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Imran Q

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Posts posted by Imran Q

  1. 2 minutes ago, SmokinES3 said:

    Thanks for the scolding oh Pious One!


    If that's what you get from this, smh. I expect these comments to be lost on some. I guess we know where you stand. I sincerely hope you don't ever have anyone in your family to through the same thing. 

    • Like (+1) 1
  2. I hope Zay is OK. While drugs may certainly be one explanation, some of these actions are classic expressions of a schizophrenic disorder. I'm glad his brother was there to prevent a possible suicide. 


    On a side note, I think a large number of comments in this thread are utterly embarrassing. A person has gone through a traumatic near death experience, may be seriously ill, and is hospitalized and people here are mocking him incessantly. You guys have judged him and carried on with absurd comments without knowing anything about the situation. If you all will turn so fast on a player and person you were rooting for 24 hours ago, you should turn in your fraudulent  Billsmafia cards. Embarrassing. I'm glad you guys don't represent most fans. 


    Here's to hoping it was something stupid like bad drugs and not a deeper underlying mental illness. 


    Sorry, it had to be said. 



    • Like (+1) 5
    • Thank you (+1) 2
  3. Guy was toxic when he was here and remains a toxic and divisive individual.

    Says no teammate of his ever. Are you guys seriously holding things against him years after the fact? Are you discarding all the good he has done for Oakland? Like working with kids in the city of Oakland for example?


    Sometimes (many times) I sense folks get bitter when Bills players leave.


    I wonder what you folks think of guys who have truly been toxic like Richie Incognito? Or does he get a pass because he's the best pulling guard in the league?


    I'm having trouble following the logic guys.

  4. This may have been discussed but I couldn't find anything. Does anyone know where MSG Western NY is on DirecTV?


    Google tells me it should be 635-1 but wiki says there was a dispute with DirecTV which isn't carrying it.


    Any help would be appreciated.


    Confused in Chicago.

  5. EJ for sure had a quarter he won't forget. That said, 5 minutes left and the team has a lead and 85 yards of buffer. I'm more disappointed with our disastrous defense than EJ. For as bad as EJ was he dug himself out of the hole and returned the game to a high win percentage.



    Ej is what he is and as the backup when you get handed a win the defense has no excuse to blow it. None.

  6. will it be available to everyone world wide? I know there s shows on yahoo (community) that won't stream on yahoo for those outside the us

    now from my understanding, and I have chrome cast on 2 of my tvs at home, you have to cast it from a wireless device (tablet or smartphone). Can it be cast from a desktop or laptop computer? I haven't checked that out

    Yes and yes

  7. So, basically, it's literally slightly easier than sending a man to the moon.


    It's a damn NFL football game! Yahoo makes me hate them even more.


    The short version.


    1. Plug Chromecast into TV

    2. Click the Chromecast icon while playing.



    But you don't need to stream. You probably can't type the Y and A of Yahoo on Sunday morning without the game popping up.

  8. Going to throw some things out there as we speed toward the bye week. If the season were to end today...


    - Robert Woods, Seantrel Henderson, Duke Williams, Bacarri Rambo, EJ Manuel, Nigel Bradham, Percy Harvin, Cordy Glenn, Kyle Williams, Nickel Robey are all looking for work.. Woods is having a sub par year and has hurt the Bills with penalties more than he's helped them. The rest have just plain underperformed or in Harvin's case not shown up...


    - Aaron Williams and Marquis Goodwin both retire....(another huge cap hit with A. Williams)


    - Mario Wiiliams is a potential offseason cut after the date where they can spread the cap hit-- Even with taking the whole cap hit in 2016, its a $12 million net cap gain. Rex's system doesn't utilize his talents and the Bills can only afford one $100M D lineman.


    - If Jerry Hughes didn't carry an $11.6 million dead cap hit -- he would be on the "looking for work" list. Another net negative contributor thus far.


    - A football czar would be brought in....speculate that its someone Polian recommends -- the list includes Telesco, Caldwell if either are fired...and Whaley gets pissed and leaves.


    - Danny Crossman would be let go/not retained


    Things can turn around fast in the NFL....the Bills can go on a run and the team stays pat, restructures M. Williams and Clay and secures Taylor for the future-- this team is capable of winning seven to nine of the remaining 10 games, but this team has not played up to its capability nor has it been well coached.... Its time to turn it around or face a lot of player and front office turn over this offseason.

    I can't believe this post generated a thread.


    I can't believe I contributed to it.


    Well considering Woods has played in every game and Harvin hasn't, its more telling how much more effective Harvin has been on the field. And I wasnt careful to say anything...I said exactly what I said, he leads all of our WR's this year despite missing time.


