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Posts posted by Marcelstephon

  1. http://profootballta...de-up-for-a-qb/


    I don't mind getting a QB, as everyone knows, but does this bumpkin have any clue? In this day of 24/7 access, publicly contradicting yourself twice gives the impression that you and the organization are nothing but a bunch of morons.


    Nice call Buddy. You're a year late, dumb a$$.


    I think he knows exactly what he's doing. I'm glad we have him as a GM and not an over emotional lunatic like you.


    But that's just my opinion.


    Go Bills

  2. I swore up and down this wasnt going to happen.


    Was going to go out and enjoy my sunday with my family--sleep in, brunch, christmas shopping, maybe some outdoor activities.


    then i played with the playoff machine:



    at first, i was wildly unrealistic with it, and got the bills a playoff spot with ease.


    then, i went back through, and was a little more reserved, and managed to get us a 6 seed pretty quickly.


    then, i looked at our schedule:



    and all of a sudden, it happened.


    i realized, unfortunately, i was going to be watching the jags game, hoping for the playoffs.


    sorry guys. i hate me just as much as you do.


    but im not giving up on the playoffs.


    sadly, i think we can do this.



  3. From what i recall, after the Steelers loss (to their 2nd stringers) that cost Buffalo a playoff berth, the fans in B-Lo went nuts. They showed up around his home, harrassed his wife and kids...just showing no class whatsover by adults. I'm sure his kids were harrassed at school too. It really sounded ugly and i think he actually feared for their safety. He probably figured at the time, being an NFL coach just wasn't worth it to his family.

    Now people are much more reserved. People in WNY just expect to lose and be mediocre every year so no need to hassle the coach and his family.


    I hate to admit is but bills fans are the worst fans in the NFL...

  4. I've been watching this team for 30 years. And I honestly say it no longer bothers me when they lose. In fact, I root for them to lose, to hit rock bottom and either be sold or taken over by a new owner.


    The league has passed this franchise by. Sure we have a few talented guys, you cant help not having a few given the high draft picks each and every year. But this organization is a joke. Its no different from any bad company, run by bad management. They rarely improve. Why do some teams have 3,4,5,6 SuperBowl trophies and others have none? Simple, the ownership, culture, management, people. And the Bills have only regressed while other teams have improved.


    I'm not sure any of the front office, coaching or scouting staff would even have a job were it not for the Bills. Its so so so much more than just this guy or that guy, or this player or that player. its everything. They've lost the game before its begun, they just don't know it. They show no ability to evaluate talent in any level of the organization. This is a people business and that is where they have absolutely no competence, evaluating personnel, whether it be players, coaches, front office, you name it. Does anyone seriously think that Ralph Wilson can compete with an owner like Bob Kraft? Its not even fair. I'm not sure you could do a worse job on purpose. The first step to improving is identifying a problem; telling yourself the truth. And they haven't done that. Heck aren't even aware of it. And after 30 years I'm just tired. Tired of them not getting it, not knowing how far behind they are, how backwards the organization is. They are so so so far away from any of the elite teams its not even funny.


    I'm not sure why they are even allowed to have a franchise. If you cannot get better, step aside and let someone else have a shot. Sell the team Ralph, end this 50 year run of mediocrity (ex the 5-6 good years you had by lucking your way into Polian). I'm done.


    Have fun being a Patriots fan, we are going to smash you guys in two weeks.

  5. Someone around the league---or perhaps the entire city of Houston--knew that Mario was a fraud as a player. Were people snickering about how dumb the Bills were to sign this guy for a zillion dollars??..Someone had to know. Anyone here from Houston??


    The only other explanation is that the guy suddenly forgot how to play football in his extended offseason.


    This is the thing I just dont get. How in the world could such a colossal mistake have been made?--Can anyone on this board

    think of a bigger miscalculation on a young veteran of the NFL? We aren't talking a college kid here. The guy played in the league for years.


    Get over it, he's a good player, not going to get 2 sacks a game...nuff said.

  6. Tom Golisano Would Look At Participation In Buying The Bills If The Team Was Ever In Danger Of Leaving WNY.


    CLARENCE, N.Y. ( WBBZ.TV) In an exclusive interview on the WBBZ-TV program “Political Buzz,” the billionaire owner of the Rochester based Paychex Company talked about the potential he could be an owner of the Buffalo Bills someday.

    Tom Golisano said, “I don’t think anybody knows for sure that this team is going to be for sale, or available. I would assume Mr. Wilson is a very smart individual…and I don’t think he would get himself in a situation where it would be a forced sale. Now if it did happen, and the team was in danger of leaving, I have said that I would do what I could to participate, not a commitment, but I would certainly look at it because I realize how important this franchise is to this community, just like the Sabres…I would hate to see the Buffalo Bills leave Buffalo, so whatever I could do that was logical and realistic, I would participate.”

