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Posts posted by mravenger

  1. Mel's 2009 Big Board (April 9)Player Yr. Pos. School Chg.

    1. Aaron Curry Sr. LB Wake Forest

    2. Michael Crabtree So. WR Texas Tech

    3. Matthew Stafford Jr. QB Georgia

    4. Jason Smith Sr. OT Baylor

    5. Mark Sanchez Jr. QB USC

    6. Brian Orakpo Sr. DE Texas

    7. Brandon Pettigrew Sr. TE Oklahoma St.

    8. B.J. Raji Sr. DT Boston College

    9. Eugene Monroe Sr. OT Virginia

    10. Jeremy Maclin So. WR Missouri

    11. Aaron Maybin So. DE Penn St.

    12. Andre Smith Jr. OT Alabama

    13. Knowshown Moreno So. RB Georgia

    14. Robert Ayers Sr. DE Tennessee

    15. Chris "Beanie" Wells Sr. RB Ohio St.

    16. Tyson Jackson Sr. DE LSU

    17. Rey Maualuga Sr. LB USC

    18. Peria Jerry Sr. DT Mississippi

    19. Brian Cushing Sr. LB USC

    20. Larry English Sr. LB No. Illinois

    21. Alex Mack Sr. C California

    22. Donald Brown Jr. RB Connecticut

    23. Everette Brown Jr. DE Florida St.

    24. Malcolm Jenkins Sr. CB Ohio State

    25. Percy Harvin Jr. WR Florida



    we pick at 11 maybin

  2. I agree with you, but I think "conservative" is the wrong word for Jauron's style. I would use the word "timid" or "chicken..it". When I think of conservative football, I think of hard-nosed football where you pound away at the other team with your power running game. Conservative is not necessarily bad (see NY Giants). Timid always is. And it has become a trademark of this franchise, especially against the Patriots and any team associated with Bill Parcells.


    Timid or scared we needed to come out and "punch them in the mouth" to show them we could play with the "big" boys and we did not. We don't fool anyone :lol:

  3. I want to know what happened to going back to basics. Turk wanted a fullback and was going to use the running game. I still can't understand why the featured back his being platooned in and out of the game like they are doing. I thought Jackson was #2 and what ever happened to our rookie Omen or whatever his name is. Did anyone ever hear of pitch outs or sweeps ? Why do we always run into the damn pile of bodies where there is no room to run! :lol::lol:

  4. They did go to Hardy once in (or near) the red zone on that drive. I had a bigger problem with them using Jackson on every down instead of Lynch.


    i had a big problem with not having Lynch in, he knows how to get in the end zone period. Give him the ball with the end zone in front of him and so far it has been a sure thing :wallbash:

  5. Ive always been kinda neutral on the Losman/Trent thing. I was really hoping that JP was going to take advantage of the opportunity to shine for next seasons contract with whomever. And this game was really not his fault at all. One thing that bothered me though when he was on the bench. He had the look of a guy who just doesn't give a $h1t. Can't really explain it. He just didn't look intense at all.


    I thought the same thing about the look of not caring. He had no interest after he went 3 and out threw a pick and generally did shi* :D

  6. Did you not watch him after the Edwards TD? How about the Rushing TD? Last week people were praising Edwards for not seeming to mind when he threw a pick. They said it was whats great about him. I'm sick of you're hatred for this guy just because you don't like him. He's on the Bills. You're seriously running out of excuses as to why he's not a great backup QB.


    Aww, I'm going to whine because he smiled after an interception. Waa! Waa! Play Hamden. You're all f*cking children.

    The guy is a cancer to the team he is not happy unless it's long ball time and he holds the ball too long

  7. JP looked prepared, played with fire and was not the reason for this loss. 41 points folks and no running game.



    JP did not even seem to care . I looked at a guy who did not seem to care after throwing an interception or taking a sack the look on his face did not change and he did not play with fire, all he wanted to do was throw the long ball missed his check down guy with every sack he took

  8. Ok Fans what are you doing to help our team keep their streak alive.


    In our house we are making sure our game day ritual remains the same. everything has to remain the same as last week even down to my wife's game day undies have not been washed since week one. Are you doing your part as a good Bills fan keeping the streak intact?

  9. Am I the only one who was confused about how that final play could've possibly worked out in Jax's favor? I mean, the pass was complete in the middle of the field, lateraled, and then possibly fumbled. Either it's Bills ball or the runner is down in the field of play and time should've run out. Was it just an overzealous whistle? It would've been the latest in a series of ridiculous plays against the Bills if Jacksonville came out of that with an extra play.


    Anyone have any insight on this?


    the lateral was ruled aforward pass which was a penalty that resulted with no timeouts a ten second run off on the clock with only 3 sec left game over!

