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Posts posted by schukamaru

  1. I think the Packers played poorly more than the Bills played well. If Nelson catches the 98 yard perfectly placed TD pass, the Bills lose that game by two touchdown


    There was another big if that pretty much negates this statement. If Gilmore makes his pick he runs it back for six and the game would've already been out of hand

  2. First time poster on this forum. I have been reading for years and finally signed up! I'm normally really pessimistic going into these big games for obvious heartbreaking reasons. However, I really think buffalo is going to put up a fight in this one. Actually i think they are going to win this one. Maybe it's because i refuse to believe these are the same old bills. It really is going to fall onto Orton as to whether we win. If we get good orton we win this game. The Defense will keep us in this game i don't doubt it for a second. Also, Hackett has got to have a better gameplan for this game than he did for Cleveland. Denver's D is solid but they are aggressive too. I honestly think the best way to exploit them would be to run screens to Brown and force them to dial back the pressure. Overall i think it will be a close grind it out game with Orton getting his revenge on Denver.

    Buffalo 27 Denver 24


    First time poster on this forum. I have been reading for years and finally signed up! I'm normally really pessimistic going into these big games for obvious heartbreaking reasons. However, I really think buffalo is going to put up a fight in this one. Actually i think they are going to win this one. Maybe it's because i refuse to believe these are the same old bills. It really is going to fall onto Orton as to whether we win. If we get good orton we win this game. The Defense will keep us in this game i don't doubt it for a second. Also, Hackett has got to have a better gameplan for this game than he did for Cleveland. Denver's D is solid but they are aggressive too. I honestly think the best way to exploit them would be to run screens to Brown and force them to dial back the pressure. Overall i think it will be a close grind it out game with Orton getting his revenge on Denver.

    Buffalo 27 Denver 24

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