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Posts posted by C-Man

  1. Not sold yet.


    Why? I couldn't get the game on TV, but who felt comfortable even with a two score lead? I didn't. It wasn't until we got the final series of first downs did I even start to enjoy the results as my screen refreshed.


    Plus we gave up a lot of running yards...


    Everyone needs to take it easy. The Raiders could paste us next week. Brady has gashed us before.


    I don't have low expectations, I just don't want to get ahead of ourselves.

  2. Shut up about Orton already. He is not going anywhere this year.


    This team just needs to crawl into the playoffs any way it can. I will take ugly wins. Let next year take care of itself.


    There is NO QB I see out there that is worth bringing in next season. Let Kyle and EJ compete in camp and let's see where we land. We have no draft picks. I for one liked Dysert as a third guy, but I doubt the Broncos will let him go.


    This organization and fan base needs success this year. Us making it to the playoffs will be sweet. I personally want to see success so we can put to rest: 1. the Watkins talk 2. Marrone 3. Whalley. The team needs stability.

  3. All these people who say we should be 7-2 or 6-3 or 9-0 are smoking something. This is the NFL. A lot of teams could say the same thing. It is a game of inches.


    The Bills have earned a 5-4 record. KC is not a POS team. It was a close game. The Bills need to move to the next level and win these types of games - winning at home would help!


    A playoff berth would have made the Watkins trade worth it to management. It would be the first thing they would say when speaking to Pegula and it would buy them all another year.


    My guess is we end of 8-8 or 7-9. Whaley stays, Marrone goes.

  4. If we lose to the Chiefs, it will be very telling.


    I needed a win over San Diego to validate where we actually stand. We lost. I honestly can't call the Bills a playoff caliber team. I have enjoyed the wins, but they have not been in convincing fashion.


    The Jets win was weird. After three (3) turnovers it was 14-7. I admit I was nervous. Could I have seen the Bills squander those turnovers? Yeah I could.


    If we are a good team, we must beat KC. The table is set - it's a home game. The Watkins things bugs me, but if he can't play, then Williams needs to step in.


    The rest of the schedule? Who knows. The remaining home games are winnable in my opinion. These homestands needs to count.

  5. I am a Bills' fan, but man do a lot of Bills' fans suck! Nothing is good enough even with the outcome is positive.


    I saw a post yesterday that we should all heed - it is near the end of October, the Bills have a winning record or will be .500. Take it easy and see how things go. Enjoy it. I can't believe how people will rag on a win so much.


    Orton is better than EJ. I don't know what EJ needs to do to get himself back on the field. I like what Orton is doing...winning. He had not started in awhile, so I will give him a few more games to get dialed in.

  6. For all the resources invested into our offense, I was a bit surprised by this -




    Our offense is ranked 25th in the league? I am sure Hackett is a nice guy, but Marrone needs to switch things up. Are there any guys with experience who can come in and advise Hackett?

  7. Orton is the best QB I have seen in awhile for the Bills. I felt we really had a passing game yesterday. Mistakes? Yes, taking the sack, the pick, etc. I get those. He is knocking off the rust. The game yesterday? We were out coached. We have the talent on this roster. Our D got worn down in the first half.


    That being said, we are what our record states. I want to see six more wins.

  8. I think the OP is getting some unwarranted flack. Simple fact of the matter is, until we get over the NE* hump, we haven't proved anything. Regardless of where we are now vs. then, regardless of where they are now vs. then, we MUST beat them. It's very similar to when Miami was in that seat back in the day. Are we a team built to win the division or not? I'd like to think so, but I need to see it first.


    GO BILLS!!!


    I agree 100%. Strong's post was simply realistic. I have never see so many guys go ape crazy after one win by this team or one (1) guy's performance.


    I laugh when someone starts a thread about who is the "2nd" best QB in the AFC East after Orton's game on Sunday. What? Is this how far we have to go to feel good about ourselves?


    We are like a kid who finishes #9 on a video game's Top 10 Scores....and then we crow about it.

  9. I wondered about this as well.


    The NFL is about the here and now. Unless we have all UDFA on the team, we are never really in a rebuilding mode. How can you spend $$ on Mario and say we are rebuilding? With this in mind, I look to see who is our QB for the next 2-3 seasons, let alone ten. Orton is still young. He may have 3-4 years left for all we know. I can deal with that.


    Wilson from Seattle will cost them dearly very soon. When you lock up a 100+ million dollar QB all teams are year to year now. Seattle will be soon. This league is about having a few good players and keeping injuries to a minimum.

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