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Posts posted by buffalobillsgrl

  1. Great post. The Bills sit on their hands yet again, while Miami and NE make moves to strengthen their teams. Prices are way down this year, and yet the Bills are still stuck at the gate, while others are off and running.

    Those teams however, are going to run out of money eventually. Then what happens when guys start getting cut? They won't beable to add anyone. At this point next year, Miami will not beable to afford the guys they have signed. A lot of those contracts were back loaded.


    I saw a crazy stat(mind you this was 2 days ago). At that point in time the guys Miami had signed counted for about $25 mil against the cap for 2013. For 2014, those same guys cost them $48 mil against next years cap. That was before they kept signing people.

  2. I am still sticking to the crazy conspiracy theory (mostly because it is fun). Maybe they are involving a third team for a sneaky trade :) Like Revis or a QB. Maybe they will have said third team trade for Revis, and then in turn trade him to us. They could be saving cap space for a contract.


    To be serious here tho. I really think they are going to hit the clearance racks after the crazy rush. Makes sense with analytics to get the most for your money.

  3. I have a crazy idea.


    What if the Bills are waiting for a reason? Maybe possibly a sneaky deal to end up with Revis? By sneaky I mean involving a third team to make the trade for Revis, and then having them trade him to us. The Jets would definatly not be willing to trade him to a division rival.


    I know, I know..........but just maybe lol. It's all I have right now. Dreaming.

  4. Nickel backers in today's passing league play well over half of all the defensive plays.

    When it was said that he was going to be a starter, my question was how does Nix know? Free agency hasn't come, the draft, mini camp, training camp, etc. On top of that Marrone is the coach. Shouldn't he be choosing his starters? So what if we pay Mckelvin a bunch of $ and he doesn't beat( say an undrafted) for the starting position? We will be paying him for just returning the ball. Just seems a little crazy at the moment. I will wait for contract details. This feels like Brad Smith all over again.

  5. Anyone with more time and willpower then me feel like adding up all those $$$??

    haha no not really i will ask the person who wrote those tho i am sure he knows. Also i think you could only come up with an estimate because u never know how contracts would be structured from yr to yr within multi yrs

  6. http://billsmafia.com/2013/03/07/applying-moneyball-to-the-buffalo-bills-free-agency-offense-edition/





    With Free agency just 4 days away and the Bills talking about analytics, I thought that these two blogposts were interesting. They bring up some names that haven't been talked about and show us that just because we can't sign all of the flashy names out there. There are still plenty of not so flashy guys out there that we can afford who could fit in our system nicely.



    Mario is not average. If not good, above average. He was hurt 1/2 the season, had surgery and was way above average in the 2nd half of the year. I look for him to be a force in Pettines attacking style D

    Mario is right now average......based on being injured half of the season. Until he proves that he will be above average or good on a consistant basis. I did my voting based on what they have done......not what they are capable of doing

  8. Average for Mario. I understand he can be a great player, but based on last year he was just as inconsistant as the rest of the defense. Mark Anderson......below average. Again this is based on last season. How many games did he play again? Not enough for me to consider him average. Depth.....below average. This could change depending on re signings and all of the moving peices in the new defense. As of right now, today tho......it is below average.

  9. I think SJ likes Fitz the person (I think the whole team does. I believe he is a great teammate), but SJ would put up huge numbers, and win a bunch more games, with a quality starter slinging the ball around.

    Yup! Even I like Fitz the person. You can see that he wants to be good. He tries like hell to be aggressive, but he just doesn't have it. Wish he would think about going into coaching. I bet he would be great at that :)

  10. I don't really think having a different QB would bother Stevie at all. The whole vibe of everything he said about Fitz this year, did not seem whole hearted to me. Infact he seemed a lot like he was losing faith in his QB. His body language was off when talking about Fitz, and a lot of time he looked like he was hoping he wouldn't be asked about him at all. Stevie said exactly what he should say( and I think at one point he actually believed it).

  11. By the way - Byrd is not guaranteed to be back in Buffalo. It's a non-exclusive tag. If, let's say Cincinnati, signs Byrd to an offer sheet and the Bills don't match, the Bills get two 1st round picks and Byrd is gone. Better yet, if I'm Green Bay or the 49ers, I would give up those low 1st rounders for Byrd. No brainer.

    Thank you :) I specifically came back on here to ask that very question. Was wondering if it was non exclusive



    Same reason guys like Victor Cruz, Mike Wallace, etc. don't sign deals during the season: many players prefer to just play the game, without worrying about contract negotations affecting their mindset. Even if the agent handles most of the discussions, the players are still aware of the situation.




    Again, I don't think that's the case. The two sides have been talking (spoke at the combine), so it's likely that the team just wasn't 100% sure they could get a deal done before the franchise deadline, at which time they'd lose the ability to tag Byrd. With him tagged, they have until June to negotiate a long-term deal. With that extra time, they can now focus on Levitre.


    I think it makes perfect sense


    I still don't think it should take a long time to come up with a deal for a whopping 2 players we want to keep. If they really wanted to get these deals done.......I am sure they could have found a way.

  13. I like the idea of taking Jalson Fowler next year. Fowler and Spiller would be the sickest thunder & lightning combo the NFL has ever seen.

    keep your eye on Joe bergeron from texas this year. He is 6 1 230 lbs. An absolute bruiser, run you over type RB.

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