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The DarkeKnight

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Posts posted by The DarkeKnight

  1. This defense is obviously way ahead of last years, but that is not a very high standard to compare to. Wanny was a total Loser and it was clear that he was just here to collect a pay check. This coaching staff clearly has a plan, and these younger coaches are not going to make fools of themselves. This fact alone will provide better play on both sides of the ball.

  2. Rogers will never make it thru to the Practice Squad. He would be picked up by another team immediately. I think we find a way to keep Rogers on the roster, simply too much upside. The tough decision will have to be made between Easley, Hogan, and Smith. I would not be surprised if we find a way to keep 7 on the roster.


    I expect that EJ will be named the starter by Tuesday or sooner. Coach said it would be obvious to all and it definitely is. No sense in dragging this thing out.

  3. Coach Marrone was emphatic about letting the results determine who starts. Right now, if we knew nothing about draft position, veteran experience, and all that blah-blah, then Tuel is ahead in this fight.


    If the argument against Tuel is, "But he's playing against third stringers," then let him start against the first stringers and let us see what we shall see...


    "Fair" should be fair.

    Please...give me a break. There is NO comparison whatsoever between EJ and Tuel. It is not even a fair fight. Yes Tuel had a nice 2nd half. kudos to him. Regardless of what Coach said this is a one man fight period. EJ simply has to go out and execute the offense proficiently and that's all their asking him to do right now. Neither Kolb or Tuel has a snowballs chance in hell of winning the job. EJ has everything that Buffalo has been looking for in a QB for the past 20 years. Size, strength, arm talent, escapeability, and most important the ability to be the FACE of the franchise. Choosing either of the other two should do nothing but get someone fired.

  4. Marrone seems like an interesting dude. I like the fact that he played and he has a little imposing stature to him. I think when he talks....players will pay attention. Unlike some of the light weights that we have had for the past decade. I think that Phillips was the last decent coach that we had who players could really relate to. Some of the others have been nice guys.....but you know what they say.

  5. Is anyone actually surprised about this? Come on he was cut by a team that left itself with two receivers who had ever played a down in the NFL and replaced him with 4 or 5 drafted and un-drafted free agents. Shouldn't that have been enough of a clue? The bigger story here is why the hell did NE even sign him in the first place. Exactly how desperate can they really be?

  6. Has anyone begun to explore the possibility that they might be looking to hire outside the organization, keeping Whaley in his current position?


    I'd be just as shocked as the next guy if this happened--but nobody seems to be willing to consider the very real, albeit small, chance it could happen...



    Its Whaley, thats already been decided. Russ is just giving it a few days so Buddy can have his due.


    I for one appreciate how the organization is handling all of these matters. Very professional and they are treating men like men. That will attract people with better skill sets because they know they will be valued, appreciated and treated the right way. Kudos to Russ Brandon

  7. Thanks to Buddy for a job well done. He has INDEED left this team in vastly better shape then he inherited it.


    If Whaley steps in as expected then I think we are in great hands. I fully expeted this move to be made before training camp and my feeling is that negotiations are close with Byrd and Buddy wanted to allow Whaley to have that first bit of business on his watch.


    Great job One Bills Drive.....

  8. I wouldn't be shocked but he would have to beat out Brad Smith and Kevin Elliot based on the assumption they keep 6 WR's. His other opportunity is if Da'Rick Rogers isn't locked into a roster spot. I'd also have to challenge that all of them definitely have "more skills" than Easley. He can't stay healthy but he has talent.


    No way that the Bills will expose Da'Rick Rogers to the practice squad, especially if he has a solid camp. Someone else would definately sign him (especially if he stays clean and has a respectable camp). He is the wild card for a couple other of the WR's. His play during camp will directly effect Easley, and Smith.

  9. What a refreshing change. A respectful, hard working, well spoken young man. Please God let him be a great QB as well.


    I just like that when he speaks we can hear what he has to say. Fitz was often mumbling about what we didn't do, or what we couldn't get done. This young man speaks as thought he expects everything to work, and everyone around him to work as well. Where I come from thats called Leadership.

  10. Earlier in the offseason I was down on Brad Smith but now I think he can be a useful 3rd or 4th WR. He was the better receiver than Graham last year. Gailey had Smith practicing as a quarterback-- allowing him to focus solely on being a WR will help him. And in an offense that'll have west coast elements, his ability to run with the ball will create yards after catch.


    I could see the WRs being Stevie, Woods, Smith, Goodwin and Rogers (if he doesn't raise more character concerns), with Graham potentially getting the axe.


    I see no way that TJ gets cut. They are obviously building the WR group based on speed and TJ has that to spare. Plus he did well for a rookie last year and I expect that with another camp under his belt he is going to really show what he has this year. If it came down to either TJ or Smith I believe that Smith loses that battle 100 out of 100 times.

  11. Heres the way i see it:


    Mark Anderson isn't going anywhere. My bet is he has a great year.


    Rian Lindell--buh bye. No need to spend 3 mil on a kicker who dominates from 30 yds and under.


    Brad Smith-- Nice guy but really doesnt fit what it looks like they are gonna do. Too much young talent at that position for him to hang around at his cap numbers.


    Pears-- Give me a break, he isn't going anywhere. He's one of our top 4 lineman right now.


    Tavaris Jackson-- Goodbye, thx for the memories (oh thats right there are none) good luck at your next stop.

  12. I think that the quik signing of the 5 draftees so far is a good indication that players know they need to get in and get to work if they expect to compete for a spot.


    I look for at least two of the remaining three to be signed by the end of the weekend.


    Kudos to russ and the staff, it really feels like the atmosphere around 1 Bills drive has been reinvigorated.

  13. Its hard to say what Easley can do because we havn't had the chance to see him do anything. I know that both Whaley and Nix loves him so hopefully he can stay healthy and show something. If not at least we covered our bases and brought in some nice young talent.


    Regarding Troup pretty much the same thing. Yes his size and strength would be a welcomed addition to the middle. Lets hope that these two guys are over their injuries and are ready to contribute, because the way it looks Maroone is a results guy unlike Chan. Best player plays and the rest are expendable.

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