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Posts posted by Kodiak

  1. For all you Lovie Smith fans. Lovie has a good win/loss record, however, he is 19-39 against teams with a winning record. He is not an innovative coach, that's why he was in Chicago. For years during the Juron era, I heard many complaints about him being a corpse on the sideline. Lovie is a Juron clone, do you want another Juron?


    All I really want is for you to be able to spell "Jauron"......:)

  2. My worry is we sign/draft someone just because we feel forced to. Who is available as an FA or draft pick that can be a difference maker?




    Yes but to do nothing and try to make a go with Fitz is more of the same. I realize it's a reach with this QB class but would rather take a shot on an unknown then bring in someone who has already been a failure elsewhere in the NFL. Do you really think the Pat's were counting future SuperBowl rings when they drafted Brady or that Seattle thought Wilson would be as productive offensively as of late? Yes it's a crap shoot but you have to take a shot......Nobody could have seen how well things would have turned out for Jim Kelly in Buffalo......Let's be aggressive with finding a QB.....been way too long!

  3. Everyone here seems obsessed with the search for a H.C. when we need to be focusing on the QB position. Belichick sucked in Cleveland and wasn't tearing it up in New England until Brady, Shanny died in Denver once Elway was done and was stinking it up in Washington until RGIII, Indy was horrible last year withou Manning yet are very competitive after adding Luck and Denver has gone to home field advantage throughout the playoffs by simply adding Manning to the roster. Do we see a trend here??????? YOU ABSOLUTELY NEED AN ABOVE AVERAGE QB IN THE NFL TO COMPETE!!!!! Until we find / draft a quality QB we will remain at the bottom of the AFC and the league regardless of who walks our great sidelines. Happy New Year and cheers to looking forward to another NFL Draft and hopefully Denver beating down the Pats this post season!!!!!

  4. The song they have is perfect........"The Shout" song.


    The Bills make we want to SHOUT :


    @ the defensive coordinator

    @ Chan Gailey

    @ Buddy Nix

    @ the bull **** lease agreement

    @ Ryan Fitzpatrick

    @ CJ Spiller getting less than 20-25 times a game

    @ Aaron Williams and George Wilson for blown coverage

    @ Wide open receivers being underthrown for INT's

    @ horrible play calling and game planning

    @ allowing Fitz to pass 30 plus times in a game

    @ etc., etc., etc.

  5. Are you serious with this topic.....don't be an idiot. The team and coaching staff is embarassing enough so please don't make fans out to be both ignorant and ridiculous. We Suck, it is that simple. Other NFL teams have turned the corner in 2-3 years while the Bills have stunk the joint up for over a decade and everyone from the Front Office, coaching staff, and players don't deserve to be associated with the NFL let alone let alone be able to cash a check from the NFL. Stop drinking the damn kool aid and accept you are the fan of a NFL team that would rank as the equivalent of whale **** if you were a marine biologist.

  6. Reading some of the posts and topics calling for the Bills to pack it up and move. Are u people serious? Im just as mad as anyone else with Buffalo's losing ways, poor coaching and Ralphs hiring that are a disater. But really at the end of the day guys, do you really want to see 30 Mayflower trucks in Ralph Wilson parking lot packing it up.


    I hope it gets better, because the people who deserve a winning team the most are the fans of the Buffalo Bills.


    Love em or leave em.... New England is looking for a few good fans!



    This post is not directed at everyone, just some of the morons on here.


    Sorry that you think we are horrible people for being fed up with being used and abused by those @ One Bills Drive. You come across as both offensive and defensive at the same time so maybe you should try out for the team seeing neither offense nor defense can show up on Sundays. I have no problem with admitting that at this point if the team moved I could live with it. It is a shame that some base their entire existence on the Buffalo Bills remaining in Buffalo when the team has done nothing for over a decade to reward such loyalty. I would never jump off the wagon to be a Pat's fan buy the way but have to say Pittsburgh isn't that far from Buffalo ;) ! Also I don't believe they will contract Mayflower to move the team as The Mayflower had direction and was actually going somewhere whereas this team is definitely not! Excuse me for being the one that thinks like a "moron". You are correct sir as I think it is moronic to continue to support a bad product and even more moronic to even consider dumping 200+ million into an outdated stadium that would probably only be able to get replacement parts from the Coliseum in Rome !!!! So yes I am a proud fair weathered fan but a fan none the less and my money has lined Ralphy's pockets just as well as you "diehard" fans. Doing the same thing over and over and expecting a different result is the definition of insanity. I may be a "moron" but at least I'm not insane!!!!

  7. Chan is defeated.....it was evident last week when New England performed a brutal home invasion. A team, like a child, will feed off what the parent / coach represents and Chan is obviously not confident with any facet of this team nor his coaching. Apparently he is willing to fall on the sword for his players but completely dismissing the players accountability in the debacle that has taken place over the past 2 weeks is inexcusable. Not once did i see him get fired up or into a players face over the past 2 weeks. Then again if he gets animated or calls a player out he gets more camera time and if i were him i wouldn't want to be shown on television coaching this team any more than i have to. Chan is embarassed and should be while jack off Wanny hides in the booth and Nix is MIA. A lot of folks think coaches should be getting fired but honestly if Chan and Wanny had any self respect they would resign as they are in over their heads anytime they have to face a .500 team or better. KC and Cleveland have to be thinking "how the hell did we lose to these morons"

  8. I think the Bills need to keep everyone of these coaches in place until there is a new owner. No coach worth anything will come to this team right now. This team gets blown up when a new owner arrives. Let the current bunch of misfits play it out until then. This organiztion is a joke. When new ownership is in place, they hire a real GM and then he can hire the head coach, etc. etc.

