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Posts posted by rex

  1. This isn't baseball. Having watched both QBs play in the past 2 years tells me all I need to know. BTW, tell us how their stats compare over the last 2 years. Better yet, compare their stats in the playoffs for the past 2 years.


    from post #151 in the thread


    Part of Smith's appeal to Buffalo's FO is his game management and ability to limit mistakes. By comparison, the last two seasons saw Fitzpatrick in 32 games with passer ratings of 79 and 83, 48 touchdowns, 39 INT's, and 10 fumbles with completion %'s of 62 and 60. Over Smith's last 26 games (16 last year, 10 this year, playoffs not included) he has thrown for 30 touchdowns, 10 INT's, and 8 fumbles. His passer rating last year was over 90.7, and through 10 games this year was 104.1 -- at the time he was 3rd in the league behind only Aaron Rodgers and RGIII. His completion % this season was also over 70%. Smith is the first QB since 2003 to take SF to a playoff game, one in which they hung with and ultimately beat a very high powered Saints team. The Bills honestly think this guy can win them some games within their offensive structure - play to the run, manage the game from the QB position, and limit mistakes... while still drafting a QB.


  2. How about when Ralph insisted that super Rob Johnson take over as the starting QB for D. Flutie in the infamous "Music City Fudgical" game??


    The Bills could have gone to the SB that year. W. Phillips was ultimately fired after the Bills lost that game.


    Incidentally, Phillips was the last Bills HC to actually have a winning record.


    Thanks Ralph.


    Rob F'n Johnson.................


    Mike Mularkey went 9-7 in 2004.


    Interesting to note: that '04 Bills team, going by statistics, is the best team in league history that failed to qualify for post-season play.



  3. I rarely post here unless I am passed anything of relevancy. With that being said...


    I can say with certainty that the Bills will be taking a strong look at bringing in Smith, regardless of coaching hire. The reason for the speculation is because the Bills at this point are interested in Smith and are asking potential coaches how effective he can be within the respective coach's system. Smith to Buffalo is a logical move from both sides.


    As of April 1st the 49ers will be committed to $8.5 million in salary towards Smith ($7.5 salary with $1 million option that must be picked up in March). Unless CK shows "red flag" performance (which constitutes a complete and total meltdown of epic proportions in the playoffs), from what I've been told the 49ers intend to shop Smith. Harbaugh is keen on CK and believes he is the future of the franchise. SF's FO knows it can get immediate value for AS without hindering future QB growth. They are stacked as far as draft picks are concerned, which also gives them some leverage in that they could draft another QB if they trade Smith, trade Smith for more picks, or focus more on trading for missing pieces instead of picks if they so choose. They also know Smith will be an attractive QB on the market 1) from performance based on past 2 seasons, 2) comparatively low price tag for potential long term starter (he's 28), 3) weak FA / Draft pool when it comes to QB's in a year where several teams are desperate for a long term solution. Smith can start immediately and with the perception of a "weak" QB draft class, this allows a team to draft a QB in a later round, focusing on "need areas" in early rounds.


    Smith's contract right now (if he were to be acquired in a trade) would be considered "lower-tier" money as far as starting QB's, and it gives the Bills FO a 2 year window to draft a QB this year and (potentially) next year as well while Smith plays out his contract. At the end of the 2014 season, the Bills can then leverage 1-2 rookies they've developed, or resign Smith when he's 30 if he proves to be a franchise QB for another 5-7 years. This is a very low-risk move compared to the current situation with Fitzpatrick or forcing them to reach in the draft, and also gives the Bills this years draft and next years to address glaring weaknesses on the defensive side of the ball, as well as WR, with early picks.



    Part of Smith's appeal to Buffalo's FO is his game management and ability to limit mistakes. By comparison, the last two seasons saw Fitzpatrick in 32 games with passer ratings of 79 and 83, 48 touchdowns, 39 INT's, and 10 fumbles with completion %'s of 62 and 60. Over Smith's last 26 games (16 last year, 10 this year, playoffs not included) he has thrown for 30 touchdowns, 10 INT's, and 8 fumbles. His passer rating last year was over 90.7, and through 10 games this year was 104.1 -- at the time he was 3rd in the league behind only Aaron Rodgers and RGIII. His completion % this season was also over 70%. Smith is the first QB since 2003 to take SF to a playoff game, one in which they hung with and ultimately beat a very high powered Saints team. The Bills honestly think this guy can win them some games within their offensive structure - play to the run, manage the game from the QB position, and limit mistakes... while still drafting a QB.


    I cannot say that this will 100% happen as things can change in a heartbeat, but from what I've been told.... as it stands today... the Bills are very high on Alex Smith. I would not be the least bit surprised if he ends up in Buffalo this offseason.

