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Posts posted by MOFO

  1. FWIW I have a family member who gets lots of free tickets from a contact in the organization...nice fancy box seats...not anyone high up mind you...the person has a title that would make you say...that job really exists?


    Word is that Rex is gone today. Not pretending to be that !@#$, or the next "never give up"...but it was interesting enough to pass on...will be interesting to see if it happens...I don't recall if there was a time frame given of 100 PM like some reports...


    It is like "I know guy who cleans the carpets for a girl who does Rex wife toes who says the end is coming"...but though it had enough possible credibility to pass on...take it with a grain of salt.

  2. My kid did the playoff machine...told me he got the Bills in the playoffs without any crazy wins (other than the Bills winning out). I didn't believe it and did it myself and the last week of the season, with a victory over the Jets, poof we appeared in the playoffs...so those b*stards have me for one more week...if you have 10 minutes and are up for the punishment I highly recommend it.

  3. If I were king-


    Retractable roof like AZ with the caveat established before it is built, that Bills games will be played open air, in the elements the way god intended. That will eliminate the issue over why the Bills had the roof open for Miami one week in December, and then had it closed the following week for Green Bay. The roof will only be used to make the stadium more comfortable for tractor pulls, dog shows and Rolling Stones concerts. It would be good to be king...

  4. It seemed to me like guys were not talking to each other after the plays...of course this was just a few plays, but it felt like he was one of the only ones being vocal...after a play not a lot of coming together...and I know that it happens as I have seen it...I just though it was a bit interesting...did anyone else get that feeling or am I off base? After Boobies comments maybe an example of too many individuals? Maybe I am reading too much into the video...

  5. When the schedule first came out I was thinking 0-2, so 1-1 is pretty nice...I am hoping for a solid bounce back game against Miami, and as the coaches get more comfortable, an increased ability to make adjustments, and settle the players down...still like this coaching staff over last years Marrone led staff...obviously...

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