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Posts posted by Buffalo_Lobsters

  1. The bills are on the hook for all of Marcel guaranteed money, Chargers could renegotiate that deal for cap relief. I honestly believe Rivers would consider waving his no trade clause to come here. With Shady, Sammy, McCoy and improve offensive line, we have weapons. how many young rookie quarterbacks beat New England? Send Jim Kelly to recruit if we have too. Rivers makes the Bills super bowl contenders right now.. Even Rex can't screw that up

    Why would Rivers want to waive his no trade clause to come to Buffalo? And how does he make the Bills a Superbowl contender?

    The only thing that Rex can't screw up is a plate of spicy wings and a cold beer. :thumbsup:

  2. Tyrod looked far better at QB than any of the other QBs the Bills have had over the past 15 years. Some Bills fans will be anti Tyrod no matter how well he plays. Just like some fans still think EJ should be the starter, even though he has played poorly when he started this year and last year.


    I think what drew snarky responses from some of us, is the question of what evidence you have that Manziel is 1) smarter than Tyrod Taylor in a football-applicable sense 2) has the tools necessary to be a successful NFL QB.


    Because I don't see it.

    My son is a huge Manziel fan and we watched the games he played. I was not impressed. It would be a HUGE mistake to bring him to Buffalo. :thumbdown:

  4. Anyone who is against Pegula and Rex Ryan don't deserve what they brought to Buffalo. Pegula kept the team and put this team back in national attention no matter what the outcome. All the negative talk is unwarranted. Not even one losing season yet under Pegula and Ryan and people talk as if we went 3-13. And this is the reason why in the media Bills fans are looked at in such a negative light. Every year results in panic if we don't win a super bowl. If another team in the AFC East could beat out the Pats I'd understand. But that isn't happening until Tom Brady retires. Period. End of story. Ryan is a good coach and Pegula is the best owner a fan base could dream of.


    Negative talk = love

    After all of the years of disappointment and other non-playoff year is hard to swallow

    Especially after Rexy promised the Bills would end their playoff drought. :cry:

  5. I think I'm the only one who's perfectly ok with EJ as our backup. It's slim pickings for a better backup, EJ has experience, is still developing, a good team player, and will be in year two of Roman's complicated system. If we replace EJ, I'd hope we replace him with someone else who has had experience with the system.

    Did you watch the London game? EJ showed he is not a starting or back QB. IMO

  6. Who's available in free agency that can be next year's T.O.? Face it- with this season being a disappointment, and Rex and Russ needing to grease the hype-machine back into full vigour, there has to be an appealing option out there that will attract attention (and sell tickets). I think they'll look at bringing in Peyton Manning (when he's let go), or attempting a trade for Drew Brees. Wilkerson, Bruce Irving, Von Miller or Alshon Jeffrey could be in play as well. Reaquiring Kiko ALonso or signing RGIII could also be options. Wildcard options could be Michael Sam or bringing Luke Tasker in from the CFL (to stir the hearts of the fans). Don't rule out a Randy Moss tryout, or Tim Tebow either.

    I can picture it now... Tim Tebow throwing a 60 yard TD to Randy Moss... :doh:

  7. H2o you made some great points. I was excited when Rex was hired and then Roman but the product on the field has not matched the Hype. I expected an attacking Defense that would confuse opposing offenses but instead the D has look confused. The lack of a pass rush is frustrating after 2 seasons with 50+ sacks.

    I won't be sad if they clean house on "Black Friday". I just hope they do it right.

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