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Bills Realist

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Posts posted by Bills Realist


    absolutely. it will be a mirace if this team finishes above .500 next season. to say this is a good day is wrong bordering on delusional.

    if marrone had a QB an iota better than Orton this team would still be playing this week-end.


    Hahaha! You've got to be kidding. Did you watch any of the games this season? While Orton isn't great, he had no line to help him. Fix O line problems and you win more games. If Maronne actually had situational awareness they would've won more games. He was flat out inept, plain and simple.

  2. I'm not ok with it and here's why.


    1. Hackett has proven he thinks he's smarter than other OC's in the league by trying to buck the trend and beat a team in the opposite fashion (ie passing against Houston when they can't stop the run), and giving up on the run against Oakland (another bad run D team)


    2. Hackett does not make adjustments in game. He either isn't smart enough to do it, doesn't prepare for teams shutting down parts of his offense or is just plain stubborn and won't give up. This isn't a good thing.


    3. Hackett does not have a grasp on game control, and overall just seems to be lost when he's out there. He isn't NFL ready yet.


    Well said. Hackett is pathetic. So are Maronne and Whaley.


    Marrone is going to keep him because it's Marrone's offense. Unless ordered to do so by management/ownership AND he doesn't quit over it, there is zero chance that Marrone will hire an innovative OC to run the offense. He will only want a guy who will run his offense, and he has that guy already.


    Right on. The only good thing that will come out of Hackett returning next season is that when the Bills offense fails again both Hackett and Maronne will get the axe.

  3. Has anyone been direct and asked DM Why his O-line sucks? I think he is confusing effort with results. If he was an O-lineman, why does his O-line look like one of the worst ever fielded in Buffalo. With the exception of Levitre, it is essentially the same as last year and the Bills led the league in rushing.


    Let me ask you? If Rex Ryan coached this present team, do you think we would have had more success? I bet you we would. IMO DM is in way over his head. He has been out-coached in several games. Why did he wait so long in the Raider game to go to the no huddle?? He is an absolute idiot. The offense started moving the ball effectively.


    This defense kept him in every game and even won most of them despite his and Hacketts disfunctional offense. Unfortunately that may be enough to keep him around another year so next year I expect much of the same. Likely regression.






  4. Lets start EJ next week. Very few QB's in the history of NFL have done well in their rookie year- more often then not they look awful. I remember watching first round pick Alex Smith and thinking how bad he looked and didn't think he would make NFL. But Alex Smith improved and is a decent starter- he made progress. EJ has all the physical tools, great attitude and work ethic. Maybe we have a solid QB next year and they are already on the roster- and his name his EJ.


    Just stop already. I'm so tired of reading this delusional garbage from EJ fanboys. Get this straight: EJ is terrible, he was terrible in Florida. He will always be terrible. He was a wasted pick,thanks to Whaley, and a cancerous growth on the field, thanks to Maronne.



    Come on, Steve. The offense went 6 straight 3 and outs and failed to move the ball for 3 quarters while the defense suffered injuries to two of its best players.


    This wasn't on the defense. They played hard. This was squarely on the coaches and Mr. "I'm a huge vagina" Orton. The guy should be walking home.


    Did you actually watch the game? The defense collapsed after Darius went out.



    I'll overstate it for the sake of argument:




    Hackett isn't some autonomous OC who's independently doing his own thing. He's Marrone's protege. He's the guy Marrone chose to install Marrone's offense and execute Marrone's offensive ideas.




    The GB win had more to do with mental errors by GB, NOT because Maronne out coached them, or the Bills outplayed them. Keeping Maronne, Hackett and Whaley only guarantees more of Maronnes canned responses for losing games next season.

  7. Marrone and Hackett and Pettine/Schwartz have made the Bills relevant in December(and we still have a 41.6% chance if we win out) for the first time in 10 years.


    And that means they've sealed their fate? :wacko::lol: :lol: Yet another dude trying to disprove the "Bills fans are the most knowledgeable in the NFL" adage.


    Seriously. The go in as 9.5 dogs, and not only cover, but make it a game after making all sorts of execution(not coaching) errors, and you're talking about 4th down calls? :wacko: If Chandler goes up and gets the ball on 4th and 6? This is a different game. That was a great call, and we have to expect Chandler to make that play. Meanwhile with the game on the line, you want us to take a chance that if we miss, we have 0 chance, rather than punt, and still have a chance? We scored a TD right after punting. :wallbash:


    So tired of this broken record/non-thinking about Marrone/Hackett. The man has done a hell of a job with at best average(right now) QBs and losing both his stud RBs for much of the season, and is playing WRs who haven't played for 3 years(used to be the rule that it takes that long for a WR to learn the game).


    I don't know where in WNY this non-thinking originates, but if I find it, I will respond. Perhaps I will pay a farmer to drop 1 ton of manure there.




    This is what I mean when I say "The Bills are not your problem".


    EDIT: We go in and give the best team in the league, and the best QB to ever play the game, hell, and his worst rating in 6 years, and that seals fates? :lol: Patently retarded.


    Actually, it was the defense that gave Manning hell. The offense sure as hell didn't give Denver's defense any problems.


    I love seeing obvious fanboy posts like yours. It really shows just who is "patently retarded".



    Q: Coach Marrone, what should we do on 4th and 1? A: meow


    Effing classic!


    You are absolutely correct. The coaching is terrible on this team. Marrone coaches scared from the opening kickoff every week. And that has rubbed off on the team. We have no swag whatsoever....We don't have great quarterbacking, but the team has gotten worse as the season has progressed. In fact, the team has gotten steadily worse on offense over the entire Marrone era. We are a completely dink and dunk offense. That will not win in the NFL. The Dolphins figured it out real quick. The Jets will do the same. Anybody can coach a dink and dunk offense. It takes absolutely no creativity. Marrone is a knuckle head who would have trouble coming up w a creative offense for a HS team. If we can't get to at least 8-8 he should absolutely get fired. No reason we should not beat the Jets Browns and Raiders. But if we lose to the Jets, and the offense doesn't show up, it will start getting ugly. The players have no loyalty to Marrone, because he hasn't led them anywhere. And he coaches not to lose. A Williams already called out Marrone for that. The players all know what an NFL head coach should be about. They have all played ball their entire lives. Marrone is not that. Again it will get ugly if we lose tom nite. And it should, because 5-5 will become 6-10 real fast. And at that point, the entire organization should be canned. Starting w Russ Brandon. His stench continues to stain this organization thru Whaley Marrone and Hackett... I think my son's varsity football coach in Metro Atlanta could outcoach Marrone.


    Couldn't have said it better myself.

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