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Posts posted by FigPatrick

  1. Is Pettine going to run out on the field when the ball is in the air and tell Leodis to turn around?


    This is comical....I guess the 6th year is the charm. Lets "unlock" him because the other 19 coaches on the NFL level that have tried to coach him are mindless and never should have been past the Pop Warner level.


    Why do winning franchises and fan bases in the NFL understand when a player has run his course in the NFL and it seems as if the Bills FO and our fan base hold on for an extra 3 years trying to force situations? (Merriman, Fitzpatrick (never should have been a starter), etc, etc, etc).

  2. 4 years experience and learning. Will only improve. Better pass rush and the whole back field improves. Great return man. Our only glimmer in most games last year. Good investment and the bucks alone make you think your better and thats important in his position.


    5 years experience and learning, not 4. Can we please stop inflating what McKelvin really is and just be honest for once? You have seen this guy play for 5 years in a Bills uniform and you have seen him get burnt time and time again. If McKelvin is a starting CB on this team, Pettine or not, we are in trouble on that side of the field. He may have improved Cromartie, but Cromartie is a hell of a lot better CB than McKelvin. If, and that is a strong If, he can be a serviceable Nickel corner then fine. That is about all that he is. However, he is one Hell of a return man. That is where the value lies, that is why he got the contract he did. Period.

  3. I find it somewhat amazing that this offseason has seen the departure (and likely departure) - orchestrated by Nix - of much of the "nucleus" that Nix himself constructed.


    Consider that the following players are gone, or likely to be gone: Fitzpatrick, Jones, Nelson, Levitre, Barnett, Meriman, Kelsay, Wilson.


    Nearly all of those players were acquired and/or signed by Buddy Nix within the past few years. All of them were considered part of the "core" heading into the 2012 season.


    And now Buddy Nix is orchestrating their departures.


    It seems to me we might be in full-on rebuilding mode. What I find odd is that the GM overseeing the rebuilding is the same GM who built the foundation in the first place, and relatively recently. Seems somewhat anomalous for an NFL team to be doing that type of thing.


    So my question is, are we in fact rebuilding? If so, are we comfortable with Nix as the architect? Personally, I have my doubts about Nix, but I wouldn't mind it if the Bills were to finally "bottom out" this year and become eligible for either Clowney or Manziel. I just don't want to hear their marketing garbage about how it's playoffs or bust this season. There are so many holes on this roster (most of them self-created) that I have trouble envisioning a successful season, absent a grand slam draft and free agency period.


    No offense, but were your entombed in carbonite for the past few months? Yes the Bills are in full rebuilding mode. They may stay that way for some time if they do not hit on a QB soon. By the time a potential QB gets up to speed all of the decent players (the few) we have will be aging Vets....and then it begins all over again

  4. He did have that one really good half in a preseason game.


    Ahh, yes. Love the fact that "the D improved around him". Shame on the Bills for cutting him last preseason. Shame on the rest of the NFL for not picking him up as a FA for 10 weeks. Lucky for the Bills he was still there so they could scoop him back up. He must have been turning offers down left and right and just holding out to get back on the Bills.


    This is the type of BS that needs to change in the mind of Bills fans. This guy was garbage as a player after his injuries and he stopped juicing Its a fact and its a perfect example of what can happen in the NFL. Stop falling in love with "name" players and other teams garbage and hope we start drafting better and actually developing our own players.

  5. If not for Nix, he would have retired 3 years ago. He brought zero to the field as a Bill.


    Finally, someone that at least is honest and sees reality. Everyone else was suckered into thinking we had the Merriman of 2007. Merriman was done the day he was let go by San Diego sorry to say. He has been nothing to the Bills. It amazes me people are actually wishing him well and they basically told Kelsay to F-Off over his retirement. At least Kelsay gave us 10 years of hard work. Merriman was hurt 7 minutes into his first practice as a Buffalo Bill.

  6. I dont think resigning Levitre is in the plans. Just a hunch, but the facts of:


    1. Locking Ubrik up so early in the process

    2. No talks between Levitre, his agent and the Bills as little as 4 days ago

    3. The fact he will become one of the top 3 paid Guards in the league

    4. The fact the Bills have so many other needs


    The only way I could see Levitre resigning is maybe with Fitz renegotiation. Without, just to many holes to fill.

  7. and were' off....the debate about Merriman continues...what year 3 or 4 with him having done NOTHING in a Bills uniform except to get cut, go unsigned and then return and play one decent game where the other team basically laid down. PLEASE stop with this now. Merriman is done on 31 other teams in the NFL.

