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Posts posted by Heeaaayyy

  1. I think the game will be decided in the defensive secondary. I like the Bills receivers better and I like the Bills secondary better. I'd almost encourage the Bills to pass a lot. It'll wear down their DL and possibly open up the run game.


    Agreed. The Bills secondary hasn't been great either but from the little I've seen of the Jets they are just as bad. Plus, with Fred and CJ out and the Jets D-line, I think passing is the best option - if we can protect.


    I'm not going to say who I think is going to win because I don't want to jinx them ;)

  2. I narrowed it down to those as my bottom 3 for this week - Eddie Lacy, Vincent Jackson, and Kendall Wright are also starting (this has not been my best year).


    I've been waiting for Sankey to break out for a few weeks now and it hasn't happened. I know he has the potential to, but I think Brown does too. Thanks for your input.


    Edit: grammar

  3. Excited to see what Bryce Brown will offer us.


    I can't wait. I've been excited since we sign him. I remember watching him on the Eagles and thinking that he would be a #1 back soon. It struck me as a little weird that he signed with the Bills as a 3rd/4th stringer. But maybe he was looking into the future when Jackson retires and Spiller is traded.


    Of course, I could be wrong and he's just not as good as I think.

  4. At this point, "long term" is December and January -- and for that, Uncle Rico is plenty good. If they can get (and stay) healthy, and figure out a way to disguise the imposters posing as OGs, these Bills can beat anyone.


    You're leaving out February which is where we all ultimately want to be. I agree that Orton can get us to the playoffs which would be great but then we'd have to start all over again with a new QB in a few years anyway.


    Good point about the O-line, we won't be getting very far if they don't improve.

  5. I'm not so sure yet that this team is really different. I hope they are, but I'm not sold.


    The story has always been the same, either the Bills have a good enough QB to win but don't have the talent around them or they have a good team without a decent QB. This team still doesn't have a quarterback. Orton may be good enough for a year or two but he's not the long term solution.

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