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Posts posted by qblax16

  1. Biggest holes in order I would say are: CB, WR, and LB. Without a doubt my biggest concern is our secondary. The only CB I would want at 10 is Lattimore and it's unlikely he lasts that far, don't like Humphrey. I still think we need a legit number 2 WR, however with signing Holmes it may make it more unlikely we draft one early. Before Holmes signed I had my heart set on Davis at #10. Lastly I think we could still stand to upgrade LB. I've never been a big fan of Preston, Ragland is still a question mark, and I'm optimistic yet skeptical of how well Lorenzo translates to the new scheme. Still hoping for Zach Brown to come back.


    Lattimore would be HUGE help, but I don't see him falling to 10... possible to trade back and still get good value at CB later in round one would also be a great move by the FO.

  2. 20M is top 15 QB money... If he brings us to the playoffs, that puts him in a class among the 12 best teams, and credit is put on the QB play (bad as we know all to well) and good which clearly we don't know that well because we're concerned about paying a playoff QB top 15 money.


    Yes, Tyrod should be a 20M a year guy in this case.

  3. The "logic", if we can even call it that, for comparing M.Williams and C.Glenn is tenuous at best. Williams is under contract through 2017. For 2016, he would count $19.9m against the cap if we keep him or $7.0m if released. For 2017, he would count $16.5m. There is no tagging Williams this year or next. It's irrelevant to the discussion. He vastly under performed against his contract last year and enters this year approaching that age where performance is expected to trail off. Glenn, on the other hand, has improved every year and has many years left before he'll need to be replaced. To boot, Mario doesn't want to renegotiate his contract. So while it's super easy to say that you would "rather have Mario for one year at $14m than Cordy for the same price, it is extremely highly unlikely that it will even be an option. I hope they get deals done for Glenn and Incognito and go from there. If Mario wants to stick to his contract at a price of $19.9m against the cap, he's gone and good riddance.



    I totally missed that... 20M vs 13.5M is a huge difference... I think one of the posters is right just blind optimism. The guy does play better with some motivation, and when everyone tells him he sucks he decides to play like a beast.


    With Rex Def, we can find an edge rusher that will allow creative blitzing to get to the QB, so 20Million for Mario is really too much...


    You've all convinced me... I just was a believer in M. Williams when he came to Buffalo, and still want to believe in him. (Also don't want to throw away his jersey...)

  4. For those in favor of keeping Mario and letting Glenn go, can you explain your reasoning?


    Glenn is young and has basically gotten better every year. Mario is in the twilight of his career and seemingly played without any heart last season. You could argue that he detracted from the defense last year with his public whining.


    I'll try to explain... at the same cap number of about 14M I'd rather keep Mario on for ONE more year than have Glenn for ONE more year. (granted they'd have more time to work on a deal with Glenn with the tag)


    Cap Hit would be almost the same for next year...


    I'd rather (best case scenario) get Glenn signed long term and we'd have to let Mario go in that case to free up room for Gilmore/Richie. I wouldn't want Mario to go, but it'd be the best case to have those 2 or 3 guys than just Mario.


    I just see Mario having a good bounce back year, and I understand potential, but I don't see Glenn as a top 5 LT. I'd hate to lose a top 10 LT though, so it would make more sense to try to keep Glenn long term and take a gamble if they don't work something out to Franchise and try again the next season.


    My point was if it works like Byrd did and Glenn bolts, I'd rather have Mario at 14M next season than Glenn at 14M next season...

  5. Just saying they'd have the same cap figure if Mario plays his 5th year at 13.9M or if we tag Glenn at 13.5M... I think Mario is the more valuable player.


    Again I know I'm in the minority on that... Just not thinking Glenn is a top 5 LT really ever, and I think Mario has been a top 5 DE and might have a year or two left in him. I think the Jason Peters deal may have jaded us, but if we can Transition Tag and get a 1st Rd pick out of it I'd be for that.


    I just don't see Glenn as elite is the main point... Mario has shown the ability to be elite... just needs some kind of motivation... and who knows what motivates him... It's frustrating but still would rather have him if deciding how to spend the ~14 Million this year

  6. I'm in the minority, but I think I'd rather have Mario Williams than Cordy Glenn if we have to use the tag... Same cost about 14M.


    If it comes to Franchise tag I'd say let Glenn walk and keep Williams if you have to choose between the two.


    Best case is that Doug resigns Glenn and don't eat up the full 14M in cap space, and unfortunately Mario will be cut to help sign Gilmore/Richie...

  7. I work/live in NC, and have 5 co-workers that are Clemson Alum, so I saw a lot more of Sammy in his college days, and all I can say is CAN WE PLEASE THROW SOME WR SCREENS TO SAMMY?!?!


    Here is a good example:





    If they are taking him away as KC did in the second half, lets draw up 2 WR screens in the second half that allow the man to at least touch the ball again. Even when you get a perfect jump on the play it is still a safe play (Robey)


  8. So I just checked out some combine measurements for purely athletic stuff... Tyrod beats Marriota in every category.


    What does it mean... not much, but thought I'd share. I'd like to see how there passing stats compare more so than the athleticism, but haven't looked too hard.

  9. Donald Trump is running for President of the United States.


    Let's get passed the fact that this is crazy... and think about if he did win the bid for the Bills and became President. We'd have to get into the playoffs with that recipe right?


    Now back to reality where none of this will happen... except the playoffs this year, GO BILLS!

  10. Buffalo Rumblings posed a great question, EJ starts this season over/under at 3.5.




    I'm still in the boat that he wins the job, so I'm clearly over.


    What I didn't think of is that we have Glass Cassel as one of his competitors that most of the talking heads say will win the job. Even if he does win we can't just give up on EJ as he'll have to come off the bench and play well.


    Tyrod Taylor is in the quick though if EJ struggles in back up duty, so 3.5 is tough over/under bet.



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