    Hahahahaha ...another fan that thinks the bills will be in Buffalo after Ralph passes......a new owner will be relocating this team ASAP

  9. Well glad to see our beloved Bills have lived to one expectation. Unfortunately that expectation is being the laughing stock of the NFL. i was hoping with a revamped defense and some continuity on offense combined with our schedule would at least end the embarassment of our current playoff drought. This Bills team doesn't deserve to wear the red,white,and blue of the great Bills of the 90's. Those MEN could be down 21 pts. in the 4th quarter and you still believed we could some how win the game. These BOYS that make up the Bumbling Bills could have a 2 score lead with 4 minutes to go and you have to sit on the edge of your seat wondering if they are gonna blow the game. 1200 yards and 97 points given up in 2 weeks are you friggin kidding me !!!!!! I mean do we even game plan anymore ????? Seeing many Bills fans have a hard time living in reality I have to agree that there will definitely not be anything changing in the near future under the current ownership and regime but those of you waiting on baited breath for a new owner to come in and restore some form of respect to Bills nation are looking at a handful of fools gold as once Ralph passes this team will be relocated ASAP and anyone who believes different is a sucker! Would you continue to pay a mechanic to NOT fix the problem with your car? Bills fans continue to drop hard earned cash on this crap product.........it is insanity. The ownership, coaches, GM, and players don't show up so why should the fans? So go ahead and light me up and label me a bandwagoner but I am done lining the pockets of a stubborn owner, retread coaches, 2nd rate practice squad players, and a whiney "my wrist has an ouchy" free agents. Chan said last week that after the Jets game we kicked dirt on them and would probably do it again after New England, Guess what Chan nobody will bother to kick dirt on you guys this week as our defense would just let the dirt pass right through them therefore making it impossible to bury this team. Well unless you are the Jets, New Emgland's,or 49er's offense !

  10. Never was a big fan of Wanny and the proof of his ineptness lies in the 2nd half meltdown of his defense with a 2 touchdown lead. I am absolutely beside myself with embarassment. Super Mario my @$$......hasn't shown up as a player let alone a "game changer". Fan loyalty has been rewarded with a below average performance on the field led by below average coaching rejects and out dated and / or unproven GM's. Combine the product on the field with this lame @$$ lease extension and anyone who drops hard earned cash for season tickets for this team are suckers. Hopefully a new owner will put a decent product on the field for L.A. fans in the next couple of years. Ryan Fitzpatrick and Chan both said they were embarassed. Chan and Fitzy hopefully you don't cash your game check this week (Wanny and Mario also) because to take money without even showing up to work is stealing where I come from !!!!

  11. I am in no way defending Fitz's play nor am I declaring him the next Tom Brady waiting to happen. We all know Fitz is not an elite QB but are we absolutely positive that he is completely incapable of taking a "good" team to the playoffs. Seems this season has begun as the season of interceptions. There are many, including some elite (Manning bro's / Brady) QB's that already have multiple INT's this season. Cam Newton looked absolutely dreadful Thursday night against an injury riddled Giants team in their home stadium. I am not saying Fitz will ever consistently carry his team to victory but if he gets hot at the right time this could be an exciting season for Bills fans (see 2011 Oakland / New England shoot outs). My hope is that with us starting of fast last year and falling off that 2012 will reverse the situation as we started out dreadful against the Jets and Fitz looked a bit awkward at times against KC so hopefully will get hot against New England in week 4 (I already penciled 49er's as a loss as Harbaugh has them firing on all cylinders). The debacle against the Jets showed us our QB at his worst for sure but I blame that fiasco on coaching and game prep as much, if not more, than on Fitz's poor play. The truth is we walked into the Jets house poorly prepared with a soft defense that played not to lose rather than to win! The lack of a defensive presence and inability to adjust to what NY was doing to us was disheartening to say the least. I still billieve that if Fitz can settle in at the right time and our coaching staff can fire these guys up to being a physical presence along with providing some sound game planning that we could be looking at a hell of a run from week 6 on with really tough games against the Patsy's and Texans the 2nd half of the year. I love my beloved Bills and will billieve until the final whistle !!!

  12. Richardson is a big boy and was running like a man on a mission this week. I'm not overly impressed with our linebackers and have concern over him getting to the 2nd level on us. I honestly think Richardson could literally run right over Wilson / Byrd. Just concerned as our record has shown pretty consistently that our Bills don't show up at road games. I am surrounded by Patsy and Jet fans even though I live and work in WNY and would just like to go a single day of a football season without being the "joke" of the AFC East....even in the Kelly days all you here about is got to the show and never finished.....SUCKS

  13. First and foremost I have to say CJ and the O-line (Specifically Levitre & Glenn) had an outstanding outing against the Chiefs. Props to the "D" for playing more aggressive, throwing in some well timed Blitz packages (Thought Sheppard was gonna decapitate Cassel before he took the knee), and "showing up" this week. My concern with this team is that we tend to struggle greatly on the road.....not only the players but our coaching staff also. We fail to adjust at halftime and seem to repeatedly start behind the eight ball forcing us into a pass happy "catch up" mode and we all know how well that has worked for us. Fitz is a game manager and not an elite QB in the NFL and it is tough when we fall behind by 2 or 3 scores and have to put the game on his shoulders. I am concerned about Cleveland this week as it is a road game and Richardson is looking like a beast. We will never contend in the AFC East if we can't win in our division let alone on the road. Does anybody else on this board realize the last time the Bills won a road game was when we handed KC a beatdown on opening day of last season......disturbing trend to say the least and the Patsy's and Niners are no joke in upcoming weeks !!!!

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