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The Fredonia Curse

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Posts posted by The Fredonia Curse

  1. Good luck to all and hope it's not a reverse trap!

    Thanks. What is a reverse trap and how would that work in this instance?

    Rex is a blowhard. Anything else?

    He plays the Patriots better than any other HC in the NFL (not counting 2007 and 2012 Coughlin). He lives for these games and his schemes usually do well against Brady. He's very good at drawing up exotic blitzes up the middle to prevent Brady from stepping up. If he puts the team in the position to win tomorrow he deserves a lot of credit.

  2. Read between the lines, it's not hard to see... We lose by 1 and I make bank

    The line opened at 4 and got pushed all the way to 7 offshore and 6.5 in Vegas. The books are absolutely terrified of a Pats cover. This is almost identical to the Steelers-Dolphins game 2 weeks ago. Low closing line that everyone thought was easy money. If it seems to good to be true....it always is. I'm hoping to snag Bills ML at +240 tomorrow morning. It's +225 at MGM and +220 everywhere else. You living in Vegas by any chance?

  3. Fun facts for you guys from a Vegas analytics Bills fan


    Rex has kept the Patriots within 8 points in all of his last 7 games dating back to his Jets days. The most popular bet this week at all Vegas books and offshore sites is Patriots -6.5 by far. About 95% of the money is on the Pats covering. Books around the world are set to lose ~50 million if the Pats cover. Expect a very close game with some weird illegal contact, holds, roughing the passer type penalties that go the Bills way. Don't be surprised if the Bills win outright. You heard it here first.

  4. 4) before the half? I thought he played it perfect. We were playing for a field goal knowing we got the ball to start the 3rd.


    6) Fisher made 2 awful calls at the end of the game. Coaches have lost their jobs over less.


    8) Dude is an absolute baller. Very few mistakes. Fred Jackson is smiling.


    9) Gilmore has become one of the most inconsistent DBs I've ever watched. He flashes some serious recovery speed and ball skills.

  5. Out of curiosity, to all the people defending TT in this thread, if you are the Bills and we get this same type of production all year do you Take the out in the contract or move forward paying him $27M next season?

    To me the question isn't whether he's good enough so far, it's how much you are willing to invest in him moving forward. Like Bado said upstream, his accuracy has regressed this year and it's a bit shocking. I hope to hell he improves during the season making the decision easy because right now it's a really tough decision.

    What's our record at the end of the season? Just win baby.


    When you look at Tyrod as a QB you have to take into account his running stats/threat of him running. He keeps defenses honest in a way QBs like Big Ben can't do (although he does it in his own way). So when you look at his 124 passing yards you have to remember what he did on the ground and how he kept the defense on their toes which makes it easier for McCoy to

    Get going.

    All of that being said I feel he is a middle of the pack QB. No better, no worst.


    Great point. Thank you.

  7. I like Tyrod. He has a lot of pros in his favor.


    He has a lot of cons too.


    He is not a bad player, but he's not a particularly good passer either.


    He's sort of slightly too good to be a backup, but only because there is such a dearth of starting QB talent in the league these days.


    I would like to continue to try and aggressively find "the guy" at QB, b/c Tyrod ain't it.

    So we cut him next year right? You guys are out of your mind.


    Would Tyrod have won the SB last year as the Broncos starting QB? Yes.


    Play D, force turnovers, don't turn the ball over, put enough points up to win games ON THE ROAD.

  8. I give a ton of credit to Marrone for throwing Carpenter out there for the 58 yarder. It was an easy call to make but I feel like some of the last few coaches (jauron, gailey) would've sent the punt team out and played for OT... I loved every second of it. Great game all around.


    I just moved to a new city and spent $80 on shots for all the people around me at the Bills bar when that kick went through. Gonna regret that tomorrow.


    Huge game next week but I'm extremely confident. Go bills!!!!

  9. Absolutely no way Pears makes the list of all-time Bills worst players. C'mon man!!


    He may be one of the worst players on the team currently (totally playing out of position..BTW), but you have to look at overall body of work.

    I saw TJ Graham got thrown into the discussion. He actually very well could be one of the worst all around football players this team has ever seen. I cringed every time I saw him catch a ball with his body. The guy had absolutely no natural pass catching ability. He had no place on even the worst of collegiate football program's WR corps. How he even made it into the NFL is beyond me. Dude should've got his degree and started coaching girls middle school track and field. Or maybe head over to Enterprise like all the rest of us.
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