    Golisano’s political advisor Steve Pigeon appeared on the program as co-host with John Di Sciullo. Mr. Golisano discussed how Steve brought the idea to him to purchase the Buffalo Sabres hockey team in 2003, which he eventually sold to Terry Pegula in 2011. Golisano said he rejected a more lucrative offer that would have seen the team move out of Western New York.

    Golisano discussed his latest political initiative in advancing passage of the National Popular Vote Bill. In an online video aired on the program, Golisano explained his mission to guarantee the Presidency to the candidate who receives the most popular votes in the entire U.S. The bill preserves the Electoral College, while ensuring every vote in every state will matter in every Presidential election. The website he created is www.nationalpopularvote.com.

    When asked if there was a personal connection to his philanthropic work, Golisano offered a rare personal revelation that he has a son who is developmentally challenged as the reason his B. Thomas Golisano Foundation started in 1985 with a donation helping those with developmental disabilities.

    Mr. Golisano said, “There is a personal connection, and I don’t talk about it much. I do have a son who is developmentally disabled. Steven lives in Rochester, works in a sheltered workshop, and lives in a mini group home with a set of house parents. Steven is 47 now, and with that connection you become very connected about the world of intellectual and developmental disabilities, so I started the foundation, that over the years has grown to give out significant amounts of money.”

    Pigeon commented that the B. Thomas Golisano Foundation has donated over $200 million dollars to charities in Rochester, Buffalo, Niagara Falls, and Florida.

    Golisano left Rochester in 2009 and relocated to Florida citing the high tax rates in New York State. He commented that the money he has saved in paying taxes has been donated to worthy causes.

    The exclusive hour long interview with Tom Golisano aired Thursday night at 6:30p.m.on the WBBZ-TV program “Political Buzz,” and can be seen again Friday morning at 9:00 a.m. as well as Sunday morning at 10:00 a.m. on Your Hometown Television Station,

    WBBZ-TV is on Time Warner Cable Ch. 5 in Buffalo/Niagara Falls (HD 710); TWC Ch. 99 in Dunkirk; TWC Ch. 21 in Olean; Ch. 5 on Verizon FiOS (HD 505); Ch. 5 on Dish Network; Ch. 67 on DirecTV ( where available) and Ch. 67.1 over the air. WBBZ-TV is locally owned and operated by Phil Arno. Bob Koshinski is Vice President and General Manager.







  7. The Miami Thursday night game WILL be an important game once again. The season seems to be dead to a lot of people and with hockey on life support, the Bills will make it an interesting December after all. Congrats to the Bills for an incredible victory!


    I AGREE!!! Hip Hip Hooray for the Buffalo Bills and the City of Buffalo!!!

  8. This year there were some reasons to believe the Bills could actually be a contender, or at least look like a tough opponent. I think by now many (including myself) are thinking that once again we are watching the same ole hapless Bills. Improve slightly in one area, get worse in all others.


    Just curious what the masses think is needed for the Bills to have the best chance at ever being a top team in the NFL.


    Personally I think the Bills personnel is pretty decent. Sure Fitz is iffy and you could blame it on him, you could blame it on Mario...


    It's become clear to me though, that more than any other sport, to win in the NFL you need good coaching. The Bills could get lucky and draft a good player or two, maybe even a top flight QB, but without top coaching I don't think this team will ever change. Of course that's easier said than done, no coach in their right mind wants to come here, and being a small market team it's unlikely we'll compete financially. Still that's my answer the Bills need a good solid coaching staff.


    (multiple answers accepted)


    I think they will be much better next year, this is still a young team and they will be much better after another full year of playing with each other under this new scheme.

  9. Dont let outside forces dictate your happiness


    Good advice., trying to do that on a daily basis


    I dont believe this post.


    You really have hope. While there is nothing wrong with that, you're wrong.


    The only way we win these games is if the opposing team loses it for us. Lucky stuff like forced fumbles or pick 6's that give us a nice lead. (And you know what happens with our leads when we play the pats)


    The only way we win is if they commit so many mistakes/turnovers that allow us to win. And even in these scenarios, we still may not have a chance.


    Besides our rbs, there is nothing really to be positive about....


    Great points

  10. Once they hit the the 3-6 mark, who could get the experience on defense that has not got a look yet? Isn't Brooks ready to come back soon? Get Mario the surgery, play Brooks, Merriman, who else? If effort is truly been the problem, I say you send a big message for the second half of the season. If Kelsay and Moore are showing the most effort, maybe there are other guys that can step up.


    As far ast the offensive side of the ball, it is time to get Chandler back in the game and really make the most of Graham. If that means getting Tavaris activated, so be it. This team needs to start playing for 2013 because this defense is just brutal. At the very least, find out which players are going to be part of the team that finally gets a look at the playoffs.....


    You ask like its a sure thing...i feel sorry you have to live your life that way...

