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bacarri and coke

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Posts posted by bacarri and coke

  1. Let's not confuse field position and defensive performance. Gay and the kickoff coverage team held up their end.


    If the Bills kickoff 5 times per game, the difference between Carpenter putting the ball in play and Gay doing so, on average, would be 30-35 yards. For a team that wants to be stifling on defense, that means something.

    Finally someone with a brain.All these people talking about no other teams do this are not thinking this through.First off we are NOT the only team to do this we are one of two.If a player on your roster can save you even 20 yards of field position per game and maybe even a run back or two during the corse of a season he is very valuable.Jordan Gay is a valuable roster spot and a smart move by people who are not afraid to set trends not just follow them....think for yourselves sheeple.
  2. Gotcha. My bad, then.

    Yeah on wgr yesterday someone said something about him still seeing things from a players standpoint because he played so recently.They said something to the effect of him seeing it from a players point of view and a coach so he is sort of in between.I personally think his hiring will pay dividends for just this reason.The players respect the hell out of this and will listen and learn because of it.
  3. I'm not worried because I know damn well I do a hell of a lot more research on the Bills than these so called in siders.I read about other teams as well but I study the Bills at least 5 times a day and I know these guys dont.In case anyone wants to know the bills are a better team in year two and have a good chance to make the playoffs...

  4. A few of them were kind of funny, I suppose (the Sammy Watkins looking like Whoopi Goldberg in Ghost one was good), but was anyone else kinda surprised bills.com put that up? Isn't it supposed to be like a family friendly website?

    What wasn't family friendly about it?They bleeped everything out.Did it offend you?
  5. People really think Sammy,Tyrod,and Clay suck!?...and trade Gillmore.I'm glad this team is not a democracy....But that $#!t was funny doe

    Meh. Not that big of a fan of this. Players already hear all the negativity, especially being on the Bills. Making it a feature piece just reinforces the nonsense.

    I get what your saying but I'm sure these guys are used to the hate and understand how to deal with trolls and stupid people it comes with the terratory.When thousands of people stop and drool on you and want you to sign their babies on a daily it kinda offsets this crap.
  6. Of coarse the longer you sit the easier I is.Knowing the play book and it's intricacies is THE biggest advantage.Not many QBS can make the transition from college to pros so easily as a Andrew luck who is just incredibly intelligent and has a Penton for the game.It's akin to learning a new language,could you learn a new language in an off season or would you be more fluent after a year or two?That said everyone is different some guys pick it up quicker like a luck or a Fitzpatrick and some guys need more time.

  7. too bad we didn't sign Hester. We could have taken a screenshot of Hester, Reggie Bush, Mario Williams, Matt Leinhart, and Vince Young and emailed it back to 2010.


    We would have been so jealous of our future selves

    Ever heard of the Mandela effect?I keep going back and checking to see if Norwood actually did make the kick in my new reality.

  8. No way, he let go of Chris Hogan and passed on Kevin. Together, they would have made us unstoppable! We need a real GM who knows the value of Hogans.

    They do know the value of a good Williams however...also needing more Hogan is like needing more cow bell..never get enough

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