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Posts posted by steviejohnsonfan

  1. Did anyone see the ESPN piece on Stevie at Tim Horton's? I usually hate placement pieces like that, but thought it was hilarious. The cheese in the apple cider was pretty great and then everyone pretending they knew him at the window when you could tell they didn't. I'm biased, of course, but that was great stuff.


    I also think it's good the Bills are developing a relationship with Tim Horton's. It might be nice to offer job placement for players as they get sick of being on bad football team after bad football team.

  2. I think the obvious thing against Buffalo has always been weather. Not everyone is equipped to deal with the winters out of the gate. So that's a negative.


    The thing we don't hear about, but I suspect is also at issue, is taxes. Were I a millionaire, I might choose a more tax-friendly state, particularly as an athlete that might be living on prior earnings from age 30 on up. We don't think about it, but if you earn $3MM on the Cowboys, you're probably bringing home more than if you're earning $3MM on the Bills. And then the rent is cheaper to boot. They say it's not about the money, but don't be fooled- it's about the money.


    I like to think the PEOPLE themselves have always been well regarded, and I hope that reputation grows. Having lived in Buffalo and lived elsewhere as well, the people still stand out in my mind. It is a good place for family.

  3. Just listening to Wolfolk getting interviewed on NFL Network. They asked him what Belichek told them this week for preparation. He said "guys, you know what...this is a division game. it's not gonna be like last week. This team really wants to get us."


    Totally dismissed the Bills last week like we weren't even worthy of being considered division rivals. Just another reason to hate the guy.


    The Jests play the Pats more physically than the Bills do. And that game is always dirtier overall. Heck there were even 2 ejections last night. Those teams really hate each other.


    I don't think the Pats hate the Bills in the same way and I don't find those games as chippy when I watch them. I'm finding it hard to get mad at this comment because I'm not sure it's untrue from that perspective. It's not exactly like Brady ragging on Buffalo hotels, which was kinda personal(ish), though probably more football irrelevant.

  4. The Pats got punished harshly because it was illegal THAT YEAR. The league released 2 memos about the rules changes (one preseason, one regular season) and BB did it anyway. I don't know if he thought there was a loophole or if he just decided to do it against the Jets yet again because of Mangini being the coach and having done it to them in practice.


    Their Superbowls themselves aren't tainted despite what the uneducated think, and I'm fine with that. I'm okay with losing to a good organization or a good football team. It's better than losing to bad organizations/bad teams, and the Bills have done plenty of that too in recent memory.


    Breaking news- the Pats are winning the division again this year. And the boo-hooing will be the Bills... again.


    The good news- EJ Manuel does look legit. A year of football is going to make him a better QB late this season and next season.

  5. I'm not unbiased (obviously,) but SJ is still a great start, I think.


    I also think if I had Spiller in my fantasy league I would ride with him. The Pats obviously chose to make their defensive primary goal limiting him. Everything was keyed on that. I think other teams will play a more balanced defense than that and Spiller will start getting his yards again.


    Week 1 is always a weird one in the NFL. It's always best not to overreact to it.

  6. I do not know if I would want to be the Patriots. They won...but they cheated. Of course, that only mattered that one week ESPN talked about it...so maybe it is not so bad.


    Yeah and that "cheating" got blown way out of proportion. People are still going back to talking about the Rams Superbowl, etc. The irony being the filming locations they were reprimanded for were legal at the time of those wins, so it's not like they were even "cheating" when they won the Superbowls. We'd probably not even know about it if an ex-coach of theirs didn't have an axe to grind at the time and want to show up BB.


    I know it's popular to hate the Pats, but they're a top-to-bottom model franchise. In all sport, not just the NFL.


    I think it's fine to be happy as a Bills fan when they lose and whatnot. But I'm not counting them out now, this season, or even future seasons without TB12. Time will be the thing to tell on that. Kraft seems like a good owner, so I'm not confident they won't be competitive as long as he's involved. He seems like a guy that makes smart hires.

  7. From the thread title it sounded like someone was executing NFL fans Aaron Hernandez style.


    The simple fact that ownership didn't have the sense to bring in Tebow just to fill seats tells me all I need to know about that franchise. They're not committed to winning nor are they committed to selling tickets. Fans are probably smart to stay home.

  8. Oh come on. The officiating now, really? Bills were on PI duty all game and Pats Held all game. That's pretty well a wash, right?


    They played this thing to a single possession game against the Pats in a game with pretty typical NFL officiating. That's nothing to be ashamed of or need to make excuses for. This team is already better than last year with a rookie at QB and only 1 game in.


    This offense gels a little bit and the playbook opens over time and its suddenly a pretty dangerous team no wussy ref whining required.



    :excl: This makes no sense. If this is the last ticket sold, then the game won't be blacked out. And then buying the ticket isn't needed. It's circular logic.


    I say move to the Carolinas! Game won't be blacked out there and that's probably cheaper than buying an NFL ticket. Also, probably get to hang out with some Duck Dynasty kinda peeps. Huge bonus that.

  10. I said nothing about his post foot ball life. Just how Marvin was as a pro. Thanks for taking it to a ridiculous extreme.




    It's always a ridiculous extreme until people start dyin'.


    We assume these dudes are "pros" and doing it the right way because they own on the field or are heavy practicing. In truth, many of them might be just as bad for the chemistry as a Terrell Owens but we just don't see it until that "post football life" rears its ugly head. A lot of times it doesn't wait until after football to do it either.

  11. Look, obviously by my tag I'm biased. However,


    1. He says stupid things. That whole bit about how he knew Chung personally and didn't even know dude wasn't a Patriot anymore was stupid. And I'm sorry, but the average Bills fan watching Sports Center knew it, so a Bills player probably should have too.

    2. He makes critical drops. I think like some players are just "made of glass," some players also make "critical errors" more frequently than others. And just like the "glass" players, it's more obvious/irritating when it's one of the star players on the team that's the "critical error" guy.



    All that said, he's the best offensive player on the team. And #1 is easily managed if a coach would just step in there and start managing the media relations a bit. (That guy over in NE has some pretty good luck with that.) Then you're only left with #2 and maybe the player starts being less of a butterfingers if he isn't trying to back up a comment he knows he made a few days prior.

  12. Analytics on your phone

    You can break down every game

    Analytics on your phone

    You can finally get a date


    Analytics on my phone

    I now quote Socrates

    Analytics on my phone

    When I perform soliloquies


    Analytics on my phone

    Say fire Russ Brandon

    Analytics on my phone

    I got from Bill Polian




    Analytics on your phone

    Hernandez killed a bunch of guys

    Analytics on your phone

    Show Brady's magic eyes


    Analytics on my my phone

    A song finally ending

    Analytics on my phone

    The Bills haven't changed a thing

  13. Well, from a certain perspective this makes a ton of sense. Got rid of Nix and Gailey and the team got better. I guess if the Bills got rid of Brandon that would have put them over the hump for this game.


    They should probably get rid of Johnson, Spiller, and Jackson just for good measure!


    Plan approved!

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