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Posts posted by Shamus05

  1. Anyone who wants the Bills to move should just stop watching games (and posting on bills fan websites). No one is forcing you to be a fan. As someone who's been watching the Bills for 36 years, it's sad to see where they are at this point and where they've been the last ten years. That being said, it's will always better to know that the bills are in Buffalo. If they moved, life would go on and be just as great, but a little piece of me and I'm sure hundred of thousands of other people would die.


    Why should I stop watching? Cause you say so... Your entitled to your opinion but I not mine? People like you sure make this a wonderful country to live in


    I'm just guessing here but your not in Buffalo, never been from Buffalo, never lived in Buffalo, and probably never even been to Buffalo. If you are or have been any one of these then your just a sorry SOB. A traitor. No love for your city, hometown. Have no allegance to anything besides money probably. Have a nice life.


    Already said im from Rochester and been to plenty of Bills games, but u go ahead and keep supporting this garbage



    Art Modell and his family and that is about it. Cleveland hates the Ravens ( and is not too fond of Lebron either).


    I am a Buffalo Bills fan with the emphasis on Buffalo. That is the whole point. What else is there to root for, the laundry? I certainly did not become a Clippers fan and definitely would not root for the LA Bills if they ever moved.


    There is no such thing as the Bills without the word Buffalo before Bills. That is the whole point.

    Maybe for you but there are a lot of Bills fans that dont have that attachment to buffalo, we are just bills fans


    Agree 100%


    I probably would rarely watch the NFL. I barely do now. With work, not being home all the time, and wanting to enjoy my days with the woman I can say I probably won't watch again if we lost the Bills. I go to every home game now, and then usually just relax on the couch with the girl and the dog after dealing with traffic on the way home. Especially after a loss, I could care less about football.


    Don't care about hockey either. It's a boring sport IMO. Lacks energy IMO. I know all the arguments about full speed, played faster than football, non stop gameplay, more than 6 minutes played an entire game. It's all BS IMO. I love football and going to games for the crowd. It's chaotic no matter what. I love that. Hockey is a bunch of people sitting down all game (half of them in suits because they got free tickets from thier work) and only really being excited when there's a goal. Football to me is 60 minutes of nailbiting action. Always standing, always screaming, always electric. The cheers I hear at player announcements before opening kickoff are more than I've heard during an entire Sabres game that is goal after goal. And I've been to some crazy shootouts. It's just not even close. I know that Hockey games have about a quarter the amount of people there, it doesn't matter. I love it when the Ralph is so loud on 3rd and 8 that I can't even hear myself think. That's why I love the Bills. And that's why I could never be a fan of them if there were anywhere but Buffalo. So to those thatvwant this team to move to LA. Go F$&K OFF!!! And route for the Pats or something. They have a huge bandwagon you cam jump on.


    Nah, i'll stay a bills fan and pray they move, thanks



    I was born in Lackawanna and grew up with games at the Rockpile.

    My Dad took me to home games and was a co-founder of the original Bills Boosters Club.

    I go to games with my children and family.

    When it was simpler, I went to training camp with my grandchildren.

    If they move, I will not have a Buffalo Bills team to cheer for.

    I will not have a home team.

    I will still watch football, but I will not have a team that is mine.


    Why is this so hard to understand?


    Oh so its all about you...my bad


    I cant imagine abusing my family by taking them to Bills games. Have they forgiven you?

  6. The titans and cardinals are measuring sticks? Thats why this franchise is garbage, fans like you. You accept garbage. Measuring sticks are teams like the Patriots and 49ers.


    Bottom line, we cannot hang with the big boys.


    Tell me, if we beat the Titans or Cardinals...how do we measure up? Pretty good against mediocre teams?

  7. HOLY !@#$ING ****!!!!! We are only 2-3. yes the 3 loses were really bad but still. The season isnt even half way over and people are saying this season is over. I am sorry but i rarely go on this site now or read these stupid forums because they all think this team is dead in the water already. I mean come on, have a little faith. I use to live in miami for a long time and i would rip the dolphins fan open because they have a really bad fan base. But now.. i am believing buffalo is getting close to that. Ya we havent been to the playoffs in a decade, ya we looked horrible the last two weeks, but that doesnt mean the team will just say, F it the season is over. Hey for all we know we might win the next 8 games and then i will come back on here and tell you that you arent a bills fan because you gave up on them so fast. Ya that's right, I dont believe you are really a bills fan. I believe a fan stays with their team through the **** storms, ya we might disagree with the direction at times, but to give up hope is sad. Grow a pair and be proud that you have a team to root for and to yell at when they make a good play. But dont be such a kitty about all of this. When the NFL says, hey buffalo is out of the play off race, then bring your negativity, but until then, and i hope other people are with me. SHUT UP!


    You must of just started being a Bills fan....trust us, the season is over


    ya know... there's any number of other teams you can follow? why are you even still here?


    Ive been a Bills fan for 20+ years. I have no ambition to switch teams. But if new ownership comes in, then great. If new ownership comes in and moves them then whatever. Ill be a LA Bills fan. I swear, the Bills fans that continue to accept this mess of a franchise irks me.


    I understand that all fans have to eat a **** sandwich sometimes but cmon, this is ridiculous. I want a SB, and i'll take it in B-lo, LA, or Toronto.



    I don't want to pile on you or anything, but where are you from originally? Other posters will correct me if I speak incorrectly for them, but I believe I speak for all native Buffalonians who root for the Bills. We are all Bills fans, but not because they are the Bills, but because they are the BUFFALO BILLS. We love this team because they are a part of us, a part of Buffalo. If this team ever moves, the NFL is dead to me and so are the Bills. This is why I have an incredible optimistic faith that things will work out with Ralph Wilson's trust and the team will remain in Buffalo. If not, I will continue to wear my Blue and Gold and I will have 52 free Sundays per year instead of 33.


    I am originally from Rochester, live near albany now. Im sorry you find it offensive that I want the Bills to be a winning franchise no matter what the terms. If the bills staying in buffalo means that tthey will have losing seasons for the next 20 years...forget it


    I'll take Charles Manson at QB if it would mean a SB win


    Same here. That's like someone being a Clippers fan because they played in Buffalo years ago, its just dumb.


    And if there is a succeeding LA Bills team in the future, it would kill me to remember that I loved every minute watching the Bills play in Buffalo.


    Lets just say the Bills get moved to LA and no team ever comes back to Buffalo, you will foresake football forever? Thats just dumb...

  11. Nothing happens until new ownership moves in and the team gets shipped out. Next week Chan will still be coach, Wanny still the D Cor, and Fitzwobbles is still starting.


    If the team gets moved so be it, i will then be a LA whatever fan...or Texans fan.


    There is talent on the team but a lot of these players will move on when their contract is up. This is a dead franchise. New ownership is needed before anything happens. Anyone whose been a fan for 20+ years or so know Ralph does not fire people mid season.

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