    So to call a guy useless who leads all of our WRs in performance thus far despite missing time and who started the year pretty much considered a 3rd or 4th option originally behind Sammy, Clay, and McCoy is really pretty inaccurate.


    Anyone with 2 eyes can see how much better this offense is with Sammy and Harvin on the field, but people all over this board slamming them as if they aren't very important. You want to be frustrated he's hurt, go right to it...but to call him useless this year is pretty ridiculous.


    PS: And with our cap situation, $6M is pretty friendly especially since we have no cap obligations to him next year. Its utterly absurd to complain about his cost when his contract isnt negatively impacting the team this year. We signed everyone we wanted, resigned our own, and have room left over. Complaining about his cost is literally pointless because it didn't hold the team back in any way and we still have room. So it is a friendly contract to say the least, especially since we can get out of it at the end of year if we choose to.


    Well spoken Alphadawg (great movie Btw).


    The hater comments on this board are absolutely asinine and I'd imagine a bit conveniently readjusted after the fact. I doubt anyone of these guys was hating on Harvin after his TD sparked the team in the Colts game.


    Harvin has been nothing but a class act and has performed well (leading the team in receiving). There are no indications he has been a bad teammate so the people saying they were weary of him based on his prior incidences are demonstrating a flawed confirmation bias.


    Harvin didn't choose to be injured. It's a rough sport. Injuries happen. I wish him the best and hope he can come back this year.


    And as for the people complaining about his salary, that's laughable. Would you have preferred the Pegula's just put it in their retirement account instead? Give me the potential playmaker please.

  10. Hate to say this but some of you have a myopic viewpoint here. This streaming is not as much about you guys as it is opening up to newer markets they don't have satellite, don't have cable, and maybe don't even have TVs. And it also opens up the game to an additional 2 billion people.


    As for the game, www.yahoo.com.


    Stream to your TV or don't. Either way it's an easy get.

  11. The fact that it's on at 6:30 a.m. here in the West isn't causing me angst - but it occurs to me that the higher the viewership, the more likely we're going to see this continue.


    Only in the future, it will be PPV.


    So that means you can pay for Sunday Ticket and still get screwed.


    Hence, I am not going to watch. I hope that it will be on NFL Replay.


    Screw you Goodell.


    What's ironic is that this game is really the first free and available game for everyone in the world. But it's a test run on adding a new medium and revenue source for the NFL. We are always going to have to pay for it (I'm an out of market long time Sunday Ticket Owner).


    I don't see it supplanting Sunday Ticket but being a secondary revenue source-at least at first. While this game is free, ultimately they may offer a la carte Internet options for viewing various games. I would welcome that.


    I remember crazy days of sneaking onto rooftops of apartment buildings and setting up a secret and hidden satellite (yeah did that) or jimmy rigging it on my Chicago downtown apartment balcony where satellites were not welcome and then covering it up with a plant (yup), etc.


    Frankly this option, if it had existed, would have made my life much easier.


    Also your one person boycott of a free streaming game isn't going to change much.

  12. I believe there is more to it. I think Freddy is a vocal guy in the locker room and if the coaches were planning on reducing Fred's role and making him a third stringer, I'm sure that would not have gone over well with Fred and he would have been vocal about that displeasure.


    Fred has been a strong voice over a very bad period of football for the Bills. It's possible he became too comfortable with losing. Whatever it was, I just don't think Rex wanted him around. It was rumored that Fred's days were numbered as soon as Rex was hired.

    So my take home message from this post is:


    1. Fred comfortable with losing

    2. Fred would be a bad locker room presence.


    Can I nominate this for most ridiculous (dumbest) post of the he day?

  13. The EJ haters really baffle me. I haven't seen any practice video but if you break down all 22 of his preseason throws, there are maybe only 2-3 bad passes. He repeatedly hits his spot and the ball comes out with zip on a line. He has a big league arm and he's making the big league throws. He's making Thompson and Gragg look like stars. All behind a joke of an O line.


    This isn't the same EJ we saw last year. EJ haters must not believe preseason games are as important as footage from one year old games. I just don't get you guys.


    I'm not saying he should be anointed the starter but I am saying he needs reps with the 1s and if he does well it needs to be a hard decision on who starts.

  14. EJ stretches the field vertically and horizontally with his arm. He's shown he can really throw a pretty out route.


    Tyrod stretches the play with his mobility.


    I'm not sure Cassell can do either.


    The first two will make defenses sit a little back opening up the run. With MC, I'm just afraid everyone pinches down and our run suffers.


    Admittedly an overly simplistic summary, but I do believe it has some general validity.

  15. Thanks. I really just needed dedicated audio. I'm the type that would rather hear the broadcast (regardless of who it is) rather than cheering or jeering.


