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Posts posted by billsfanfrom83

  1. 6 hours ago, Bob Jones said:

    I think maybe there was too much Woofing going on by Bills fans...me included...prior to the game. Its the same reason why we lost those 4 SBs.


    Excerpt from the link:


    I am a big fan of the Bills, and I believe that they can go all the way. However, I keep my mouth shut. Do my mere thoughts count as a woof, and am I the reason that the Bills have lost in three consecutive Super Bowls?

    No--private thoughts do not apply. Only boasts which are written or
    spoken to another person or group of people apply. Thus you are not
    responsible for the Bill's failings. The reason the Bills lose in the
    Super Bowl is twofold: First, lots of Bills fans engage in large-scale
    woofing, and second, the Bills suck. (Cheer up, Buffalo fans. My comment
    should aid them a little.)


    The link to Woofing details:

    https://www.jt-sw.com/football/pro/index.nsf/Documents/0-oliver-faq#:~:text=Oliver's Woofing Theorem states%2C in,doomed to LOSE the competition

    Could be something to this I apologize wooing gods and will be more considerate in the future

  2. 3 hours ago, Jukester said:

    The psychology of being down by 3 vs 4 late in a game is so ingrained in football (coaches and players).  


    Down by 3  - you feel like you can 'play it safe' and still kick the field goal to tie.  You're less aggressive.  Extend the game and take your chances - even thought the other team still can come back and win with a field goal.


    Down by 4 - full desperation and you're gonna do everything you can to score a TD, including going for it on 4th down.  


    When the Bills were on that last drive, i knew we had to score a TD there.  So I had no problem with Josh looking for Shakir in the end zone.  Split second sooner before he gets bumped on the throw, and that's a TD.  He was thinking TD but coaches were playing not to lose.  I had no faith in Bass and even if he made it, Mahomes against our depleted defense at the end or in OT, forget it.  It would've been just as heartbreaking.   

    I trust Allen a hell of a lot more to convert 4th down than bass making that kick Allen was in I will not be denied mode he would've done whatever he had to do to make it

  3. 29 minutes ago, Albany,n.y. said:

    Show me a QB who had a losing record who didn't win a championship who is in the HOF.   I can't think of any recent ones, and the only QB I can think of off the top of my head who lost more than he won is Joe Namath, who won what might be the most significant Super Bowl of all time.  

    If he has a losing record it goes with out saying he didn't win a championship all I was saying that a qb doesn't need a certain amounts of wins to be in the HOF  there are alot more things to decide on a qb getting in than just how many games he won the winning records are more important for coaches to get in 

  4. On 1/16/2024 at 10:59 AM, Albany,n.y. said:

    You may not, but HOF voters certainly do.  

    So how many games must a qb win to be considered for the HOF the only games they care about is superbowl wins and not even that really matters no qb has been denied entry bc they had HOF stats but didn't win enough if that was the case Kelly wouldn't be in at 0-4 in superbowls 

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