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Posts posted by MikeBillsFan

  1. I want the LB and then get a first or second round guy next year. I hate the square peg into a round hole. If the best player is a LB take the LB. If the best player is a QB take the QB. I'm with you, the QB's don't look like RGIII or Luck.


    If Barkley or Geno Smith is available, I don't think you pass on them. What's more important is the coach though. And if you take a young franchise quarterback, these four guys might be willing to come in and lead the way: http://buffalowdown.com/2012/11/08/buffalo-bills-need-a-change-at-head-coach/

  2. The media critics in particular (none of whom played football at anything higher than high school level and the vast majority of whom never watch game film) blasted Chan's play selection against Houston, and assured us that Texan defensive plan showed the league the blueprint on how to stop Chans offense. In particular, they ridiculed Chans statement that running the ball into the teeth of the Texans would be counterproductive, that the spread offense gave the offense it's best chance. "Chan just doesn't get it, you gotta keep running the ball" was the consensus.


    Chan sticks to his offense and the result is an offensive explosion against Pats. In fact Chans offense has produced plenty of points this year; look at the point production overall. Certainly enough offense has been produced this year to produce a winning record. It's the D that's the problem


    Better yet, critics, look at Texans v Bears game last night. Bears, unlike Bills v Texans, were playing at home, and produced a grand total of 6 points, 3 in each half. This despite the many more possessions the Bears offense received via the great Bears defense stopping Texans (as opposed to Bills D). And one of reasons the Bears O struggled so badly was they kept running Forte into the teeth of Texans defense, with very little success. About 2 yards per carry. A lot of wasted plays there. Kind of what Chan was trying to say. But our local media "experts" know better. "Chans an idiot for not running the ball more" was the cry, but I can bet you now none of them will mention Bears futility against Texans, how that contradicts their expertise in how to run an NFL offense. I doubt many of them even watched the Bears game.


    The Defense has been atrocious, I agree. But yesterday it was the Bills offense that gave its defense terrible field position to work with. Turnovers and penalties galore. I still think coaching is a serious problem, and here are a few replacements Buffalo management should seriously consider: http://buffalowdown.com/2012/11/08/buffalo-bills-need-a-change-at-head-coach/

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