  4. I aked this yesterday, does anyone remember the last time we won a home nationally televised night game? I recall, Dallas, Cleve and NE in recent years but those were all losses.


    The Bills have not won a Primetime game since 2001, a 13-10 win over Jacksonville.


    Their last home victory in Primetime was in 2000, a 16-13 win over the Titans.


    Since 2000, the Bills are 2-12 in Primetime games (unless I'm forgetting any).


    9/3/2000 SNF vs TN: W 16-13

    12/11/2000 MNF @ INDY: L 44-20.

    10/18/2001 TNF @ JAX: W 13-10

    12/2/2001 SNF @ SF: L 35-0

    9/21/2003 SNF @ Miami: L 17-7

    10/26/2003 SNF @KC: L 38-5

    11/14/2004 SNF @NE: L 29-6

    10/30/2005 SNF @NE: L 21-16

    12/15/2005 SNF vs. Denver: L 28-17

    10/8/2007 MNF vs. Dallas: L 25-24

    11/18/2007 SNF vs. NE: L 56-10

    11/17/2008 MNF vs CLE: L 29-27

    9/14/2009 MNF @NE: L 25-24

    12/3/2009 TNF vs NYJ: L 19-13

  5. Rex is the guy that confirmedW was staying the night before anyone else. He works in the hotel that MW is staying in.


    I do not work in the hotel, and am in no way affiliated with it. But I do have reliable information from time to time, and yesterday I was 100% confident in what I posted, otherwise I would not have joined and relayed the information.


    I can't pass on everything here as I work in a media capacity and a lot of it is sensitive. But after lurking here for a few years as a non-member. I was growing tired of the "Twitter breaking news" and PFT nonsense that was being passed as factual, when in fact Mike Florio has absolutely no idea what is going on here and is essentially throwing darts at a board and writing opinion as fact... which proves why he's been found to be dead wrong for going on 3 days straight.


    All I will say is DON'T rely on twitter for "breaking news". A good majority of the time, it's inaccurate.


    If I have anything pertinent I'll pass it on. Enjoy your day, hopefully it turns out to be a good one for Buffalo sports fans!

  6. Do you mean the hotel itself? I was referring to the city, like if the staff asked her about Buffalo and she politely said she liked it as opposed to complaining about the city which the hotel doesn't have much control over.


    Yeah I think I dislike Ben Rapethisberger over any other athlete. I'm guessing your list for d bag buffalo athletes would include roy, campbell, and jim kelly


    Your updates are awesome, though. I bet you have a zillion great stories about athletes.


    Actually, Jim was always great with me, but I know some that have not had the same experience.


    Thurman was always the best. He's genuinely a nice guy, very easy to shoot the s*** with, and accommodating from a work standpoint.

  7. Living near the stadium I hear you about the "not so rosy guys" we call them "lights on guys" meaning when the camera on there one way nice nice and when the camera off azzezz. Mario at the Sabre game???



    I know what you mean by "lights on guys". I work in a media capacity. And honestly, I sometimes wish I didn't, because you see the real side of these guys when the camera stops recording. It changed my opinion of a few of the "legends" in this town but it is what it is I suppose.

  8. I know I'm being glass half empty and I really do appreciate your updates. But she's probably just being polite. I mean she'd have to be a special kind of butthole to tell people 'your town sucks' when asked.


    I won't disagree with you, but typically if things are not going well in a situation like this the hotel 1) picks up on it 2) is asked to respond and fix it, 3) or the persons in question request to be moved (worst case scenario).


    Most of the athletes I've worked with are pretty blunt when they're not happy or comfortable with their situation, especially where they're sleeping. Case in point - Ben Roethlisberger.... whom I've worked with and can contest to the fact that he is a certified, grade-A @$$. Surprisingly, there are some Buffalo athletes that aren't so rosy, and some of them would surprise (and sadden) you. Remember - most of these guys and their significant others are typically coddled like infants. If they don't get their way, they let you know it pretty quickly.

  9. I wish they would have gone to a bed and breakfast, or the Mansion, but if it's a hotel, then I hope the staff isn't imcompetent. :)


    They're in downtown. Not revealing where. But they're in a suite. My point was that my source has said that Mario's lady has been impressed with not just the hotel, but the city.


    And yes, the staff where they're at is competent.

  10. He's not leaving tonight. I have a friend who works in a "non peasant" role at a downtown hotel. This person is typically responsible for booking the opposing teams when they choose to stay at this particular establishment.


    Around 4:30 I got a text saying that Bills management called the hotel owner/ceo directly and requested a room for tonight. This was then passed down to the manager. The hotel had to scramble to make the room available.


    Feel free to lynch me if I'm wrong, but this person has never been wrong before when sending me information.


    On a side note, many of you need to take some Xanax.

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