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Posts posted by jake24

  1. Being an owner of a football wouldn't you want to see your team win a Super Bowl. The whole goal is to bring home the hardware. I just think Wilson is so old and fragile that he doesn't really understand whats going on and his family can give 2 *****. Just sell the team Ralph and enjoy the rest of your life, you brought us a product now let someone else take over and and improve on what you brought here....

  2. With our Oline and our RB's, the Bill's shouldn't be passing the ball 37 times a game. We should be grinding it out 37 times and passing 17 times. Gailey's game plan just sucks game in game out. Spiller and Jacksons should be on the ield together, ue a wishbone offensive, split one out whatever it takes those guys should be on field, defense's can't cover their talent.


    I guarentee Spiller will not sign with Buffalo when his contract expires unless their is a coaching change, which I hope is soon.

  3. The real blame is not Mario and his lack of game, it's the inability of the coaching staff not being able to adjust their game plan. Chan and Wanny must be able to adjust on the fly or the Bills once again will miss the playoffs. I beleive another loss like this should put Chan on notice that his job is in jepordy.

  4. Why is it that Mario let him get away with play after play? Unleash the beast and smack the hell out of him until he stops, if he doesn't stop keep smacking the hell out of him until he does or you get called for it. Obviously crying to the refs did help, take matters into your own hands then. I guess $110 million make you soft just like $65 million makes you unable to read a defense and throw the ball to the recievers.

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