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Posts posted by Park

  1. Come on Park that isn't karma. Not sure why you posted that but there is no defending it. That man had a job to do for Chick-fil. No matter what thats man's opinion was he had a job to do. Suddenly dying of a heart attack is a tragic loss of a life and to Chick-fil who I am sure have relied heavily on him the last week or so.

    I'm sure he was a decent man...if you can't laugh at death, well then, too bad for you. If All these people can use God to be evil to people, then I can reference Karma for a bit of levity, I'm not sorry if that offends

  2. My beloved Cavalier is near the end of its life and I'm overdue for a replacement :(


    If I was going for a sedan, the Civic would be #1 on my list. But America is a land of big SUVs, which makes driving a low riding sedan difficult because it's hard to see around them. So I've given up, if you can't beat them join them. Looking more for a CRV, Equinox/Terrain, or Santa Fe


    Sorry dude, i'm a carnivore. You can have my steak when you pry it from my cold dead incisors


    I can't drink cheap beer or invest my money, because my money goes towards drinks for women. Which is how I both enjoy life and get exercise :devil:

    Lol! Ok, that's good! Maybe a Toyota Tacoma with a v-6?

  3. ...


    Wow. I can only guess that you must get punched in the mouth, a lot.



    You have joined BillsFaninSanDiego who wished that someone would kill Romney before the election as a totally classless person. Making fun of someone's death seems to be the way you far leftists go and I would think that the reasonable leftists would want to denounce you.

    Oh for Gods sake, STFU

  4. If George Clooney can host a $15M fundraiser for Obama, the least Dirty Harry can do is make Romney's day


    On a side note Dave, have you dealt with Priority or Hall when buying a car? I might be buying in the next couple months

    No and hell no! Buy a Honda Civic, stop eating expensive meats, drink only cheap beer, invest all your money in the stock market and retire early and enjoy life! and exercise often

  5. But that is precisely the reason why the blogger data shows that graph. Eliminate the war spending from the calculations and a far different picture emerges.


    It's fairly simple, Obama passed the largest economic stimulus bill in history. It did nothing to jump start growth. Doubling down is not going to accelerate growth because the private sector doesn't trust Obama and will sit out another four years on the sideline.


    So for all the people who are struggling out there in this economy should consider if they're willing to have five more years of stagnation if they're pushing the Obama button on election day.

    So you are actually arguing that the economic stimulus did nothing? I think you need to prove that or at least tell us how more money didn't actually do anything.

  6. Who the F are these pollsters...and why do they think they can get over by skewing the data?


    Or, if we know there's a 7 point Democrat respondent bias in the sample, why can't they weight that bias out? Example: adjust Democrat responses down by 5 points(not 7, account for any non-Obama voting Dems).


    I mean really, do they think we didn't take statistics in college?


    There's got to be some way to consistently apply a weight to the raw data, when you KNOW you have an unbalanced sample. I understand that you may end up skewing it the other way, but....that's why you do the weight...properly.

    How's your crusade to have a recount for the 2008 election going?

  7. Maybe he should take more wives then. Glad that option might be on the table.


    Softball, right over the plate.


    Back to the thread topic. He could shut everybody up if he just does what his old man did. He'd come off as a stand up guy that has nothing to hide. Instead, he looks like an out of touch rich guy who's having a bout of oppositional defiant disorder kick in.

    That's it. His hiding his own taxes is just like him having his leg amputed and then showing up for an ass kicking contest. This is turning into a joke. And Mitt is the butt of that joke

  8. *Jobs added over 160,000 K, beating estimates

    *Unemployment rate ticks up to 8.3%

    *150,000 Left the workforce

    *household survey showed that the actual amount of Americans working dropped by 195,000, with the net job gain resulting primarily *from seasonal adjustments in the establishment survey.

    *U-6 "Real Unemployment rate" rose from 14.9% to 15%

    *Average work week held steady at 34.5 hours while average hourly earnings rose 2 cents to $23.52.






    Headline Jobs number beats estimates, from what I've read a lot of that has to do with seasonal adjustments, however total jobs went down when you factor in the household survey (which is included in the factoring of the unemployment rate), with a headline jobs number of above 150k you would believe that if the unemployment rate rose it would be because more people entered into the workforce, however that wasn't the case here. Over 150k dropped out of the labor force, the reason why the unemployment rate rose is because more people lost jobs than gained through the household survey. In regards to wages, they remained stagnant.

    How many government jobs were eliminated?

  9. Sleazy politics by the sleazy party. The Majority Leader of the Senate makes unfounded accusations on the Senate floor for purely political reasons and you don't think he went far enough? You are a whiny little B word with no morals or sense of what is decent or right.

    Mitt boy can clear this up in a second. Its his fault this is an issue.


    Once the knife is in twist it around

  10. Aside from Europe's lack of federal direction is this:


    From the Wall Street Journal






    The recoveries and expansions that occurred in the Bush, Clinton and Reagan eras all saw government spending increase along with most other major drivers of growth. But in the current Obama recovery, which began in 2009, total public outlays have decreased at an annualized rate of 1.5%, according to a Dow Jones/Wall Street Journal analysis of newly revised government data.


    Much of the attention in this election season has been focus on government spending that ballooned at the end of the most recent recession and during the early part of the recovery. But since the middle of 2010, that aid to growth has fallen off when adjusted for inflation.


