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Posts posted by SinceWarMemorial

  1. Led Zeppelin, Tampa Stadium, 1977


    3 and a half songs before the rain came down in sheets.......Plant said "we will be back when the rain stops"........30 minutes later the PA announcer said the band was on their way to Orlando, tickets would be refunded. then.........all hell broke loose.........major riot....cops hitting kids with billy clubs on their heads cracking skulls........etc etc


    Didn't matter to me.........I saw my fav band......at least for a few songs. it meant everything to me as a kid.

  2. Sickeningly enough, although I am not surprised...most of the news services are talking up this HUGE HURRICANE and mentioning every place it is expected to hit.......and most of them are forgetting we have a very large Naval Base directly in the way of this storm.


    Gitmo is on the eastern most part of Cuba, with this ferocious storm heading right for it.....and I am hearing that families and non-essentials are being air lifted out....there will be plenty of our folks still there that must ride this out. The problem is many parts of Gitmo are a few feet above sea level, and it's going to take a direct hit.


    I'm worried about this one for them.





  3. Yeah it sucks....but this game wasn't like last week's unacceptable loss, because last night, we showed some heart and some passion....and almost came back. That's what was missing last week....no heart. This week we were a different team and I'm not going to fault anyone. Do we have miles to go? Hell yeah....


    stop with all the mistakes, play like a cohesive unit and not a group of individuals looking to make a highlight reel, and get back to the basics....and we should be able to recover and compete.

  4. We need Marty Schottenheimer.


    I'd fire Rex now and bring in Brian Billick for the season. Then, secretly offer Bill Polian 3M for two years to phone in his expertise and help rebuild the team and find coaches and a new GM....

  5. I remember watching him when I was young. He was a very good news person for a market the size of Buffalo.



    Irv was classic.......even as a kid I could pick up on the drama he would inject into the most mundane story. Rather than saying "there was a car wreck on Sheridan Drive" he would lead the story with "Blood spills in the streets of Buffalo tonight" lol

  6. ...to magically "come back" from any time.....and be the player he was for the Bills.... whom would it be?



    to make it more interesting, you can't bring back Bruce, Kelly, OJ, or Kemp


    You can only pick one player....... if you pick more........your first pick goes on record.



    For me, right here right now.... Andre

  7. Well, if,you want a defensive minded HC you could poach ole Wade Philips.

    He seemed to do good with the players he inherited last year.


    the team we played today once had a coach who took his team to a Lombardi......he's not doing much these days other than "football analysis"

  8. I will allow the kids and casual fans here to go on and on with "it's just one game", or "Hey, we just need one guy to", etc etc etc....


    To those of us who have been around a while.......the manner in which we played this game has us more bent out of shape than the actual Loss itself.

  9. I'm flabbergasted with his public responses and find it very disheartening. I certainly expected so much better from him as we all did. I see a statement coming out from both the Bills and Sammy, per damage control, on the way soon.

    what was it he said?


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