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AReed Deep For6

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Posts posted by AReed Deep For6

  1. Keep fighting the good fight Alpha!

    Funny I have an elite NFL pro bowl player who comes to my dispensary in LA as a legal patient for mmj for his rehab from surgery because the pain pills the doc prescribes are addictive, harmful, and make him feel brain dead and sick. He takes edibles instead for pain management that are high in CBD's instead of THC so he gets a lot of pain relief with very little high effects. Also have some ex NFL players who come to manage their post career ongoing pain.


    Keep fighting the good fight Alpha!

    So stupid that alcohol, tobacco and harmful and deadly pain killers are all legit, but cannabis isn't which is all natural and a million times better for you.


    Hell tobacco is so bad that it can kill you even if you don't smoke it, just have to be in the same room with it.

  2. Showing up out of shape and testing positive at the combine isn't an off field issue?


    In fact not even Lewis thought it was a value in the 7th.

    All Im saying is this was a guy who got plenty of attention. He was a potential first round pick, we took Tank Carder in the 5th... The risk reward made sense, and there were plenty of people on this board who could see it.


    Showing up out of shape and testing positive at the combine isn't an off field issue?


    In fact not even Lewis thought it was a value in the 7th.

    Touche. Its bad news. Still, I don't feel the off field issues were overly serious. Was he smoking pot before the biggest "interviews" of his life? Yes. However, when your talking about a player with first round talent (minus his problems, which may or may not be fixable) being taken in the 6th or 7th yes. Would anyone here rather have had that kicker than Burfict?
  3. Tossing around hypothetical failures beyond "he showed up fat and got cut in July.....


    Him suiting up and losing a game for you by losing it on the field at a key time?


    You passing on a MLB this spring because you think you have it addressed and he shows up out of shape, or fails a drug test, etc?


    Hell, in a league that had a player kill himself at team facilities, kill a teammate this season, or even our own team with a hit and run with multiple teammates in the car? Dude was on a major self destructive spiral. Can you say that'd be impossible for a guy acting as terribly erratic and destructive as he was?


    Sure you wouldn't lose a draft pick but there are still ways it could go wrong for the team. Sometimes, it's ok to say I'm not going to try to reform the guy.

    Nobody ever said he is the guy that breaks apart a locker room. He had personal foul problems, which I will admit is a big problem. However, he was seen as a leader on that team, and he has had ZERO!! ZERO off the field issues. He is a quiet shy kid off the field, one who comes to life and gets fired up to play.
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