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Posts posted by ChallengeHistory

  1. Until we have the whole story…which we may never get…I’ll reserve judgment. There are 2 sides to every story. Freeman did play really bad over the past 10+ games (without looking up stats, he’s really only had 1 good season) and we have no idea how he’s carried himself behind closed doors. It definitely doesn’t sound like he’s a leader. He oversleeps and misses the team photo. He pouted over not being voted team captain by his peers. Who knows what kind of conversations he’s had with Schiano.


    Definitely a strange situation and I am interested as more info gets leaked.


    The kid threw for over 4,000 yards, 27 TD's and 17 INT's last year.


    I mean, c'mon.

  2. How so? After 5 games?


    1) With a young team, winning one - losing one, winning one - losing one, is impossible to build momentum and confidence.


    2) Then we have Miami, NO, KC, Jets, Atlanta. If we lose this game, and lose confidence, that could be a 1-4 stretch. If not 0-5. If we win this game, and get some confidence, and beat Cinci, then that stretch could be 3-2 or 2-3.

  3. What is it the Bills need to do to beat the Browns?


    What is it you will need to see as a follow up to beating the former Browns?


    Tonights key to victory is rushing yards and turnovers. Whoever wins both wins this game.


    If we can bring consistent pressure and perform with the same momentum that we brought last week then I will believe this team is stepping up. On offense we need to see better scheming but it will boil down to an old school game - running and pounding it



  4. Just because of our injury situation


    - We are beat up.....everybody's limpin.....players who would normally be starting for us on the sidelines going against other teams starters....


    - EJ Manuel the rookie has to show he can win on the road.......


    - If they can just find a way to win this game....and I dont care if its by 1 point or 100 points........THEN we have 17 days off to get players like Stephon Gilmore, Leodis McKelvin, Spiller healthy....Fred Jackson Healthy.....Urbik some rest.....maybe our olympian speedster back for special teams.......maybe Jarius Byrd?


    Just find a way to win bills....then reinforcements are coming


    It's important because if they lose, the season is over (as far as playoffs go).


    If they win, they have a chance to play Cinci on a 10 day rest and then go into Miami with a chance to take a 5-2 record and firm grasp on 2nd place in the division.

  5. Former Ravens linebacker Ray Lewis said earlier this month that he believed that the blackout in the Superdome during the Ravens’s Super Bowl victory was not an accident.


    A longtime teammate of Lewis’ feels the same way. During an interview with Lisa Salters for ESPN, Ravens linebacker Terrell Suggs said he shared Lewis’ belief that there were people behind the scenes maneuvering to get the lights out as a way to halt the momentum that had carried the Ravens to a 28-6 in the third quarter of the game.



  6. That's the thing-- the media was quick to consider this guy a stud because he played on a great defense. But if you watch them play and listen to what all the Niner experts have to say, it's the same old story on Whitner-- poor angles, bad coverage, late to the ball, no big plays. Fact is, we're probably unnecessarily harsh on him because he was a 3rd round talent but we took him 8th overall. Not his fault that the FO screwed up.




    really put him under the microscope and realized that even with a changed name, its the same old story.


    whitner isnt a bad safety, but not a particularly good one either. run of the mill guy that youll take, but you dont build around. unfortunately, top ten picks need to be guys you build around.


    It's funny.


    YOU bashed me for not admitting when I was wrong.


    Now I do, and you take another shot at me.



  7. Actually, he is a bad player. He has played poorly for San Fran. And the reason he is still there was that they tried--but weren't yet able to--get a replacement. I have little doubt that he will be cut this off-season.


    I have nothing against Whitner, but he is truly an inferior talent. I would rather have Searcy.


    Ya wanna know what, youre 100% right.


    I just did a lot of research on him, and I thought he was doing much better than he is.

  8. The reason Amendola has not played since W1 is precisely a result of how the Bills "attended" to him. They hit the snot out of him, and he made some unbelievable catches in traffic.


    Cameron is one of the only two offensive "weapons" I can identify on the Browns' roster (Josh Gordon being the other). It would therefore shock me if Pettine and staff don't have a plan in place.


    I think the posters point was that we should have doubled Amendola. Not just hit him.


