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Posts posted by Vinaccia

  1. The biggest problem is that most of the most physical players are often not very cerebral. So when complicating things, you could train them for 5 off seasons straight and they'd never get it. I among the few posting here, believe in Rex Ryan but I worry if Aaron Williams or Kyle Williams are gone due to injury there will not be a Ray Lewis or Ed Reed leader to facilitate implementing the defense amongst the players.

  2. The Rex bashig that goes on here is commical and unwarrented. For once and for all time please reminder yourself he didn;t have anywhere near the same personal as Schwarz

    1 Spikes , admittedly he was a poor fit in passing situation, there where times he lead a run defense that was excellent. Many on this board lameneted when he left.

    2 Searcy and A williams . The 2015 Bills suffered through horrible safety play . Graham and Duke williams seemed to be on the field when ever there was a big play

    3 Kyle missed most of the season, you know the Pro Bowl guy.

    4 Mario , gave little effort. He went from a Pro Bowl player to a cancer and UNDER ACHIEVER

    5 Bradham and Gilmore both missed multiple games

    5 Wynn, althought a smaller piece he player very well in 2014


    Some will say they added Darby which is true , but Mckelvin actully play well in 2014, not elite but certainly wasn;t and issue


    Yes Rex shoots his mouth off, but Rex did not destroy the defense . Circumstances did.


    enough ALREADY

    In Addition the difference between 8-8 and 10 - 6 was Ej and his horrendous start to the Jacksonville game , and while the Jets played Cleveland the Bills played Cinncy



    Finally a voice of reason. Well said.

  3. Many of them(us I suppose) are, along with many of the fans of all the teams around the league. There's plenty of proof right here on this message board too. Those saying Rex is a bafoon of a football coach and thinking next year will be a disaster already sound pretty "neanderthalish". To think one of the best defensive coaches in league history will not atleast come back to the mean and right the ship on the defensive side with the players we have is kinda stupid. And as long as he leaves the offense to Roman, things will likely improve.

    I agree with you, you're exactly right.

  4. Anyone who is against Pegula and Rex Ryan don't deserve what they brought to Buffalo. Pegula kept the team and put this team back in national attention no matter what the outcome. All the negative talk is unwarranted. Not even one losing season yet under Pegula and Ryan and people talk as if we went 3-13. And this is the reason why in the media Bills fans are looked at in such a negative light. Every year results in panic if we don't win a super bowl. If another team in the AFC East could beat out the Pats I'd understand. But that isn't happening until Tom Brady retires. Period. End of story. Ryan is a good coach and Pegula is the best owner a fan base could dream of.

  5. it wasn't just Mario and it wasnt not just the system. He played his own role in the drop in stats, both for himself and the unit as a whole. I never understood why he never took an ounce of accountability, when others like Dareus were able to say that they didn't realize they would need to work hard to make it work instead of assuming the D was going to be great. It should be shared accountability. Coaches come and go and schemes change all the time in the NFL especially when you aren't winning or a coach quits, lol. Players must adapt and coaches must adapt, and it's not easy. Neither side (Rex/scheme or Mario) are blameless.

    Well said.

  6. It seems as though Patriots fans in a poll are cautiously optimistic about beating the Broncos but are not confident enough to think that its a sure win. I can't disagree with them but I really wish the Bills had their success and were in their position. This link contains the poll and some statistics discussed about the Patriots v. Broncos:



  7. http://espn.go.com/blog/afceast/post/_/id/53830/mike-pettines-dilemma-3-4-or-4-3-defense


    This article details how the 4-3 failed under Wannstedt and discusses Pettines options when he was hired. It then states how Mario Williams was unhappy in a 3-4 defense in Houston and that the defense should tailor towards him who was our best defensive player at the time. That being said Mike Pettine chose to run a 4-3 under taken from Ryan (often mislabeled a 3-4) and the defense was effective in it. Schwartz came the following year with a wide 9 4-3 and the defense was still good. Rex Ryan implements a 4-3 under and the defense wasn't impressive and then he is blamed for a bad scheme.


    Who knows what the answer is? For me Rex Ryan's 4-3 under still utilizes the 4 defensive linemen and then another linebacker next to them. I have no idea why this didn't work.

  8. I was one of the people BEGGING the team to hire Rex. I wanted him hired so freaking badly, because I imagined what he could do with this D.


    It didn't go great in year #1. 8-8 is not what we expected. The defense was actually the weakness of a Rex Ryan team. NOBODY would have predicted that.


    I, like many, vented frustrations. However, I am here to say I am still happy Rex is the coach.


    First of all, he went 8-8 in his first year with a brand new QB few had heard of a year ago. Tyrod looking pretty good is a CREDIT to Rex. In fact, if we have found some sort of stability at QB it is because Rex wanted this guy, and that means Rex fixed the most important issue on this team.


    So oddly enough, it could be Rex Ryan, the "defensive coach" would found us a QB. That matters a LOT more than having a great defense. We HAD a great defense the past few years and it didn't matter because the QB couldn't do anything.


    Now the issue becomes fixing the issues on D.


    I would not count on Aaron Williams. That neck injury is scary. Sure he will probably try to return but we saw what missing out top safety meant to this D. This team also needs some LBers. Sending Mario packing if he won't buy in will help as well.


    I think the Bills are trending up. If Tyrod improves even a little next season and stays healthy the Bills will be able to compete with anyone.


    Aside from all of that, Rex is an extremely bright man. You can heard it when he speaks at length about football, about sports in general, and especially sports history. He has a deep appreciation of the history of the game and is very well-spoken and thoughtful.


    It will get figured out.


    The team of Whaley and Rex is going to get it done. After seeing the names being tossed around for HC gigs right now we are in a good spot.


    Great post. Rex Ryan is a great coach and this team is going to be a contender with him. All of these fans that were calling for him to be fired are ridiculous as it takes a while to put together a winning program for a new head coach in a new organization. (See Bill Belichick of the 2000 New England Patriots going 5-11 his first year as head coach). Consistency is the most important part of a winning organization. I am very happy to have Rex Ryan as our coach.

  9. Everyone that wanted Rex Ryan fired and Doug Moron back ignores that Rex has a better winning percentage as a head coach of the Buffalo Bills. With all the injuries and lazy defensive players that didn't pick up the play book he still managed to bring this team to 8-8. How did he do that? A large part of those wins come from the QB Tyrod Taylor that he specifically brought in. Rex Ryan is the best coach we could have got and Bills fans should consider themselves lucky to have him as he is making this town and team RELEVANT again.

  10. From what Whaley said, I hope it's not career-threatening but a competitive player like Aaron Williams doesn't talk about retirement unless he's really feeling something off with his body. Aaron said that his doctors told him he might not be able to play again so unless there was a big change in opinions, I'm very confused. He's my favorite player on the defense after Gilmore and would love to see him playing for us again, but I think they really need to consider bringing in at least a veteran safety that isn't too expensive just to have some depth in the event Aaron Williams really can't play again, because at the very least it seems there is a big risk of that occurring.
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