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Posts posted by 910BillsFan

  1. 50: R2P18



    81: R3P17



    155: R5P19



    188: R6P12



    194: R6P18



    234: R7P17




    Used FanSpeak with the DraftTek big board, I know these things aren't very accurate but I would love this draft

  2. I like Freddy as much as anyone on this board, he is a true pro and one hell of a teammate... but to say Fred looked good and CJ was awful is short sighted and lazy. Fred had one great run and he also fumbled but was bailed out by one of the Jets 20 penalties.


    Spiller essentially played a half and got 10 carries against a very good run D and I'd bet 8 of those carries were out of the shotgun/read option garbage. Its pointless when EJ never keeps the ball.


    CJ is an elite back but we haven't game planned for his strengths this season. He's great in space, we all know this. So why less screens, counters, and tosses? AP is great with a fullback in front of him so what do the Vikings do? They put a damn fullback in front of him and let him do what he does.


    Fact of the matter is until EJ proves he can beat man coverage and 8 man boxes Hackett is going to have to get creative on how he gets Spiller the ball on the perimeter. These shotgun dives are the equivalent of banging your head against the wall. Just my 2 cents...

  3. Yeah let's bash Stevie alone on this one, it's ALL on him. We've had 1 semi consistent player over the last couple of years, who by the way seems to actually enjoy playing in Buffalo, and there is a select few who can't wait to run him out of town because they don't agree with him having fun. What about the really nice TD grab he had? Lets forget about that.

    Yes, he is partially to blame for the loss. But what about Spiller who was garbage today or Chandler who couldn't stop causing penalties early on? Do they get a pass because they act how you deem to be appropriate?


    Stupid and ridiculous.




  4. Did the person that took the receipt get fired.. If I was the owner , that person would be gone.


    Pay for waitress - http://www.minimum-wage.org/states.asp?state=Louisiana


    Federal minimum wage does not apply to employees that are deemed 'tipped employees' I'm a bar manager and all wait staff (who are the ones that put together each and every take out order placed) are paid $2.13 per hour. They are taxed on their tips earned and not one of my employees collect a biweekly paycheck over $10... I'm obviously biased in the situation because I work in the industry but I tip 20% on all take out orders because I realize that putting my order together correctly takes time away from them tending to their in house customers... just my 2 cents

  5. What is with the Tebow coverage?? This dude is awful he CANNOT throw the football. Pure and simple. If you want to build an offense around him running the ball and jump passing then go for it.


    My real question is if it weren't for the fact that he wore his religious beliefs on his sleeve would this even be an issue??


    Plenty of guys had a ton of success in college but none in the pros. Why is it that everyone makes excuses for thus guy? Hid D kept him in games and when he finnaly completed a pass it was "Tebow Time"

  6. Let me preface this post by saying that I was very excited about this draft. Big fan of EJ and Woods also liked the Hopkins pick and the UDFA pick up in Rodgers.


    My question is with Barrett Jones from Alabama slipping why not grab him? Being an All-American at 3 different o-line positions how could we pass him up? Could fill almost any hole we have due to losing Levitre or just an injury (Wood) next season!


    Only disappointing part of the weekend for me

  7. I have not decided.

    • Warmack might already be better the Levitre, but I have a hard time replacing something we just lost.

    • I do not want to go QB, not worth it right now.

    • I know we do not need a RB or DL...but if there was a once in a decade NT...

    • TE is an option but pretty hard to justify, plus there was some dude I have seen a lot about that'd be available later - he's compared to Gronk. Anyone here rememeber? Beuhler? Beuhler?

    • CB would not make me as disappointed as drafting a WR. WR take years to develop in most cases, and there is no real true elite talent this year that makes me believe they'd be worth it.

    • I guess that leaves LB, and it would be great to get a great one...as long as it is not T'eo. He scares the **** out of me.

    So, no, TT. I have no freaking idea this year what I want and it sucks. Maybe we just draft a punter 1st.


    I've seen Travis Kelce from Cincinnati compared to Gronk but that is a huge stretch... #8 us too early for a TE IMO with all the holes on this team

  8. "Why so serious"

    "Happy New Years"

    why work out in the off season.

    making fun of war and bombing an American city.


    This is all fun and funny if you are winning. But Stevie you have proven to be a mediocre reciever an on a very poor team. How bout positng something that is not controversial and good for the team. How bout being a leader (you are certainly overcompensated for it).


    It will be interesting to see if Marrone actually has the testicals to deal with this jackass. Again, as long as this guy is on the team they will be under .500.


    And btw the tweet is a subtle admission that you (Stevie) feel that this team cannot beat the Pats- what a funny boy- "why so serious", because year after year we support this team and the team fails to deliver. So yes, you should be serious and you should understand that if you were on most other teams your behavior would not be tolerated. Seriously, what a loser this guy is.


    ^^ this is an absurd and ridiculous post... while I respect your right to state your opinion (or joke? still holding out hope this is sarcasm that I'm missing)

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