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Posts posted by dschewe

  1. There were some great plays yesterday. My favorite one was Pat Williams and the rest of the line blowing up the Jets line and taking down Hall of Fame running back Curtis Martin in the end zone for a safety. Were Talkin Proud! Who's your daddy you little green wimps?


    That is the kind of play that can change the mentality of the of a team.


    When teams see that on film they will have to respect it. The play where Willis drove for extra yardage with 6 little green wimps on his back was another eye opener.

  2. Sure the Bills final play like winners and it's not on T.V. This really sucks. I hope they sell out next week. I was going the game but I have to have a colonoscopy Monday and the prep ping for that Sunday at the game would be a total paint in the butt.

  3. OK I'll bite. Sure it is pandering to say that if they are elected people will walk again. It is a misrepresentation of the facts. They should not have said it. I wish politician would just say, we believe stem cell research should be backed by our goverment in hopes that we can cure certain physical problems.


    Both sides have taken reasonable stances on issues and spun them into untruths. We could go on and on about how the Bush campaign has done the same thing. In fact that is what most of the redundant chat on this board revolves around. It is a lot of what the canidates did in the debates.


    Speaking of doing anything to get elected what do you think about this story. It is just coming out and I don't know if it is true but the implications are big.




    Any thoughts on this issue.

  4. Tom your getting cazy again. He never said it was her last words. He was asked about the importance of strong women in his life and he said "shortly before she died" his mother told him if he was running for prez he needed to have integrity. Was it pandering? These guys pander to us non stop. I could see a mother telling her son that. This is a silly issue. You may need to get caught up on your sleep.

    stevestojan.  "Pile on" the dead guy's mother?  First of all...it has nothing to do with his mother, it has to do with whether you believe his "quote" of her "last words" was pandering nonsense.


    Second...why not criticize the as?hole that made Kerry's mother a campaign issue in the first place: John F. Kerry.  Sure, he can use the death of a loved one for political gain...but anyone who points out that using it as a political tool (and more likely than not being dishonest about it - is anyone really dumb enough to belive her last words were "Integrity.  Intregity.  Intregity"?) is wrong for doing it.  Jesus Christ...who the !@#$ taught you right from wrong?  Do you people get your morals at some KMart blue-light special or something?


  5. Bush had a 6 point lead before the debate. Now it is dead even. These debates mattered.


    Unless something big happens in the next two weeks this election is going to be very, very close. I'm anticipating a great deal of controversy. Did anyone see what happened when they tested the new electronic voting machines? The computers Rosened. I can't understand how you can have electronic voting without a paper record.


    There have been reports that thousands of democratic voter registration forms have been thrown out by a republican voter registration group. I don't have a link and I can't confirm this. I am only pointing out that people have already started to question the result of this election.


    If this election goes to the supreme court again people are going to freak out. Can you imagine a president being elected twice by a supreme court decision. Stay tuned.

  6. I don't think it changes my views of Mr. Bush but that was pretty distracting. It looked like he was foaming at the mouth. It also looked like he had a bruise on the side of his nose. It may have been caused by stage lighting. With all the energy and money spent on appearances in this political campaign it was weird to see something like that. I hate to say it because content does matter to me but that is what I will remember about this debate. A nasty white glob in the corner of GW's mouth.

    Seriously, what the heck was that thing?


    It shouldn't matter bib but remember, we live in a country where "Survivor" is the top show around.  A President with gloop on his mouth is about as substantive as we are going to get until they put you and me in charge and we can start lining these creeps up agaist the rhetorical wall.  In the mean time, I choose to laugh the way we all did when Kerry was orange. :w00t:


  7. As a teacher I have no problem with a student taking a minute to pray. I also am not a preacher and don't feel qualified to teach religious ideas to middle schoolers. I Religion should be taught at home and at church. We already have enough to do in schools today.


    Personally, I don't pray, it seems like a silly primative ritual to me. Before you bash me for that I will tell you that I am very spiritual.


    As far as the pledge, we do it in my first period class everyday. It is a great signal that school has begun and it reminds us that we are Americans.

  8. Only 2 games into the season and it's already Bledslow talk. It's going to be a long long season. :flirt:



    After last weeks game Bledsoe has justified the "Bledslow talk". The sack were horrible but when the line held he threw like a girl. It may be a long season. I supported Drew until last week. It is time to get off the pot. Mathews probably isn't going to take us to the superbowl but how many more times can we watch this team start to move the ball only to see Drew melt into the collapsing pocket (and fumbling the ball). It's like a bad repeating nightmare that has haunted me for two and a half years.


    Teams know how to beat us with Drew at QB. I would take the gamble and pull a surprize start with Mathews against NE. It's a huge gamble but this is the only game that I can remember knowing that we will be crushed in the we start Drew. I don't want to give Bilchek (sp?) the satisfaction.


    This team isn't that far from being a good team. As bad as the Bills played they should have won both of the first two games. Put Mathews in next week. If he bombs put Drew back in and see if he has the motivation to change his game. After two and a half years it doesn't look like Drew is capable of turning this around. Our teams isn't "billsfanone" but I believe Drew is.

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