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Posts posted by healdm6578

  1. said it for years.... dude is a trainwreck.


    i dont like to say guys cant turn it around, and i love a good redemption story -- but hes been a SERIOUS issue for every team hes ever played for dating back to high school. Ive seen no indication the light has come on or there is any desire to change.


    atleast with richie, there is a hope that he seemed to want to head the right direction even before his wake up call and time off.

    thumbs up

  2. schopp is a condescending a hole who seems to bring an attitude of anger and arrogance on air every day. He seems to quick to tell a person how wrong they are and does so in a way that probably makes them never want to call or listen again. But I think its part of his job, which is to talk sports and present a chance for conversation to take place. Pissing people off is a good way to do that.

  3. I stand corrected, though he was an alternate who got in after Marshall Yanda pulled out.

    And Kelly was a notorious partier and douche. But he did not find himself consistently in the kind of trouble that R.I. has. If you want to argue that this is a product of our hyper-driven media age, I guess you'd be half-right, but this stuff has been going on since he was less under the microscope in Nebraska.


    Again, hoping it works out, but I'm not obligated to think it's a great idea just because the Bills have been trotting out near-corpse-level play at OG.

    the media has a huge influence im sure there are tons of guys like him, personality wise. I hope it works. doesn't have to be a great idea. but you cant hit the ball unless you swing the bat I guess.

  4. His history of being a hothead !@#$ has defined him at just about every step of the way. What's the definition of insanity, again?


    People here are acting like this dude has even one Pro Bowl under his belt. He doesn't. People are getting way too excited about a serviceable guard a year removed from the league. I trust that this isn't plan A even though it will get the most press. If it is plan A, I feel no more excited about it than I would Kujo competing for the job.


    I can see why he has a fan base with the Flat Earth Society, but let's see him play a down as a Bill before parading around shirtless in the club celebrating this one.

    I understand but do you remember what Kelly said about buffalo and did to buffalo before becoming an angel is most fans eyes? lets just see what happens, respect the opposite viewpoint just don't fully understand.

    Right. You do realize his career earnings greatly exceed $10 million to date, right?


    The average US wage earner makes $44,000 a year.


    So Incognito has now earned what the average American earns in a mere 227 years.


    I'm sure his next stop is McDonald's, or a strip club bouncer as you suggest.


    Meatheads like this getting rich off of being a meathead due to nothing more than lucky genetics make me sick.


    This guy is an AHOLE.

    So you are suggesting that EJ's main problem is that he is taken advantage of and beaten up by opposing teams' defensive lines? And that no one on the Bills O-line comes to his aid?

    If you think this is what is holding EJ back, you need to watch more football.

    im sure when you were in your twenties you were a model citizen, not getting paid millions. yup his personality is arrogant ahole, just pointing out that he is human and can turn it around. redemption stories are awesome, lets hope for the best but expect the worse. jim Kelly is a PRIME example. he flat out said in his own way "f@#& buffalo" and now look at him. im also almost certain I have friends who legit might be his sons

  5. I think its interesting that people assume that this guy has not learned from his mistakes and is likely to repeat old mistakes. He certainly has a history of being a hot head ashole, but people change and mature, well most people. Do you same people think this guy is unaware that this might be his last chance before he moves on to his next career as a strip club bouncer? lets see if rex can help him and lets be happy the FO is being aggressive and bold. its fun and entertaining and isn't that what its about?

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