at best. People aren't going to pay $200 per ticket and $50 to park to watch a team that doesn't win consistently once Brady takes his Uggs and goes home.


    Fenway averaged between 27, 400 and 30,400 from 88 - 97 basically exceeding the AL league average all but 1 season.


    Born and raised Boston fans arent band wagoners. So, you bought tickets. Pats vs Bills tickets are the cheapest and always available.



  10. Garapolo had a good game against the Dolphins but I think we can all agree that the Dolphins are also pretty terrible. I expect us to destroy Miami twice this year. I think this is a very even game and winnable- unlike the dark years when you knew we would lose.


    The Dolphins came to play that Sunday. They didn't look terrible to Garropalo.


    Even game?

    I fear this will be the case


    Rex always has an excuse because its never because of him.


    Yup, ignore Rexs clock management and boneheaded challenges. Ask any Jets fan how Rex lets the inmates run the prison.


    He's not all business--that's his media persona; he's as snarky as they get.



    What he does well is two-fold: he never asks any of his players to do anything they can't do, and he always sells out to stop what his opponent does best.


    Belichick is all business. He does not care about Rexs shenanigans or his loud mouth.


    Its all about team with Belichick. Do your job or be gone.

  12. Umm, if you want to talk trash on another team's msg board (ballsy), you might want to come with facts. Eagles beat Pitt in Philly.


    No reason to get all butt hurt. Its going to be OK.


    Still, Pitt going down like that with Wentz at QB for Philly was a shock.

    They picked up another DL.


    John Hughes from the Browns. Depth as a run stuffer/space eater.

    That would be the ultimate troll job to start Edelman and then replace him with a real QB just so that when they win it will show that Edelmam beat the Bills.

    ...and have him audible to "Rex Ryan" at the LOS again.


    Sounds like something Rex would do.


    Belichick is all business.

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