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Posts posted by WrecksRyan

  1. You got here a week too late. We just beat the juggernaut Dallas Cowboys last Sunday, so everything is looking rosy again. A victory against the Jets and everyone will be talking about how we can build on this next year. After the 2016 draft, the parade routes will start to get planned.


    That's exactly what happened every year in New York. "We're gonna build on that strong finish and..........(insert unrealistic expectation here)... I feel for you guys, I do. I despise Rex and although the division rival in me loves it, I wouldn't wish that guy on anyone.


    but…but…you just wait until next year because….continuity.

    LOL Another thing that was said all along during his tenure in New York. "You can't change coaches every year (2, 3, whatever) and expect an organization to be successful!!!!" My take was always that once you know something isn't working, you move on regardless.


    Turns out you were pretty much right if that was your opinion before the season. Penalties killed us all year long. Players quit. We all know the story.

    The most surprising part is the D not responding at all to his scheme.


    Its not surprising that most teams would have given him another chance just like the Bills, sighting the Jets mess of a front office as the reason why they looked so bad at the end of his tenure in NJ.


    The people who really watched those Jets games knew it though. The fans could see right through him, just like you Wrecks. Ill hand it to ya, Jets fans arent the best looking, the smartest, the most rational or even smart at all, but if there is one thing that NYC knows, its football. Guys like you and Spags who suffered with this fool for too long. The type of guys who beat their sisters with wooden spaghetti spoons.


    Well he's ours now, and like you said, for one game, Rex can be Swayze in Roadhouse. So whats your prediction for this Sunday? Mine, 41-24 Bills.

    I think Rex will have the Bills frothing at the mouth and if the Jets can weather the early storm (they have their own issues with starting strong, they usually make adjustments in the second half), the Jets will win going away because the Bills motivation/over hypedness (not a word, I know) will drain them by the 2nd quarter. If that does happen, Jets win - 31-20.


    If the Bills take it right to the Jets and the Jets get down, which is entirely possible, then the BIlls could roll them up because the Jets play well when ahead, decently in a dogfight, but don't come from behind well. Bills win in that scenario. Call it 34-17.


    Gun to my head, I say the Jets win, though.

    To the rest of you, I swear I'm not trolling at all. And it's not an "I told you so" post, I am attempting to commiserate with people with whom I completely identify. It only seems like an "I told you so" attempt because I pointed out that no one would believe me.


    I feel the guy is incapable of being a head coach and is best off as a defensive coordinator - although after seeing what he did to a top defense this year, that may not even be the case any longer.

  2. In January when Wrecks was hired, I made a few posts about how you guys (and gals) would want Rex out of here before long. I admit I'm too lazy to look through the posts from the past 11 months to see, so this is an honest post and not a troll attempt.


    At the time, I was told by most responders that the Jets front office was to blame and that Rex would be successful in Buffalo because he would have the support of the front office. My thoughts on Rex being a clown with no ability to discipline his team, have input into an offense, and/or motivate the team consistently enough were met as unsubstantiated opinions and nothing more.


    What's the general consensus on him as a coach as we stand heading into the final week against my Jets? I want this game bad, and I know that despite his many shortcomings, Rex can get a team motivated for any one single game as well as anyone.


    Your thoughts, Bills Nation?


    Thanks. I know it may come across like a fan of a rival team trying to be negative about the Bills new coach. I am not a Rex fan but I like him, because he is genuine. I'd like to see him progress even though I also want the Jets to beat the bills... Obviously.
    Agreed. I like him as a person, his loyalty and his absolute passion are certainly plusses. But he never seemed to learn from any of his mistakes, just continued to make the same ones over and over. The team was seemingly never prepared, and always lacking in discipline. Rex runs a country club where he treats his players like men, but never holds them accountable. The result is a bunch of guys who absolutely love playing for him, but do what they want because they have no fear of repercussions - both on and off the field.

    Perfect article to explain what I mean. Worth the read. http://nypost.com/2015/01/14/hey-buffalo-rex-will-deliver-more-laughs-than-wins/



    Pretty uninformative article. Just a fish-hack spewing his personal opinions without much to back it up. Nothing to make me think Rex isn't a great coach who was caught in a bad situation his last few years in New York.

    Haha I'm telling you as a fan, that article is SPOT ON.

  5. I can tell you guys all you want to know about Rex. Ask away.


    1) favorite ice cream flavor

    2) favorite Chinese takeout item

    3) favorite ghost hunting TV show



    Of course, I meant as in how crappy a head coach he is. He's a great motivator and a near genius with defensive schemes, but he always forgets that there are three aspects to a football team, and the next game management mistake he learns from will be his first.

  6. Rex is most definitely an articulate guy. He's a man's man, and is loyal (almost to a fault) to his players. Your issues with him won't ever be about him as a person because he's a great guy, and someone you'd certainly love to have at a party, it grab a beer with.


    But his deficiencies as a head coach will become apparent to you rather quickly once the season starts.

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