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Chattanooga Joe

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Posts posted by Chattanooga Joe

  1. You all may have already discussed this but is there any way we could trade Lee Evans before 10/31 that would benefit both the Bills and the other team? If there is one thing we need it is as many draft picks we can get to have a chance at rebuilding over the next 3 to 4 years. Yes I'm an optimist!

  2. IMHO, Absolutely NOT, he probably would win 6 games and what good would that be! If anyone replaces Trent it has to be Brohm. At least he would have a chance to learn/show what he has and if he can cut it, because as everyone knows if you can do anything behind the OL the Bills have you can be great behind an average line. And if we go 1 and 15, the Bills get a shot at the best QB or OT in the draft! Except for a few teams you have to have 2 to 3 years of sub 4 wins to have the time to build through the draft if we can afford it, there is no way the Bills can afford to rebuild through FA.

  3. I hear ya, but I think his early favortism came more from the fact that he wasnt JP. I mean, some of that is going on now with Fitz who is probably less talented than Trent, yet despite his bad play last year the offense appeared more effective with him than Trent. So now some people are calling for Fitz, yet he isnt any good either.


    If Chan can turn Trent into a solid QB or better, than great. I will even wear my Trent jersey again in support of him. But, I just dont really think Trent has it in him mainly because there is no history at any level of any prior success. Of course even if Chan can get something out of him, it would remain to be seen how long he could even stay on the field. I really dont think Trent will enter week 1 as the starter, especially after the positive comments by Chan on Brohm. He may be atop the pecking order to start TC as a formality, but I just dont see the upside in rolling with him over someone like Brohm who offers more upside.


    And if none of them can win over the staff, then we will be getting a QB next year very early in the first round.


    Well, the only good thing about our QB situation this year is that if the starter, whoever it may be, goes down with injury, there is really no dropoff in production. We have a Yugo when we need a Porsche. Let's face it, NONE of the QBs we have on our roster would have a job anywhere other than Canada. We'll trade for the Chroisen one!!

  4. I can't get the feed anywhere on the net, and from what I see on the associated chat boards, it seems to be a particularly difficult time to do so tonight. As such, speaking for those of us on the outside looking in....





  5. Longwinded answer. Sorry - touching a nerve.


    50 years old.


    Initiated around '67-'68 at the old Rockpile. 4th row, 50 yard line, visitor's side.

    Namath, Unitas, Lamonica, etc. within spitting distance. Still didn't have full grasp of the game.

    TV games would get boring, and usually by halftime, I was outside playing front yard football with brothers and neighborhood kids.


    Developed better attention span a couple of years later and became a fan(atic), digesting Courier Express articles in the morning paper before school, and Buffalo Evening News columns in the p.m., after school - around the time OJ started his breakout season and was in a race with the Redskins Larry Brown for the 1972 season rushing title.

    This was when Saban started his 2nd tour with the team and there was hope of a good team for the first time since 1966.

    They made one playoff appearance (1974) before Wilson tightened the purse strings and managed to run Saban out of town - again.


    Then came the "exciting" Jim Ringo, Harvey Johnson years before proven winner Chuck Knox arrived as our next great hope in 1978. Once again, conflicts with GM Stew Barber and Wilson, and the refusal to pay for good players prompted Knox to leave after building a playoff team.


    A few more years of despair with Stephenson and Bullough, before Bill Polian's decision to bring in Marv Levy, and once again brought hope. Only this time, not false hope. Real hope for a great team. The first time in almost 30 years.


    We all know what happened then. Starting with the dismissal of Polian, a gradual decline and then back to the same old pattern.


    I've been to at least one game a year for several years before moving to Atlanta in '86. Had season tickets a few times since then. Been to at least 30 of the last 35 season openers. Been to many of the great games, including first Monday night game in '73, Raiders spectacular opener in '74, Miami opener in '80, Rams defeated in '79, ganes in Tampa, Cinci, Atlanta, Miami, and many many others.


    Lots of great memories in spite of the bungling from the front office.


    This season, with all it's anticipation and promise of a return to playoff caliber football, was a kick in the teeth.

