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Uffalo Ills

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Posts posted by Uffalo Ills

  1. Yeaaaaaah how about nope. Might as well not even have a team then. Fans wouldn't show up. No way it happens. Think about all the jerseys that would have to be taken off the shelves. #14 is already irrelevant, but next #25 and #5? From a pure marketing perspective that's a dumb as **** move.

  2. Kurt Warner should absolutely be in. he took 2 different teams to the super bowl. they weren't glamour teams either. the rams and the cardinals enjoyed probably the most success in their history with him guiding them.

    Well the greatest show on turf was kinda a glamour team

  3. If so, the decision to once again let the coach who ran the strong unit go (Lynn, and before that Schwartz) is going to look really really bad. Our defense is good, let the DC go. Our offense is good, let the OC go. This has been a concern of mine all along.

    I trust Dennison, our passing game should improve. Our run game might suffer a bit due to regression from Miller (he's not a good fit for the scheme), but Shady is a FANTASTIC ZBS runner. He'll be fine.

  4. I mean I hope so! He was used and abused in Philly but we shall see. Nagging injuries could hurt his longevity, but his usage rate is fairly low. Our offense runs through him, yet he averages under 16 carries a game. He's not being used as a workhorse and with capable backups, we could certainly hope to extend his career. Plus he's not a bruiser, so his body might not be as shot when he hits 30.

  5. I suggest another way to answer this question is to consider how well a player would have done in another player's era.

    -- Jim Kelly would have been great in any era. Tough player, very good passer, excellent leader. He did benefit from excellent players around him, but his own skills were really excellent.

    -- Jack Kemp was very effective in his era, very good leader, very strong arm, not terribly accurate as a passer -- completion percentage below 50%. He might have been pretty good in today's game but his inaccuracy would have held the team back. QBs now have to be able to get the ball into very tight windows to defeat sophisticated defenses. Not so much in the 60s.

    -- Joe Ferguson was pretty good, and his game would have worked OK earlier and later. I think if you put Ferguson into the Bills teams of the 60s, he would not have done as well as Kemp, because Ferguson wasn't as good a leader, and the NFL in those days was more about unity of purpose than individual accomplishments. If you put Ferguson into the Bills team of today, I think he'd have them in the playoffs but not the SB.

    -- I don't know why Fitz isn't talked about as a candidate at least to be on the list. He had his stinkers of games but they all did. He's gotten worse since he left the Bills but while he was here he did OK. I think he would have been more effective in the 60s game than he was in the 2000s while here. On the 60s teams, he'd be better than Kemp was.

    -- Lamonica didn't play all that well while he was here. He couldn't even beat out Kemp as the starter. Sure, he did great elsewhere, but so did Bledsoe. I'm looking at what players did while actually with the Bills.

    -- Flutie was entertaining and frustrating. He would have been entertaining and frustrating in any era. Not as good a passer as Taylor, not really as good a runner as Taylor, much more divisive than Taylor. Flutie was about Flutie, and TT at least has the team's best interest at heart. How could you put Flutie on the list and not include Taylor?

    -- The most talented passer, other than Kelly, was Rob Johnson. By far not the best QB. Not on my list.


    1. Kelly

    2. Ferguson

    3. Kemp

    4. Fitz

    5. TT

    The defense had the team in the playoffs those years.

    Jack Kemp was the 60s version of Michael Vick. Awesome arm and escapability, but not terribly accurate.

  6. Mike Williams at 10

    2nd round pick traded to cowboys for Romo

    Ryan Switzer In the 4th


    Williams Watkins Clay Switzer McCoy and Romo = 12-4


    Send me the paycheck dougie.

    Someone please tell me who is supplying everyone on this forum with crack. Drugs are bad mmmkay?

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