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Rex Ryan's Stomach

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Posts posted by Rex Ryan's Stomach

  1. Honestly if we had a really good Quarterback, a No. 2 Receiver, and Freak Tight End we could be contenders year in and out. I think our ceiling is a 6th seed and probably being blown out by Baltimore or Houston in the Wild Card round, but I'm definitely hopeful for the playoffs.

  2. Same here. It's tiring watching Wade and James whine like children on the rare occasion that calls don't go their way.


    BTW, James shot 17 FTs tonight, the entire Celtics team, 15.

    The only reason I wouldn't want the Thunder to win is because of Clay Bennett, but LeBron and Wade piss me off so much that I wan't them to lose.

  3. I once took out a female pitcher in a softball game with an extremely hard line drive straight to her ankle bone. The ball ricoched (sp?) Way out of play and everyone rushed over to help her so I held up at third. Could have had an infield homerun. That's the good sportsmanship part. The poor sportsmanship probably nullified that though. I was cheatining by using a large barrel baseball bat. That, and the $100 bounty I collected later.

    The Saints are on speed dial.

  4. Good evening and happy Memorial Day weekend to all of you! I've been hearing so much over the past 5 months about how we need a definite number 2 receiver. I agree wholeheartedly that it would've been nice to pick up a solid number 2 during the off season and hey, who's to say that we still won't? The fact of the matter is, I think that one of these receivers is bound to step up and come through and have a solid year behind Stevie Johnson. I don't know who yet but I think the most important thing is that they know they all pretty much have an equal shot to showcase themselves. Which is going to make the competitive nature of this #2 spot so intriguing, it should bring out the best in all of them. Hopefully. It's just my opinion let me know what you guys think, thanks! and GO BILLS!!!

    My boy midnight will step up aka TJ Graham.

  5. When the hell will the Patriots do something so stupid as what the Eagles just did, or the Jets did with the Tebow implosion that will occur soon. TD is about as good as a staph infection. It looks not so great up front, but gets worse and worse until you have to amputate. He is so instrumental on so many levels of the debacle of this team for the last twelve years.


    I'm not going to write a book, but just really think about where we were with the Bills defense prior to him arriving and what happened on his watch.

    Like your username "wild boy"

  6. Any other franchise, and there would be far more pressure on Nix & especially Gailey after 2 mediocre-at-best seasons. This is a unique situation here though, I don't know if Ralph makes a move if the team tanks again, I think he sticks with them to the end. So I do think Fitz has more leeway here than he would anywhere else... but if it gets exceptionally ugly AND if VY has shown anything, VY will be playing.

    Didn't Ralph say Nix is his last GM?

  7. Thanks Ice.


    How do you feel about the Nick Perry pick?

    How about signing Phillip Merling?


    Clearly the Pack have some repairs to do on defense. If they can make a quick turnaround on D, they still have enough to win it all.

    Most underrated De in the whole draft.

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