  10. No trade downs or ups allowed because there's no way you can know what kind of compensation would've been worked out.  For example, personally, I would've traded down from #8 overall to get another pick or two but that's not the point here.  Just select the 9 players at the exact slots where the Bills picked.  Don't cheat--take only players that were available at each draft slot.


    We'll compare your players with Marv's players a year from now, two years from now, and three years from now.  Keep in mind you have an advantage doing it this way because you now know exactly where every player is eventually picked.  Your draft SHOULD be better than Marv's.  Also, try not to pick players that don't fit the systems we run.


    Yes, I know this is a pointless, stupid exercise.  But maybe it'll be fun as well.  Now let me see your drafts.


    Here's mine:

    1. OG Davin Joseph (would've traded down to get, but playing by the rules here, and I like him a lot)

    1. OC Nick Mangold

    3. OG Max Jean-Gilles

    4. S Ko Simpson

    5. DE Parys Haralson

    5. DT Jonathan Lewis

    6. DT Rodrique Wright

    7. DT Steve Fifita

    7. QB Erik Meyer



    I would have taken ML from USC the next Jim Kelly!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  11. Trade our 8th pick in the 1st round and our 3rd round pick (from Tennessee), along with JP Losman, to the Saints for the number 2 pick in the NFL draft.


    With that pick, select QB Vince Young. I seem to remember Mularkey doing some pretty good things with Kordell Stewart in Pittsburgh. Even in his prime, Kordell wasn't half the player of Vince Young.


    The rest of the draft we can use to shore up our O-line and D-line.


    On a side note, I was happy to see that we brought Tory Woodbury back. I hope he gets a chance to compete for the starting job at training camp.



    NO WAY!!!! We don't need to get another QB that thinks he is a one man show and besides Young won't get away with that cr&p in the NFL, get a QB like ML from USC he will make a Pro, because he drops back and passes

  12. For some of the folks who are referring to Ralph Wilson as an idiot, and old and senile, and screwing the Bills up, you should be ashamed of yourselves.  That guy could have taken this team away from Buffalo so long ago it's not even funny.


    While I agree that Tom Donahoe needed to be held accountable and was rightly fired for what he has put out on the field, I was sort of teetering as to whether we need to completely rebuild or not and whether Mularkey was a bust or not.


    My hope is that MM will make a dramatic improvement and learn from the mistakes he made.  I also hope he will bring in some experienced coordinators to help with the game day adjustments that obviously were sub-par this year.  How many coaches get canned early and go on to very good head coaches elsewhere.  Everyone last year was saying what a great job Mularkey did.  He bombed this year.  Why don't we see what year three under a different philosophy does and then we'll know, and if he still shows that this year was no fluke then you make a change in the coach. 


    As far as for Marv Levy, I really don't see a more qualified person out there to be a General Manager for the Buffalo Bills and I would love for him to come back.  Marv Levy HAS General Managing experience for a CFL team, and I believe possibly was in the front office for a USFL team.  He was a HOF head coach, has been a commentator for the television stations for many years, he is noted for his brilliance, and the guy just flat out knows how to deal with people, and loves the city of Buffalo and this football team.  What better combination.  He's got Modrak to help with the scouting, and Brandon and Overdorf to help with the financials.  I want a guy who can bring it all together, not for who is "a highly regarded evaluator of talent".  Isn't that who was just let go.  We've seen where that has taken us.


    As far as Mike Mularkey being a lame duck coach with Marv brough in, I'm not so sure.  Marv was quoted in the AP as recently as a month ago in thinking very highly of Mike Mularkey.  I have a feeling the two could hit it off and Marv can be a mentor, something that Tom Donahoe could never offer to Mike.  Am I a Mike Mularkey fan.  Not really, as I thought he did a crappy job this year.  I do like the fact he stood up to Eric, but didn't like the way he caved to the veterans and tried to save his job with Holcumb, but everyone makes mistakes and if we all forget he is in his 2nd year as well.  If we think JP can get immensely better (and I do), we have to hopefully think that of a coach as well (they are human after all).


    Why don't we appreciate the fact that Ralph recognizes that there was a problem, and is doing what he thinks is right to (in his own words) "Give the fans of Buffalo a better product".  He isn't doing it to make more money, as the stadium has been filled up.  He wants Buffalo fans to have something to be proud of, and he is doing what he thinks is right.  Give him a chance, instead of being "Chicken Little" and acting like everything he is doing is going to doom us all to hell.  It's a game for goodness sakes. 


    Anyhoo, give it time, appreciate the fact they are trying to make changes (supposedly for the better) and let's have some hope that things will get better.  We've got some talent on this team whether some of you believe it or not.


    GO BILLS in 2006.  Can't wait for TKO to pull out his list!!!!!!





    Great post Go Bills Thanks Ralph

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