    Stood up at the alter. That empty feeling when you walk into your home and find it's been ransacked. Violated.


    I've had it. Right now, I'm ready to cancel my 11 year NFL Sunday Ticket subscription and give up altogether on this team. I feel like we're being played by Wilson & Co. I think the Kelly glory years was a fluke. There's no sign in sight of the team reaching those lofty levels again any time soon. The retention of Jauron and staff make the clear statement that mediocrity is an acceptable achievement by the Buffalo Bills.


    Sorry, Ralph, but not so for the fans. Our expectations are higher than your measure of success.


    Right now, not looking forward to another season of getting let down. Usually when the last game is played, I'm left wanting more. This year it couldn't end soon enough for me. I feel like the 2008 team robbed me of my innocence and I don't know if I'll ever be duped into that sense of off-season optimism again. Who knows? I may pull a Brett Favre and get all optimistic and rejuvinated when the days get longer and smell of fresh cut lawn is back in the air.


    There was something about the futility of this past year that I sense for a lot of us, was the straw that broke the camel's back. It's compromised our allegiance to our beloved team. Next year? I just don't know.



    52 years old, been a fan since 66, not going to renew my Sunday Ticket of 10 Years, will NEVER buy another Bills' item, hope the best for the Fans and the City, don't see a winning team in Buffalo before I depart this world, sorry I influanced my son to become a Bills Fan, hope I'm wrong.


    In a nut shell, as long as Wilson is in charge the business of the Bills will do well but the team and city will suffer, after that who knows and I won't care because they won't be the Bills anymore.

  6. So what do we with the 10th draft pick. If you look at the nfl standings page both the 49ers and us are 7-9 and it has the 49ers at 10 and us at 11, but they beat us so we got the 10th pick. what do we do with it and no sarcastic remarks or stupid ideas of trading our starters for other first round picks.





    Not our first pick but pleeeeease can we get a place kicker that can make the kick when it counts!!!!


    I'm tired of the load we have, I know he's suppose to be great, my son spouts off statisitcs one after another about how good he is but everytime it seems we need him to make a kick he BLOWS it!!!

  7. For some reason, I can't add a poll to this topic.


    I can't suffer through anymore of this. I didn't like the choice of Jauron in the first place, but was willing to give him a chance. Before this season started, I felt this was Jauron year to prove something, there were no more excuses. If we didn't make the playoffs, then Jauron should be fired. Well, it turned out much worse than many of us would have thought before the season started.



    I will NOT be renewing my NFL Ticket and will only watch free games! I will also not purchase any Bills merchandise ever again. I'm 52 and have spent more than I should have on this team, sorry Ralph, I've had enough and have finally realized no matter how much money you get you're not going to spend it to win a Super Bowl. I guess that makes you a good businessman and a lousy owner. Once he's gone there is NO way the Bills stay in Buffalo and once they leave they will not be the Bills, enough said.

  8. I live right in hamburg, and I think you guys are overrating nino's. Between everyone I've talked to just about ever that has had both edie's and nino's, edie's wins.


    Side note on bozannas: its really expensive, but they give you unbelievable amounts of toppings, and the pizzas are huge. Truly a man's pizza.




    Define expensive and huge, not that it will make much of a difference since this is a once a year kind of thing but I'm interested in getting an idea what to look for.

  9. I live right in hamburg, and I think you guys are overrating nino's. Between everyone I've talked to just about ever that has had both edie's and nino's, edie's wins.


    Side note on bozannas: its really expensive, but they give you unbelievable amounts of toppings, and the pizzas are huge. Truly a man's pizza.

  10. I agree with the first post, the NFL is a muti-billion dollar industry that owes it's customers more than a bunch of old, out of shape men determining which team wins!!!


    I know it has been brought up before but I think it's high time for the leauge to spend a little mony and hire full time refs to do more than show up and put in there time! I'm 49 and realize I don't move as fast as I used to and can barely see, I can only guess what problems those 70 year olds have!


    So they get a long vacation, who cares!


    It's time to get some young guys who can keep up with the game and you don't have to worry as much if they're going to live if hit along the sidelines.


    I have to admit that guy was pretty tough for an OLD Man! ;0)

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