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Posts posted by mclauria1

  1. So you've only had one job your entire life... And have never quit?

    Oh please stop with that kind of reasoning. No, I've never quit a job where I convinced people to work because I WAS THE MAN. I've never quit a job that put hundreds of people working under me in career jeapardy (players, coaches, trainers, clerical). I've never quit a job that put the performance of our "team" in peril. Remember, Nick Saban quit DURING THE SEASON! I've never quit a job that directly hurt the weekly hopes of millions of people (Dolphin fans.). I think you get the idea. Your analagy is way wrong...

  2. I heard through a guy that played with him in college, he was bringing his whole staff from the 'cuse.

    They are not happy about it.

    Sorry no link, just hearsay I find reliable.

    Every interview I've ever read with an NFL GM,about the coach hiring process says the candidates thoughts on OC/DC are HUGE in considering if they should hire him. Surely the Bills would not have hired this guy if his answer was: "I'm bringing my whole college staff with me."
  3. Here it is. An alphabetical list of every retread HC, perceived HC commodity, "I've heard of him", or on someone's 'wish list' coaches for Ralph to consider to be his next Kevlar vest. For sure, the Bills next HC is on this list. If not, please feel free to add yours.



    Bobby April

    Bruce Arians

    Brian Billick

    Todd Bowles

    Keith Butler

    Tom Cable

    Cam Cameron

    Dom Capers

    Brad Childress

    Kelly Clarkson

    Bill Cowher

    Romeo Crennel

    Jack DelRio

    Howdy Doody

    Tony Dungy

    Herm Edwards

    Kevin Greene

    Russ Grimm

    Jon Gruden

    Vic Fangio

    Jim Fassel

    Perry Fewell

    Jim Haslett

    Hue Jackson

    Chip Kelly

    Jim Kelly

    Lane Kiffen

    Monte Kiffen

    Mike Leach

    Scott Linehan

    Eric Mangini

    Steve Mariucci

    Doug Marrone

    Dave McGinnis

    Pete Metzelaars

    Dick Nolan

    Sean Payton

    Ron Pitts

    Dean Pees

    Frank Reich

    Andy Reid

    Ron Rivera

    Terry Robiskie

    Mike Sherman

    Tony Sparano

    Jerry Sullivan

    Rex Ryan

    Rob Ryan

    Nick Saban

    Adam Sandler

    Marty Schottenheimer

    Brian Schottenheimer

    Kurt Schottenheimer

    Howard Simon

    Mike Singletary

    Mike Shula

    Darryl Talley

    Steve Tasker

    Mike Tice

    Thurman Thomas

    Emmitt Thomas

    Mark Trestman

    Norv Turner

    Joe Vitt

    Dave Wannstedt


    That you would leave out the return of Jim Ringo or Kaye Stevenson shows you don't realize this is the Buffalo Bills we're talking about!


    Seriously, Bill Cowher, Brian Billick, Jon Gruden or Tony Dungy are the only (possibly available) names that would insert hope into Bills fans. Each would be expensive. I won't tell Raplh how to spend his money but for a guy who should NEVER buy green bananas - price shouldn't get in the way of seeing a winning team before shortly meeting your maker.



  4. yes regionalization is the answer. If the parochial blue collar bums shouting "keep em' in Buffalo" have their way, Bills will be gone. TIred old city of only 250,000 residents can't support a team in this day and age, no way, no how. Wilson's estate is not going to leave hundreds of millions on the table due to any loyalty to an area they dont even live. If the bums want to have their tailgates and fistfights, let them take organize their own tractor pull and monster truck exhibitions at the vacated Ralph. Leave the boards up and pipe in the game from the falls.


    Falls is the only real asset that area has to market any more. Tourist angle would be a unique differentiating niche for the team, and elevate their profile in the Commisioner's office keen on expanding internationally. NF has a neutral site location aspect too since both US and Canada share in the area, it's not speficically identifiable with a city more so a wonder of the world site, and city folks from places like Toronto and Rochester won't feel like they're supporting a team from another city they don't give a ^$#% about, and in the case of Toronto probably dont want to be associated with. The upgraded image would also be an asset in recruiting players and coaches.


    Nice analysis and please keep in mind something else. If the franchise is further regionalized with a move to Niagara Falls, the name Buffalo Bills is probably dead. They will be forced to change the name to Niagara Frontier Bills etc... (ala New England Patriots). The regionalization plan will be an easier sell with a regional name.


    I hate the thought but am very pragmatic.


    I just hope (pray, actually) that the name of the new stadium is Celino & Barnes Stadium. Because I'd just hate to see any square foot of available space- anywhere in WNY- without their name and picture on it. Seriously, I don't care whose name is on the stadium, as long as the Bills play well when they are in the Heineken Green Zone...

  6. Why do I see Roosevelt being picked up by some other team and posting HUGE numbers. Poor guy: he isn't real fast and isn't real big.... all he does is CATCH & RUN, just about every time a ball is near him.


    He will be some other team's 6th receiver and and we will see him on Sunday Night ESPN highlights...


    Local boy, too. So sad.

  7. for real? hasn't he only been in the league 3 years or something?


