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Posts posted by Watchtower62

  1. The Jets and Bills Week 12 game at Ralph Wilson Stadium is still scheduled for 1 PM ET Sunday despite seven feet of snow expected in Buffalo.

    Yes, that's SEVEN FEET. Buffalo has already gotten upwards of four feet of white powder, and another 1.5 to 3 feet are expected overnight Wednesday. The Bills aren't able to practice Wednesday, as the coaches and players can't all make it to the facility. The Ralph Wilson Stadium crew has removed over 220,000 tons of snow from the playing surface. We'd think the NFL will need to decide the game's status by Thursday afternoon.

  2. Bills are going into the bye week 5-3 (where many of us hoped we would be moving towards the second half of the season).


    What concerns me with the team is the inability to address commonly discussed issues like the turnstiled OL and possibly another CB.


    If I am Whaley, I am going to be making several calls around the league to see if the team can acquire a OG or CB to help with the depth and final run into the season.


    What are some of the realistic options that are to be had and are the Bills going to be actively searching for more help as the deadline approaches?



  3. The New York Daily News reports that the Giants have "some interest" in disgruntled Bills WR Mike Williams.

    In the wake of Victor Cruz's season-ending knee injury, the Giants will at least explore Williams. He's been granted permission to seek a trade after getting scratched in Week 6. Still, the Giants would be insane to give up compensation for an average player who is set to make $5.2 million guaranteed in 2015. They're better off going in-house, expanding Odell Beckham's role and giving Preston Parker/Corey Washington shots.

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