  8. Darius is top 3 on that list, if not top. Darius is a bust at this point vs. where he was drafted. Trying to dominate as he did in college with little to no effort. It takes 100% effort all the time and then some in the NFL. He better get faster, stronger and bring his mental game next year or he will look like the 2nd coming of John McCargo.


    Now, his brother did pass this year and it was tragic. That is understood and may have effected him greatly. Lets hope he breaks out of it and pushes forward....vs. him being pushed back off the line 3 yards every single "figgin" play

  9. Just a thought. If the Bills hire Lovie Smith, is there a chance B Urlacher follows him. I think he is a free agent, and even though he is on the downside of his career and there isn't much left in the tank he is still a better option than the current LBs. But then again if he is a free agent he will probably want to go to a winner that is just 1 or 2 pieces away. I dunno just crazy thinking on my part.


    Good thought but "no". Urlacher will finish up in Chicago.

  10. He deserves it.... it would be good to see him get some kind of reward for putting up with another year with no QB help. I want him to be healthy and motivated next year for our rookie QB.


    Deserves it why? Because he drops a ton of balls and is a #2 WR on any other team in the NFL....OK...good luck Stevie

  11. Actually, the Clowns drafted a QB in round 1 the last 2 years. They have the same record as us.


    While I agree that the Bills need to improve at the QB position, a "franchise QB" is not the end all be all. Last year the Saints with Drew Brees were 13-3 with a good defense. This year their defense sucks and they're 7-8. Statistically, Drew Brees is having a great year. #1 in the NFL paired with the worst defense in the league. If a franchise QB could over come all the weaknesses of a team (which I read on here frequently), then why the drop off in wins?


    2 of the 4 QBs you mention's (Schaub and Dalton) team have top 10 defenses. When Brees was winning he also had an excellent defense. All of these guys also have excellent WRs.


    So the Browns drafted a QB in the first round the past two years? Weeden and...........

  12. 2017 Will be the year the Bills make the playoffs.


    Losing players such as Whitner and having to keep filling those voids is what ends up hurting this team the most. Players like Winfield, Bannon, Leonhard, Lynch, McGahee, Poz, Pat Williams......Having to redraft to keep filling the positions destroys a team. Every time the Bills do not step up to pay a player above OR draft one with talent but "questionable" character only to find out "he does not fit on the Bills" sets us back. The Bills are then forced to redraft the position and hope the player they are drafting is going to pan out. Not to mention that it wastes a pick that could have been used to fill another position.


    Watch, it is about to happen all over again with Byrd and Levitre....mark my words, the Bills have already resigned the lineman they plan on keeping in Urbik.

  13. Thanks for bringing us fresh insight here to the most successful and longest running Bills message board.

    Real cool to call us suckers, too. Bro fist!


    Message Board? Sounds more like a therapy session for some of you. Must be a pretty long session at that since the Bills have been terrible for over a decade. A few of you get it at least. Must be tough to filter all the "rha-rha" stuff out and get down to the posts that make sense. How many people here know how the NFL works? When a player is cut because he has been oft injured over the past 5 years, he does not fit your scheme and has had little to no interest from any other NFL team I would not consider that a victory. The true value was seeing Moore on the field this past Sunday and see him play pretty well. He at least has a career ahead of him vs. one that has been shut down 5 years ago.


    I actually wish Merriman well, but to be "excited" about this is exactly what the Bills want you to feel as they know that can pull the wool over your eyes yet again.

  14. You signed up today just to share your nuggets of wisdom with us. Gee, thanks. <_<




    You seem like a bunch of suckers to me then. "Happy to have him back" you say? Why? So he can do absolutely nothing in a Buffalo uniform for another year? You do realize he was good back in 2006 and 2007 correct? You also realize he was not playing for the Buffalo Bills during those years? Wow, seems like you NEED some fresh insight around here.

  15. Give me a freakin' break...not this again. Already being viewed as the "savior" of the Buffalo Bills for the second time. Give it a rest. Merriman was a free agent for 7 weeks and had 1 tryout? Do you think he was waiting for the "perfect opportunity"? There is a reason why he was not signed. He already said Buffalo was not the right fit, yet he is back. Hmmm, do yourselves a favor and dont put an ounce of faith in this signing. Most of you have been doing it for years, a washed up, 27 year old, injury prone, steroid juice-head that has not been productive in 5 years.


    "BUFFALO - The only city in the world where Shawn Merriman is still relevant"

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