    Wedding is at 6 so Charlotte wouldn't b easy. Plus I will have 10+ fans of random teams.


    Thanks for the input everyone.

  16. Quick question for anyone here. I have a good friend's wedding on the evening of the NFL opener in Greensboro, NC. . The Bills Backers site lists Coopers Ale House as a Bills site. Is anyone here familiar with this place? Is there good audio there? I absolutely need to be able to listen to the games. My default is Sunday ticket on my laptop. Any info appreciated.

  17. Disclaimer: No horse in the race but have rooted for EJ to succeed (as probably all fans should have).


    It was just one game and a relatively small sample size, but I came away impressed. I agree with what many people have said so no need to rehash those points.


    But what really impressed me was the absolute lasers EJ was firing. That 51 yard TD was 50 yards in the air and an absolute dart. There was no arc on the pass. His near sideline out passes were literal bullets. EJ has a big league arm and you need that to approach any ceiling beyond mediocrity. One of the reasons EJs accuracy issues are magnified is that his passes come out so fast that if they are off target the WR often has little chance to catch up to bad passes--the ball is simply gone too fast.


    I thought Cassel was nice but ran a pop gun offense. You aren't going to win in the NFL on a 7-15 yard offense predicated on quick hooks and short timing routes. Defenses will simply cheat the safeties in and box the run. Remember, we didn't play a defense that game planned for us. And I know we didn't game plan either but my concern holds.


    Taylor was electric and fun to watch, but the absolute max of his style is Atlanta Vick. While that would be great, it's unlikely. And even then, you can game plan for a Qb that makes a read, maybe 2, and then runs.


    I'd like to see EJ get some run with the 1s. I think he is the best choice to go with and you always have a safe or electric QB backing him up. One or two sharp practices and the media will be singing the same tune.


    I reserve the right to recant this post pending performances in the next two games, lol.

  18. I'm a little surprised at the AM hateration. It was interesting to see initial responses in favor of the article and with folks happy for where he is now. Then, as the thread went along, the negative comments started to predominate. I'm not sure if they were reactionary but it was an interesting observation.


    I remember when AM lost his child and I was shocked at how negative fans were at the time but I now realize they probably didn't know. The media didn't give it much coverage and we were in a nascent (or pre) twitter era back then.


    For you AM haters, no need for such myopic binary judgments against the man. Sure, he didn't live up to his potential and he may have impregnated two women at the same time (dumb), but he was also treated terribly/cheaply by the organization during his signing. Getting him signed wasn't rocket science and the subsequent Spiller holdout only reinforces how inept Bills management was (and to use his career productivity after the fact to support the organization's tactics is disingenuous).


    As for the 40 million dollar slave painting, my God people, open your minds. He didn't call it the "slave painting." It has the words 40 and million in the title. He says the painting will provoke conversation so win for him. The title is ironic in that you can be given money but be enslaved in different ways to corporate interests, societal expectations, what you do on the field, privacy, to the money itself, or other such things. It can be a mental enslavement, an emotional enslavement, or a physical enslavement. The word has much larger meanings when viewed in greater contexts.


    And can we please stop with the "I work hard and don't make millions so he shouldn't complain" argument? Very few people on planet earth can do what professional athletes do. I really wish I could but my talents are not as relatively elite within the world population as a pro athlete's are. As such, my compensation will reflect that. I'm more easily replaceable than an NFL linebacker. It's supply and demand folks. Unless you want to impart some form of engineered socialism where society compensates on a value added basis, don't complain.


    If someone is worth, say 100 million, on an open market, he'd be a fool to settle for 50 million simply because his hard working neighbor makes 50k.


    That said, I don't condone the pot and wasn't overly impressed with the technical part or his work (I'm no expert). The real meaning behind the art is what's important.

  19. I can't believe some folks on here are calling him a Bust. Career ending injuries don't make you a "bust." It's just bad luck. If you still consider that being a Bust then your definition of the word is pretty useless.


    I feel for the poster who went through this and his experience is not uncommon.


    Clowney lost articular cartilage off the surface of his knee. Articular cartilage never comes back. The surgery attempts to grow firbrocartilage which is inferior and will last a few years in a best case scenario. I'm actually surprised they didn't try a newer procedure like chondrocyte transplantation in which your own cells are grown ex vivo outside your body and then placed back in.


    Studies show that 40+% of lay people don't come back to play sports. In the NFL, 30-40% can't make it back and those that do are limited in ability and career longevity. It's worse in the NBA and has prematurely ended the promising careers of Oden, Roy, Bynum and others.


    I feel very bad for Clowney. I hope he makes it back but the best case is a few productive years. He could come back longer but that would be an exception.


    I'll be rooting for him. No 20 something deserves to have a promising career yanked from him before he even has a chance to play.

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