  11. you may have been thinking that you are really getting annoyed with all of the completely negative posts out there right now. look on the front page and it's all about who sucks, who's a bum, who needs to be fired, who's done with this team and why annyone who still loves the bills and wants to root this team on is a moron. i commend you for trying to bring a little light to the darkness that is overshadowing TBD these days.


    Thank you sir, you're a gentleman and a scholar!

  12. Are you even paying attention to YOUR team?


    The defensive situation is a mess, it all starts with Mr. I'm not blitzing, Dave Wannsfool



    FIRE the current DC, promote Bob Sanders and tell him to freaking BLITZ!


    Tell Chan Gailey YOU want to see a more balanced offensive attack, no more then 5 passes more then runs. If the RB's get 25 touches the QB better not have more then 30 attempts!


    You are after all the GM, are you not? Then TAKE CONTROL GDI, and tell the coaching staff to start winning or more heads will roll !!










    P.S. If you hesitate to fire Dave Wannstedt ...I cringe at the thought of what the Texans will do to the Buffalo Bills if they can beat the Ravens 43-13.


    You Mad Bro?


    Relax I love Buddy Nix

  13. Yesterday's loss hurt so bad that it was hard for me to sleep. However, like in life I've tried to stay positive. (So I could sleep)


    In order to do that I had to not just look at what's going with the bills but to also look at what's going right.


    The positives I will take out yesterdays loss are these...


    1) CJ Spiller and Fred Jackson, especially CJ Spiller, i don't think i can remember seeing a more electric player in a Bills uniform.

    2) Ryan Fitzpatrick. If the D could of played halfway decent all we would be talking about is how great he looked (aside from the pick of course)

    3) Stephon Gilmore. This guy is coming into his own and will be the lock down corner for years to come.

    4) Our D Line will only get better, we have talent!!!

    5) Our O Line, even with a banged up O line we were still able to create running lanes, this will only get better once Glen and Urbic come back healthy after the Bye week.


    As far as the importance of that game, yes it was an important game, however, as i'm sure you all knew even before the season started there was ZERO chance this team could win the the super bowl and it was inevitable that our hearts would be broken at some point in the season...I think it just hurt so bad because we at least wanted to make the playoffs.


    And this is why I still have hope (at least for the next two games)


    If we can somehow split the next two games and come out of them with a 4 - 5 Record who out there doesn't believe we have a shot at making the playoffs? The AFC is in shambles and if we can somehow manage to gel together this team has a great chance at winning the AFC east and at the very least make the playoffs.


    Having just read this for the first time, i must say this is a boring thread, not sure what i was thinking when i wrote it...i was really hung the f over...sorry

  14. I gotta say I just don't see it. Unless the magical switch gets hit w Kelsay calling everyone out starting w Wanny rotating some more CB's for Aaron Williams....... Linebackers and wanny just look LOST. 1st half defense was comical, Chris Johnson had no resistance whatsoever


    But lets fight off reality for two more weeks, might as well we sat through the 1-8


    Time for the OL to get healthy and here's to Fitz's last stand, give me another 3 td performance vs Texans and this Tennessee game will be forgotten. Hats off to CJ and Fred really these guys are moneybags when healthy.


    This is the game....... lose and be 3-5 and it's over


    Or 4-4 and let's bumrush Gillette stadium 2 more weeks off option 2. Billieving (not in wanny). Do your job defensive Coordinator. They don't look that coordinated



    Agreed, we may as well have hope for two more weeks, its more fun that way!!! Football season goes by so fast anyway, might as well believe.

  15. I needed a good 24 hours after this last game I like others am frustrated and disappointed but not blaming the coaches....they have two tough games in a row and have to win one to really have any hopes.....good news it's not going to take 10 wins to make the playoffs this year (maybe not even 9).....the bad news at this point every team but two are in the playoff mix.


    well said sir

  16. Buffalo will get smoked in the next two games. Wake up and smell the coffee. It's over........really it is.


    Texans 33 Bills 13


    Patriots 47 Bills 14




    then why watch this team play? why not just take a break and have someone let you know when they are good again, or gone?


    well said sir

  17. I have no choice but to wish for at least one win at Texans or Cheatriots. If we could beat the Cheatriots then we still have a shot at making the playoffs, needing a awesome run to end the second half of the season of course, but it could happen. This team has to make the playoffs someday. If I have to wait then so be it, I'll be your pissed off neighbor next door you hear screaming, sorry Im a Bills fan neighbors.


    adda boy


    there is a chance. what needs to be done is going to be an extreme uphill battle against overwhelming odds, but there is always a chance. whether or not it can be done is almost irrelevant. i will always hope, i will always billieve, and as long as they are still the BUFFALO bills, i will love this team.


    billieve baby!!!

  18. Ok, I think before the end of the year or shortly after it ends, Buddy will tell Chan he needs to fire Wanny. My guess is that Chan wouldn't have any problem with firing his friend but will decide that he's just not the man for the job. I'm thinking a resignation is in order, not a firing. JMO.


    I thought he called a nice game yesterday...offense played great.

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