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Posts posted by Duck_dodgers007



    You sir (I am being serious) should be commended by this post. I admire it wholeheartedly. Please know, NoJustice, I am 100% serious. Thank you. I know you do not know me, but from what I have viewed here over the years posters (probably me as well) typically do not do things like you just did ("own" a post).


    I am impressed and a bit humbled, yet, I know you may not care as we do not share a view on the topic....but I do want you to know I respect and admire you and this post. Thanks.

    . Oh stop, you are so transparent


    So you say, Mr. Universe.




    Making a joke about people trying to score a political point by abusing, misusing, and misrepresenting it? And I'M unbelievable?


    Someone is wrong on the Internet and you feel you have to fix it? Have fun Tommybot!




    That is not what it seems... Nobody is laughing @ the victims or disrespecting them.


    To butcher/steal Jimmy Buffet's line: "If we DON'T laugh, We'll all go insane."


    Again... This is tearing people up! Don't let the hate in one's heart consume.


    Ex, it's all good, scoring a very cheap point on Tom is all in dealing with the pain ;)



    Why are most atheists so insecure about their belief that they need to throw it at the God believers' faces?


    Sorry, most atheists don't, you are a complete idiot. How many laws have atheists pushed for compared to the God believers who are one of societies biggest interest groups. Atheists don't have anywhere near the resources the ignorant religious people do

  4. Apparently, this was the murder weapon...




    Again, I ask, why does any American need this high-powered a weapon capable of discharging 50 rounds in a flash!??!


    These gun nuts would rather die, or kill everyone, rather than stop insane people from being able to do this. this is crazy, and the politics that created this is crazy!



    The occupation of the Ruhr and general strike resulting therein were consequences of the hyperinflation of the paper Mark, not causes. You !@#$ing dipshit.


    No you are stupid, the point is still valid, we face no political paralysis over having to pay reparations which caused hype inflation, you are a total low life for even defending that parasite making that argument.


    Did you see inflation fell in November?

  6. The politics that caused the economic situation is irrelevant to the existance of the economic situation. Regardless of the cause, the government's gold was depleted. In response, the German Government attempted to buy foreign currency with German currency, but this caused the Mark to rapidly decline in value, greatly increasing the number of Marks needed to buy foreign currencies. This caused the price of goods to spike, increasing the cost of operating the government which could not be financed by raising taxes (again, the reason for this inability to finance the cost of the public sector with taxes is irrelevant to a discussion about the inability to do so.). The resulting budget deficit rapidly increased and was financed by the German central bank creating more money. When the German people realized that their money was rapidly losing value, they tried to spend it quickly, increasing the velocity of money, which in turn caused still more inflation, which created a vicious cycle.

    You are an idiot. Yes, the French occupying the industrial region and a general strike paralyzing the economy had nothing to do with it...you fool. Tom thinks you are right, so you should be proud




    That's what I'm asking. Why $45B? How did they come up with that number? If that number will help the economy, wouldn't adding even more money to this round of QE{n} help even more?


    That's stupid. It's like saying drinking two beers is the same as drinking 20. Duh!

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