    And we should have.

  9. He looks like an All-Pro. How would you defend him?


    I think I let Lawson play him with Searcy/Leonhard/Byrd over the top. Lawson is supposed to be good in coverage and has the height to match up.


    If they line him up in the backfield and motion him out, I am ok with Alonso trailing him.


    He needs double coverage. They have no one outside that can beat Williams or McKelvin consistently. Hell even Rogers may look capable against their WR's.


    Anyone know how Pettine defended Gronk last year?



  10. Hows about you answer my points about his offensive shortcomings? Where is the genius in trying to turn a sow's ear into a silk purse? Gailey was stubborn to a fault and he's gone. He hitched his wagon to that sow's ear and he was fired because of it. I could go on, list many offensive shortcomings, but...what is the point? He was here. He failed. He's gone. He won't be back ever. He may be a creative play caller but cute doesn't get you wins.


    I guess you have a point there. About being gone and it not mattering.


    But the LOSSES had more to do with the defense than the offense.


    Stick this years defense with last years offense and we may be 4-0 right now.

  11. They beat the Bengals last week at home so Im worried they stop us also. The Browns seem to give us drama in previous meetings, it should be another close game. Im going with the Bills despite my doubt. Bills 23 to Browns 20. Even if Spiller is a no go or barely used. I think Choice is a good 3rd stringer and can pound with Summers smashing people. Also maybe we might finally see ONE screen play thrown?? Browns wont be ready for our screen plays?? Woods another solid game. On defense Kyle Williams cleans up cause their worried about Darues and Mario. Our DBs did good last week, I expect lots of pressure coming at the Browns offensive line. LETS GO BUFFALO!!


    I'm not confident about this game at all, but I wouldn't use that Bengals game as indicator. The Bengals are not very good.

  12. I get where you are coming from here. To make an analogy of my previous post. Say you are a carpenter building houses and have plenty of competition in your market. You run out of nails. You could drive across town and buy some to continue working on the project. Or you could start whittling some pegs and drilling holes because, well, your name is Chan and you're battery is dead in your nail gun anyway. While whittling pegs might be working to an extent, the dummies with the nail guns already have their houses on the market for sale. Who's the greater mind?


    I get what you're saying.


    But the dummies with the nail guns often got a nail shot into their leg because they don't know what they're doing with it.


    If Gailey wasn't a great offensive mind, we may have won 5 games in the past 3 years combined. That's how bad our defense was. We were in games BECAUSE of Gailey's offense.

  13. IMO Chan Gailey wasn't a great anything for the Bills. He was creative, but far from the great that the thread title proclaims.


    He was a lousy HC.


    He couldn't pick a staff to save his life.


    He pushed for his toy CJ when this team was devoid of talent everywhere but RB (let me remind you that they were switching defensive scheme on top of having no talent). (where's the genius in this?)


    He sold the FO on Fitz. (where's the genius in this?)


    He didn't push for any QB in the draft, or if he did he was 100% ineffective. (where's the genius in this?)


    He was terrible on game day, absolutely no involvement with what was going on defensively or ST.


    He had among the worst beards I've ever seen.


    I could go on, but, I've it let go :D , it's in the past. Just another mini-chapter in the life of a Bills fan.


    Much of your post is talking about items not related to offensive game planning and play creating. Which is what this thread is about.


    I never said Gailey was a good Head Coach, or Scout, or a person fit to pick a Coaching Staff.


    What I did say was that he created extremely well drawn up Offensive Plays. And his blocking schemes allowed for huge holes for both Jackson and Spiller to run through. And his screen plays were some of the best drawn up screen plays I have ever seen.


    He turned a little talent and put together a respectable offense every year.


    Did he have his downsides? Sure. Did he pass on 3rd and 1 too much? Yes. But EVERY coach in the NFL, including Belichick has their downsides. They have their stubbornness (going for 4th and 1 in their own territory against the Colts for example). The question is, does the good outweigh the bad?


    And with Gailey, on OFFENSE, the good far outweighed the bad. Many of you seem to have forgotten how abysmal our offense was before Gailey got here.


    I don't care what anyone says, Gailey is a great offensive mind and many of his plays were real beauties.

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