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Posts posted by SonofaK-Gun

  1. Tyrod Taylor is getting a lot of criticism for his pocket presence...to me (who never actually played the game), that sounds like a very fixable problem. Either way, I figured there were going to be peaks and valleys as he settles into the starting job. At the end of the day, they lost to the Super Bowl champs, while Miami lost to the Jaguars.


    I think the Bills do Miami fans a favor and beat the hell out of the Dolphins, thus paving the way for a mid-season firing of Joe Philbin.

  2. I did not like the defensive scheme at all. From what I could tell (I was in a bar down in D.C, so I had no audio), Rex Ryan wasn't blitzing, was only rushing four, and at times three. Bill Belicheck says he looks to take away a team's primary weapon...looks like Rex did his job for him.


    Other than that, I'm still firmly in Tyrod's corner. He sailed a few, but what quarterback doesn't? I'd also like to see more discipline. Do they really need to give Brady 140 yards? I can forgive things like holding or off sides, but the personal conduct penalties are tiresome.

  3. Thanks for letting me into this community, so here's my first post.


    I know we've been burned before...the 2011/2012 season comes to mind. I remember watching that first game against KC with my jaw on the floor as the Bills pounded them something like 44-14. Two weeks later they were 3-0 after beating the Pats...a few weeks later they were 5-2...only to finish the season 6-10. From week four onward I was living out of the country for the remainder of the season, and was spared most of the carnage coming from OBD.


    But screw all that, I've loved this team since the first time I went to Rich stadium in 1990, and saw them trounce the Cardinals. After that performance last Sunday against the Colts, I'm proud to say I'm diving headfirst into the Kool-Aid once again. Being a Bills fan isn't easy, and I wouldn't have it any other way. I love what I'm seeing, and I think we're all going to be rewarded for our loyalty this season.

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