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Posts posted by SuperMario

  1. I believe he was making 11 million in Oakland and they cut him because he wasn't willing to take a pay cut. The only way we would be able to get him is if he took a paycut which if he didn't for Oakland he won't for us. That being said id love to have him.

  2. Just a hunch. I just got NFL game rewind and have payed close attention to Merriman is the first few weeks he was playing. He was very good at setting the edge in the run game and was pushing around tackles and getting a lot of attention, getting chipped by backs and TE's and double teams. With WMD manning the other part of the line, I fully expect Merriman to have a very good year.


    I agree, I know a lot of people think he is done, but i don't. I think that he will come back with a vengeance, and if he can even return to 50% of what he used to be, then our d-line would be even better than it is now.

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