    In fact, state and local governments have now cut outlays for 11 consecutive quarters, leading spending to contract at a 2.4% rate since the second quarter of 2009. Slower federal spending has now also become a drag on growth, contracting at a 0.2% annualized rate, the analysis of data the Commerce Department released last week found.


    By comparison, federal spending grew at an annualized 3.5% rate during the longer of two Regan-era recoveries and grew at a 3.8% pace during the George W. Bush recovery and expansion from 2001 through 2007. Both periods benefited from increased defense spending as the Cold War reached its climax and the U.S. fought wars in Iraq and Afghanistan.



  11. Wasn't the interview given in his office? If so, he pretty much has carte blanche to say whatever he wants.




    My understanding of that was always that they could say whatever they want as long as they're on the steps or in the Capitol. As soon as they're dumb enough to say something like that outside of the Capitol, they're fair game.


    So, was it a sleazy thing to say? Absolutely.


    Was it illegal? Very doubtful.

    Sleazy? It's called politics, pure and simple. They've got this little maggot caught in a vise and they are crushing him. Good! Not anywhere near enough as far as I'm concerned.

  12. Give em He'll Harry has Romney running to Hannity and crying for mercy, gees, just release the taxes Mittens






    Reid repeated the claim on the Senate floor. Following Romney's response, he released a statement saying that "it's clear Romney is hiding something."

    "When it comes to answering the legitimate questions the American people have about whether he avoided paying his fair share in taxes or why he opened a Swiss bank account, Romney has shut up," Reid said. "But as a presidential candidate, it's his obligation to put up, and release several years' worth of tax returns just like nominees of both parties have done for decades

  13. The whole conclusion of the report is absurd, reason being is they derive their findings based on a "revenue neutral" conclusion, so in order for it to be revenue neutral from their perspective is to come through higher taxes from those making under $250K, even though there is nothing in Mitt's plan that suggests higher taxes for those folks.


    From the article:


    Romney has not specified how he would compensate for the sweeping tax cuts. But making up for the lost revenue, Brookings analysts said, “necessitates a reduction of roughly 65 percent of available tax expenditures.”


    “Such a reduction by itself would be unprecedented,” Brookings reported, “and would require deep reductions in many popular tax benefits, ranging from the mortgage interest deduction, the exclusion for employer-provided health insurance, the deduction for charitable contributions, and benefits for low- and middle-income families and children like the [earned income tax credit] and child tax credit.”




    Mitts tax plan:


    Make permanent, across-the-board 20 percent cut in marginal rates

    Maintain current tax rates on interest, dividends, and capital gains

    Eliminate taxes for taxpayers with AGI below $200,000 on interest, dividends, and capital gains

    Eliminate the Death Tax

    Repeal the Alternative Minimum Tax (AMT)


    Romney's plan to raise more revenues are through unspecified closing of certain loopholes. So this report assumes that the only way they can come to a revenue neutral outcome is through elimination of mortgage deductions for those making under 250k. Which has never been proposed, however he did specifically mention:


    "Mr. Romney, the presumptive Republican nominee for president, said he would eliminate or limit for high-earners the mortgage interest deduction for second homes, and likely would do the same for the state income tax deduction and state property tax deduction."




    So again, they basically assume that he is going to make the tax cuts 100% revenue neutral and that he will cut the mortgage deductions of those making under $250K, even though he has never mentioned that he would do this and specifically has stated that it would be for upper income earners.

    That's some plan Mitt has got there. Why do you suppose there's so much unspecified stuff in it?

  14. I mean at the very least you have to admit this is just bad politics.


    Swiss bank account


    WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Republican U.S. presidential challenger Mitt Romney's proposal to slash individual income taxes by 20 percent across-the-board would primarily boost the income of the wealthiest taxpayers, according to a nonpartisan analysis released on Wednesday.

    The report by the centrist Tax Policy Center found that Romney's tax cuts would boost after-tax income by an average of 4.1 percent for those earning more than $1 million a year, while reducing by an average of 1.2 percent the after-tax income of individuals earning less than $200,000.



  15. This article blows.


    Run the simulation on 270toWin or look at 538's model. Obama wins fairly easily.


    The swing state polls out this morning also look very bad for Romney.

    Those "swing states" don't even include Virginia and North Carolina which Obama actually has in play. That is amazing! I saw an article on NC and that state is more blue than even Indiana and Obama is trying real hard to win there, I guess that's why the convention is there.


    8% unemployment and Romney is still losing, wow!




    Has Mitt Romney given Israel a blank check for war?


    So it seemed from the declaration in Jerusalem by his adviser Dan Senor, who all but flashed Israel a green light for war, signaling the Israelis that, if you go, Mitt's got your back:


    “If Israel has to take action on its own in order to stop Iran from developing that capability, the governor would respect that decision.”


    “No option would be excluded. Gov. Romney recognizes Israel's right to defend itself and that it is right for America to stand with it.”


    What does “stand with” Israel, if she launches a surprise attack on Iran, mean? Does it mean the United States will guide Israeli planes to their targets and provide bases on their return? Does it mean U.S. air cover while Israeli planes strike Iran?




    Is Ron Paul still sitting on his hands on this one?

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