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Posts posted by GrassValleyGreg

  1. You guys are petty as hell. Fat Marrone? Are you 12 years old? You may not like it but it's very likely that Doug started the turn around of what was a pitiful franchise. Instilled some discipline and accountability. Move on already.

  2. nice, Fred is staying. Leroi's status as an insider takes a hit. Just don't take any Jets whaley. they are losers and we know it


    Leroi was right until Pegula stepped in. But who really cares? Why don't we stop keeping tabs on supposed "insiders" and publicly admonishing when their prognostications turns out to be wrong. Take things with a grain of salt and be grateful some of us have insight.

  3. Wow. What a dumb thread. Could you grasp for straws anymore? I was listening to the segment when it happened. He said "it wouldn't surprise him" if they still brought in another free agent. He didn't even say he thinks it will happen. And Bulldog agreed with him. Sal, everybody's darling at the moment, disagreed with him. I happen to agree with Joe Buscaglia here. It wouldn't surprise me either. What is with all the vitriol constantly directed toward Buffalo media members? It's ridiculous. I live in Denver and I cannot even begin to tell you how much better Schopp and the Bulldog are than the afternoon drive guys in Denver. The only guys I'm not cool with are Gleason and Sullivan. The WGR guys are just fine. Joe B is good at what he does. So is Jeremy White. And I honestly believe that all you who say otherwise are just jealous that guys like Joe B worked to a point that they get to cover the Buffalo Bills for a living while you are sitting at a desk somewhere doing some mundane job and you're pissed off about what you didn't do with your career.



  4. Forget Revis. Devin McCourty is the guy we need to get and IMO more valuable in Rex's defense than Revis. Sure, Revis is a better coverage guy, but McCourty is way more versatile and can do more things in Rex's defense. He can cover TE's, can take away the middle, and is a solid tackler. Rex can get really creative with this guy.


    Other guys we should be lookin at is Mike Iupati, David Harris, and Niles Paul.


    If we can get McCourty, Iupati, Harris, and Paul in free agency. Get some more defensive players and o-lineman in the draft, we'll be AFC championship contenders.


    Last two days getting you a little greedy eh?

  5. I'm good with the coaches and FO right now. They've shown they have done enough.


    If we lose Highes this offseason it'll suck but find a reasonable pass rusher in FA to replace.


    Draft a TE and LG with your 2nd and 3rd round draft picks.


    Load up on TE, G, RB for the rest of the draft or FA.


    If you can't pick up a decent QB in FA or the draft, make sure you put as many weapons and help around EJ and Kyle and let them battle it out next season


    Don't think it will be prudent to sign Hughes at the price he will be demanding. Figure he might be a bit more exposed without the likes of the Williams's and Dareus.

  6. I'm as skeptical as any Bills fan but I'm starting to believe we are finally in good hands with the FO. Obviously have an eye for talent, and free agency acumen has been highlighted by this year's mid-season moves.


    Nigel Bradham (who we should give a new contract to immediately) had a good quote on the state of the roster today:


    "Depth. Thats something we didn't have in the past. We got depth now. So if a guy goes down we pretty much got another starter coming in. And that's the main thing with the team this year: we added depth at every position. And its amazing. And we needed that."

  7. I couldn't stand when the media started hopping on the Browns bandwagon 2 weeks ago. I knew they were a farce again due to a simple lack of talent. So expect the media to jump on board a bit after we beat the Jets and alot when we slap K.C around and we are 6-3. The only difference is we actually have the talent that most teams lack. When was the last time we could say that? Let's go Buffalo!


    I've heard this line all year. I understand "W's are hard to come by in the NFL" but the Lions, Texans and Minny games are some of the worst game I have seen in my life. It's amazing how a W masks ineptitude and propels delusion.

  8. Agreed. A mercy removal.


    This was a huge mistake from the get go. The guy graded an astoundingly bad (-21.4) at St Louis, and was their worst linemen. He was graded as that lines biggest liability in 2013. Why he was signed in the first place was beyond me, as even Legursky never, ever graded that bad. To put it in perspective that is Colin Brown bad territory.


    Up till the Detroit game RG Erik Pears has graded a (-12.4) in the run game, and his pass block efficiency was ranked 63 out of 69 OG's, and to be honest I can't figure which 6 were playing worse then him. I'd say Williams, Richardson, Urbik are probably 3 of those.


    Now at LG Cyril Richardson graded (-10.7) , and then considering he was playing against Suh, Fairley he really didn't do to badly. Currently the Buffalo Bills grade as the worst offensive line in the NFL, and are fielding rookies at RT & LG. Sill there is no reason why they continue to play Pears at RG. He is grading as the very worst OG in the NFL, and he is better then Williams....



    Just some food for thought here. In 2012 Andy Levitre graded a (+17.3), and graded as the best pass blocking player on that line. So, the Bills let one of their best O lineman leave, and continue to try and replace him with utter garbage.

    I don't get it.


    Don't take PFF as such a bible. What is there not to get? Levitre is making 8.6 million (!) this year and reports out of TENN is that he's been close to getting benched.


    This signing was a lower investment, "hope we are getting this talented, once 1st round pick on upswing of career". Certainly a calculated risk. But please stop only using PFF as the only evidence for games you've never watched.

  9. Even the casuals knew this was a horrible signing when it happened.


    Which shouldn't mean anything. Unless you watched him play guard at St. Louis, then the only thing "casuals" have to go by is PFF which is far from perfect. Not a good start, but way to early to call a horrible signing especially with his cap hit the next 3 years.


    Yeesh... We have to be looking for OG in round 2 next year. Hope Orton works out so we don't have to go QB.


    Orton should not, by any means, stop the FO from drafting a QB at the top of the draft.

  10. I've thought about this the last couple of weeks. Crowds are so wealthy now, that the seats are often empty a good 5 minutes into the 3rd quarter. As an away team, you should defer just so your offense will have zero 3rd quarter crowd noise to make the very important first drive of the second half. As home team, you should also defer to give your crowd some time to get in its seats for the first defensive stand.


    Poke holes in that theory!


    Beat me to it! Well said!!


    I know that one factor many coaches use to make the determination on deferring is taking advantage of crowd noise on defense.


    If you defer, you have a strategic advantage in terms of crowd noise. When at home, pretty much every fan is going to be in their seat for opening kickoff, so you have a full crowd in place on the first drive of the game, whereas many fans don't make it back to their seat before the second-half kickoff, creating a more welcoming environment for the visiting team. If you're on the road, you still want to defer for this same reason.

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