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Pizza Joe

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Posts posted by Pizza Joe

  1. That is my niecei's niecei you punk. You hit on a nerve and if I ever see you again I am going to hit on a whole lot of nerves. You are ruining it for everybody to cuz I was going tell my inside scoop story on the draft and everybody was being nice but now I am mad.


    I hope you are happy cuz these people on this board wanted to know.


    P.S. J-E-T-S Jets JEts JETS


    Easy Jimmy, she's my f'n grand daughter. The Family will handle this one. Keep your f'n nose clean. After the last f'n little adventure, you don't need to be anymore f'n exposed. Quest'ultima piccola fiasco mi è costato centinaia di grandi per mantenere il tuo culo da buggered in carcere. Ora il nostro amico per pulizia a secco sulla 45th e il quinto è stato arrivo a breve 3 mesi di fila. Avete bisogno di fargli visita ed inviare un messaggio. Cercate di non ucciderlo quindi forse possiamo ottenere la nostra causa?



    And you took Little Joe's schtick to the next level. IMO, you sure like to pile on. It sure sounds like you have an axe to grind. Little Joe asked and you were happy to oblige by going a step further and saying what you did about everything I post. Go back and read what you wrote. I must really bother you. You really need to get over being bothered, especially by me. There has gotta be something we agree on? You were happy to fall over your feet and affirm that everything I post is senseless. Heck, even DC and I agree on things from time to time. Again, maybe I am wrong... But it sure sounds like you have an axe to grind. What's you beef? That I called you a liar? Let it go. There are only two people that I block/ignore on these boards... Try not to be the third, you posts are otherwise interesting at times until you get fixated/locked into proving something (ie: the crazy big game hunting thread). Peace.


    You endear yourself to everyone don't you? Little Joe? Now you have gone and done it.





    Now you are almost getting as squirrley as that poster 3rdnlng (that is long not inning)


    It's obvious that it's 3rdandlong, it doesn't even look like 3rdinning. Why would you insult my intelligence? Any idiot can see that! If 3rdnlng is squirrley I'll take care of him. My brother says he regularily kicks his ass, along with some idiots named OC and AC.

  4. "The former technical assistant at the CIA, who had been working at the NSA as an employee of contractor Booz Allen Hamilton, said he had become disenchanted with President Barack Obama. Snowden said that Obama had continued the overly intrusive surveillance policies of George W. Bush, Obama's predecessor."


    He is spot on. Should have been nipped in the bud years ago.


    Help me out here again. Is it ok here to quote something without linking it?

  5. The theme song of the wacky right:


    "...All day long I think of things but nothing seems to satisfy

    Think I'll lose my mind if I don't find something to pacify

    Can you help me occupy my brain?

    Oh yeah

    I need someone to show me the things in life that I can't find

    I can't see the things that make true happiness, I must be blind..."


    Being new to the board maybe you can help me? I see you have a lot of posts. They can't all have been as senseless as this one, right? Also, is it common place to wash each other's balls here like you did with this Frinkle guy?

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