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Posts posted by Kent14

  1. Not to mention the ethanol industry. Corn costs more, which has driven up the price of beef, chiclken, pork, and milk. Also, since farmers are getting more money for con than for other crops, they are grpwing less wheat, barley, soy, etc.


    All this thanks to the magical fuel known as ethanol.


    If ethanol had not driven up the price of corn, most farmers would not have planted anything this spring. As it stands there should be a profit this year for farmers but not to the extent most think. There are a few farmers in my area that go through 1,000 gallons of diesel fuel a day during the spring planting. This is in upstate NY where fields are relatively small. I can't imagine what the farmers in the mid-west go through in a day. The price of most fertilizers has also increased dramatically. If corn were still $4 a bushel like last fall, or even $2.50 a bushel as it was before that, the farmers could not overcome the cost of fuel and fertilizer and the fields would have set idle.


    This stands for the dairy, beef, poultry, and pork farms as well. It takes oil/diesel/gas to run the tractors, plant the crops, clean the barns, and feed the animals. Yes, the price of corn that is fed has increased but so have nearly all of the other inputs.


    Ethanol may not be the solution but without it there would be hardly any crops and or meat reaching the market at any price.

  2. And the 4 INT game you cited is a bit misleading, is it not?  He had two balls bounce off receivers hands and get picked, another was a desperation toss at the end of the game.  But since you're into stats, take a peak at JP's numbers.  Then take a peak at Holcomb's.  Same players, different results.





    Just because the receivers managed to get their hands on them doesn't mean that they weren't poor throws by Holcolmb. I'll give you the interception that Shelton tossed into the defenders hands. Even though the throw was poor there is no way that would have been intercepted had Shelton not played hot potatoe with it.


    IMO Holcomb makes some of the same stupid decisions as JP does. The difference is that Holcomb has been in the league a long time. He should have learned from those mistakes by now. The fact that he hasn't backs up my belief that he is an excellent back up or spot starter but he has never been, nor will he ever be, a full time starting caliber quarterback.


    The fans and media that call for Holcomb to start seem desperate for any win. All year long many claimed that by starting Losman and giving him playing time you were throwing the season away. IMO it was obvious by game 3 that there wasn't a season to throw away. There was no play-off caliber defense wasted. All that was gained by starting Holcomb was to delay the growing pains of a young quaterback.


    Campy I don't know where you stand on the issue and I am not calling you out. You just happened to post something I felt I needed to respond to. I had not entered into this arguement during the season.


    I don't know if Losman is the answer at quarterback, but I really hope that he is and I am pulling for him. What I do know is that Holcomb is not the answer. He is a career journeyman quarterback who can give you a good game now and then. He has been in this league for 10 years and still hasn't found "it". There will be no light bulb that finally turns on in his head. Give JP the ball and see if he can find "IT".


    It amazes me that some fans will give Holcomb more time to improve after 10 years but they won't even give JP 10 games.

  3. Thanks for the info. I've been trying to find stuff online about neighborhoods but they aren't very informative. If the move happens it will be in July. Gives us a chance to get settled before the school year starts. I NEED to convince the wife to do this. She is very much against leaving her family. <_<

  4. Happens to be the same place I work -- first I highly doubt he is being promoted to Asst Mger after less than 3 months - he would not even be "on his own" working at the desk for very long right now, if at all. Also that $38k is a little inflated, unless he plans on working alot of OT and getting tips, etc.  May be sugarcoating some of that.


    Other than that which bothered me when I read it lol, I think this is a great place to live.  It's just more upbeat than WNY.  More options of things to do outside of work, great places to eat (ok they are expensive and nothing like the places in WNY, but not much is), and some really nice places to live as long as you can afford.  And of course the weather is great.  Its almost 8 pm here right now and about 60 degrees outside.  I think so far this "winter" its gotten to 32 twice in the early am.  That's it.  And it's funny to see everyone running around all bundled up with winter type clothes on while I have a sweatshirt on.  Definitely good place to live, and being an ex WNYer i would definitely agree.  If you're going to be here during football season, go to Johnny Macs on Boulder Hwy in Henderson, great food and great crowds for the Bills games.



    He could easily have been exaggerating a bit.

    How long have you been out there? I guess the main questions I have pertain to what area I should be looking at for an apartment/house. How would you compare the cost of living to WNY?

  5. When committing an illegal act always place a plastic bag over your shooting hand with the weapon inside, when fired the bag will catch the cartridge.


    AAlso, they can only trace the catridges if they have the weapon to tie it to.  Destroy the weapon, no trace.



    Ok, now you guys are getting a little scary. :doh:

  6. Just how much cash are we talking here? I'm looking for any excuse to get away from the East Coast. The East is like an old person's house. It has the setench of decay about it.



    He moved out there the first week of November. I'm not sure how he got the job but he ended up checking people in at the front desk. He didn't start the job until the 3rd week of November. Two weeks ago he told me he was getting a promotion to assistant manager. He said with that job he would clear over $38,000 per year. Not crazy money by any stretch but impressive for a guy that never made more than $12/hour around WNY, never went to college, barely graduated high school, and has only been out there for 2 1/2 months.

  7. Whatever you move into - install bottled water - perferablly from out of town - not the Colorado


    Lots of good jobs there - bartending is better than dealing  :blink:



    I bartended through college and really enjoyed it. The manager of the bar I worked at during college now manages a few bars in a casino out there. That is probably where I would end up.

    A high school buddy of mine who never went to college recently moved out there. He spent the last 8 years working at Tops. He makes more money out there now working at the front desk of the MGM Grand than either my wife(the teacher) or I (the gov't worker) do. Unreal.

  8. I've wanted to move out to Vegas for a few years now but always held off as my wife enjoyed being around her family. Found out last week that I am getting laid off the first week of Feb. Seems like a good time to try the move as we don't have any kids to uproot as of yet. I have some contacts out there but I wondered if anyone on the board had any advice. Thanks.

  9. yes...they will send you stuff as game time comes closer.  There are levels of goodies, depending on your groups size (20 is pretty small, since 15 is the minimum number)  Towels were nice.  I think the cops are cheesy.




    I'll hold off on calling them then. Thanks

  10. Thats it, and do not forgrt the groovy hat that comes in the box with the cups. Actually, the cups are quite cool, I use them all the time



    Thanks for the info. I think I'll call them and see what's going on. Maybe they won't ship the bonus stuff until it's closer to the game.

  11. I have a group of 20 people that want to go to a game this year so we purchased tickets for the Denver game on Dec 17. In the past when I purchased group tickets we would get towels with the Bills logo on them. Does anyone know if they stopped doing that this year? All I have recieved is the tickets. I wondered if anyone on the board knows before I call the ticketing department. Thanks.

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