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Posts posted by circlethewagons87

  1. I am trying to track down a clip of the B-roll footage they play for every televised home game. You know how when coming back from commercials, CBS and Fox basically play the same two b-roll clips to show "Buffalo?" The clip of chicken wings being fried, and the clip of the niagara falls.


    Could anyone help me find this? I have tried youtubing, but I didnt have much luck.


    thanks in advance.


    - Mike

  2. Little FYI for the OP-THIS is what funny is. You know You laugh so hard you blow beer out your nose? None of this artist comedian stuff that you have to " grow into." http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mmZm2HBMtTQ


    Comedy is subjective. I love Richard Pryor as much as the next guy. One of the top 10 greats of all time for sure. Up there with Carlin, Bill Hicks, Kaufman, etc. I'm not trying to be the funniest comedian ever, just the funniest comedian I can be.


    I guarantee the first time someone paid Pryor to perform on their show or club, he wasn't as funny as he is in that clip either. But thank you for checking it out. I appreciate it.

  3. Sorry about the late replies. I've been swamped at work, but appreciate everyone checking it out and commenting.


    Unfortunately I can see and hear it fine. What a dork.

    This isn't PPP, how about a little respect?


    Thank you MDH for standing up for me, but it's alright. I asked for everyone's opinion and appreciate his response. Also, "dork" is exactly what I was going for. So thanks :-)

    This is the type of humor that will last for a year or two and hopefully role in to a writing gig for TV/radio/something.


    I find it pretty funny but nothing side splitting.


    Well, I've done a lot of different "schticks" and still continue to do them. This one happens to be the one I've had the most success with lately, so I'm going with it. Never expected this one to catch on, but I take my career seriously, so any momentum I make, regardless of the shtick, I have to try and run with it. But ideally yes, hopefully this "shtick" helps me get my foot in the door and then I can use my actually intending to be funny material to stay in the door.



    Dear Circle,


    I'm 73, been retired for seventeen years. Permit me to make several observations:



    First, assuming you're not dodging incoming rounds of beer bottles, nor swaying due to a small earthquake, for God sake stand still!


    Second, I'm keenly aware of the fact that my basic values and views of life today are woefully outdated; therefore, my comments can easily be disregarded by the reader--you. With that caveat firmly in place, permit me to say I admire your hutzpah in standing up there, but the material was lower than a wagon track. Keep your day job, son.


    A lot of other posters have addressed this, but I will make it clear. It's a bit. Part stand-up, part "performance art" for a lack of a less douchey term. I'm playing a character who's gleefully awkward and has terrible jokes.


    First, to Mike... I remember when you first joined the board years ago under a different name and posted your blog. While I didnt find you funny back then (thought the blog was trying too hard to be edgy IIRC), it's good to see you stick with it and make some strides. Congrats on getting the commercial overseas, the talk show exposure, and this spot on Eli's show. I'll admit, I'm impressed, if by nothing else your tenacity to stick with it all this time and your ability to get noticed. Congrats and I wish you the best in a very tough and grueling industry.



    Now to these guys...




    I have a feeling that Mike is going to be very excited to see you say that, as I believe this is EXACTLY what he is trying to do in his schtick. A take on Andrew Clay's "The Day the Laughter Died" series, if you will, proving that you don't need comedy for laughter and vice versa. It's bombing on purpose, since if you've ever been to a comedy club to see it live, there is NOTHING funnier than someone bombing on stage.


    Thank you. Yes, you are spot on. And yes, I have grown as both a person and a comedy writer, and my comedy attempts have evolved along the way.



    So it's ironically funny? But not funny at all ? Sorry I just can't give it up for this....would rather see a comedian tell funny jokes.

    It's an acquired taste and is really a "comedian's comedy" type of thing.




    edit: and this type of comedy is an acquired taste after decades of watching your basic, standard comedians perform the same types of bits over and over. You just proved my point in that it is an acquired taste and "comedian's comedy"

    This thread has got very interesting. Mike displays a great timing and delivery and can pose anything without humor as something containing it just based on his comic abilities. That's a comedians comic.


    I guess you guys are right. It is more of a "comedian's comedy" style. As comedy industry people (like Eli Braden and others) have been the people who have responded most positively to the bit. It's one of those things that seems to be funnier if you are in on the joke, than not in on the joke.



    Thanks again everyone for checking it out. As a Rochester native, former Bills season ticket holder, and current LA Bills Backer, the opinion of the community I grew up in is extremely important to me. Hopefully my career will continue to grow, and I want everyone to know where I came from along the way. Thanks again!



  4. You have had me walking around all week replying to anyone for any question with the response "all day."


    I just look at them confused why my answer is not suitable.


    That is awesome. You just made my day haha.


    Did they come to you to make it or just picked up off of YouTube ?


    Virgin contacted me. Well an ad agency handling Virgin Money Australia contacted me. Hoping to do more spots in the future, fingers crossed.


    Very cool ...


    Thanks man!

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