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Posts posted by rwils28

  1. Unless Manziel magically falls to us at 9, which now that Mariota is out is quite unrealistic. I’m not anywhere near sold that EJ is a Franchise QB, if Manziel was there I would take him. Otherwise, if McCarron, Boyd or Murray are still there in the 3rd, select the best QB to challenge EJ. I think any of the three have almost as much potential as EJ had last year when he was drafted.


    Offensive line is glaring weakness, and as much as I like Mack at LB, we have too many needs, and need the extra picks. There is a lot of excellent OL line talent this year that would go lower than he will, without a huge drop in potential return to the team. And 2nd round LB, and talent in general is again excellent this year.


    Trade back, picking up another 2nd round pick and maybe even another 3rd or 4th, depending on the position of the pick.


    In the 1st Select:


    Antonio Richardson, OT

    “a massive offensive tackle with the ability to re-route pass rushers and be a road-grader in the ground game”


    Or if he is gone, Taylor Lewan, OT

    “lateral agility and balance in his kick-slide to maintain the edge, while also possessing the strength to lock up his opponent”


    Select in the 2nd:


    Austin Seferian-Jenkins TE 2nd. Not a burner for speed, but we have Goodwin for that. Big and reliable, with good hands and that big target we need in the middle. This negates the need for the pick of the big WR early, letting us get one in the 3rd or 4th.


    Shayne Skov, ILB 2nd. Shift Kiko to OLB where he is well suited and let Skov cover the middle and the run.


    If we don’t select a QB in the 3rd. Select a big WR in the 3rd. Or in the 4th. To fill the hole that Da’ Rick might have filled.


    Fill up on OL potential and needs using the rest of the picks.

    I Like it ......

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