    I remember thinking he was such a can't-miss prospect.


    When the Raiders drafted him Al Davis said he was the best O-lineman he'd ever seen, out of college. Like you, I thought this was fairly recent. However, he was drafted in 2004!


    Yep the mind (memory) is the 2nd thing to go.....

  8. I'm an airline Captain and a few years ago I ran into Chris at LAX (Los Angeles). I was in uniform and walked up to him to shake his hand. There were a few people around him. I immediately whipped out my Buffalo Bills moneyclip from my pocket, and he beamed! He put his back to the people around him and put his arm around me and we walked a few steps: "you're the 3rd one I've met this week!" He then added (the draft just ended and I told him I didn't like the Spiller pick): "Ralph Wilson needs him, because the Bills have gotten boring. It's a stretch pick but he can play and if used correctly, will light it up."


    We chatted more in general terms and he told me he talks to Jim Kelly all the time. He used the phrase "our Bills" when we talked and I sensed he meant it.


    Now that Tim Russert is gone Chris Berman is the Bills #1 national fan. I will never diss him on this board.





    Jeez, I almost forgot (and don't think it's been mentioned on the thread):


    Ralph Wilson asked Chris Berman to induct him in the Hall of Fame! What does that say about Chris Berman & the Bills? If that's not enough then just go ahead and hate him because short of putting on a uniform and throwing 50 Bills TD passes he will never be good enough....



  9. Boom! House'D!


    Berman will always be ok in my book. Love hearing him on Sundays, and wish the NFL allowed ESPN to still do the major Sunday Night coverage.


    I'm an airline Captain and a few years ago I ran into Chris at LAX (Los Angeles). I was in uniform and walked up to him to shake his hand. There were a few people around him. I immediately whipped out my Buffalo Bills moneyclip from my pocket, and he beamed! He put his back to the people around him and put his arm around me and we walked a few steps: "you're the 3rd one I've met this week!" He then added (the draft just ended and I told him I didn't like the Spiller pick): "Ralph Wilson needs him, because the Bills have gotten boring. It's a stretch pick but he can play and if used correctly, will light it up."


    We chatted more in general terms and he told me he talks to Jim Kelly all the time. He used the phrase "our Bills" when we talked and I sensed he meant it.


    Now that Tim Russert is gone Chris Berman is the Bills #1 national fan. I will never diss him on this board.



  10. Its a blog site. This isnt news, this is an opinion about useless players. What are the parameters to make one "useless". Who is his source for this news? Did the teams tell him that they feel this player is useless? How is Carrington any more useless than our backup P?


    If that qualifies as news for you, I'm sorry our standards are that low in this country


    And how is Matt Hasselback useless? He had them near a playoff game last year. Such a joke


    I think you're taking it just a little too seriously.


    We're all here looking to kill time until training camp (and real news) begins. Blog sites like this just provide a little fodder for discussion. I think what they are referring to here are players who get a lot of snaps but whose teams are no longer in a great need of the skill-sets they bring...ala the change in the Bills defensive scheme.

  11. It's amazing what a real, competent Front Office will do. Been a Bills fan since 1986, and I dont remember the last time it felt like this, with regard to how the team is managed.


    Now if we can get it translated into on-field production, it will be a whole new era for us fans.


    Cant wait for the season!


    We finally have a management and an overall team mindset to be PROACTIVE. This attitude, which they've certainly backed up with dollars, will translate on the field this year, and future years. With a team rising in the W-L columns and a management reputation for "getting it done," Buffalo will attract those FA's which always seemed to choose someone else when it came down to "us or them."


    We're in the early stages of a Bull Market on the Buffalo Bills!

  12. Some one should mention Travis Henery.

    There, I just did.


    Remember that NFTA ad campaign that ran on the scoreboard during games? The ad would ask several questions and the answer was always "15"....and the crowd would yell it. Right before the crowd yelled it I screamed out to my section: "how old is Travis Henry's girlfriend?" Of course the section screamed "15!!!" I got many high-fives.


    Earlier that week Henry was implicated is some seedy story with a 15 yr. old girl.



  13. Of course the Bills have schemes cooked up for VY. Besides, a $2M contract with another $1M in bonuses isn't for someone to hold the clipboard.


    I'd like to see Fitz and VY as 1 & 2... and Tanney, as a worthy prospect, being groomed as #3. As the articles have stated, he's not just a trick-throw guy. He has the tools, he can play.... If he's worthy during preseason, dump Thigpen.

  14. FULL DISCLOSURE: I've been a longtime lurker on this board, for at least 3 years... never posted until now. I have to say I've been hugely impressed with the body of knowledge on this board and it's been a joy to read your insights. I've read things on here which I haven't found anywhere else. You guys (and gals?) are not only Bills fans, you're football fans. It's been a joy to read, and now participate. You won't hear from me too often. It's tough to add to what many of you post. (although I do have a few friends within the Bills org and can sometimes throw something on the frying pan)


    An article on TBD this morning, out of Toronto, seems to sum everything up well. The author has spoken with Nix often and pieced together a plausible argument that the #10 pick will be Kuechly .






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