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Posts posted by EndZoneCrew

  1. I see no better purpose for my 1,000th post (since the recovery of my account following the great board crash of 2008) than to say, "thank you."


    Thank you to SDS for all of the work I know went into creating, and continues to go into maintaining, an amazing interwebs home for us Bills fans to gather.


    Thank you to all of the mods for working to make this a civil and informative place to discuss our team. I know how hard it can be to keep this motley crew civil.


    Thank you to all of the long-time posters who continue to inform and influence my football knowledge and opinions. Even when our opinions differ, (most of) you are still a pleasure to debate.


    Some of the best memories I have were spawned from these forums. From meeting up with fellow TBDers at the draft in 2009, to my first Bills home game that same year, to my two-year-old TBDAHOT road trip tradition. Everybody I've met via these forums has been an absolute pleasure to know, and I've made some great friends courtesy of TBD.


    My life has been truly enriched by this site. So I say again, to Scott and to everybody else who makes TwoBillsDrive such a great place, thank you.


    Go Bills!

    Good -n - You?

  2. I broke down and subscribed to the "BN Blitz" primarily to read Carucci's and Kimberley Martin's breakdowns, but when I saw two headlines this morning I did what I don't normally do -- I read a Sullivan column and a Gleason column. Both of these guys were downright "giddy" and I have to admit, it was nice to see. Sully wrote a very complimentary and positive piece about Jerry Hughes, and Bucky did the same regarding Terry Pegula and the direction in which the Bills and Sabres appear to be headed.


    Goes to show anything is possible...

    What is your username and password? I will check it out and give you feedback!



    Got to agree with this. For the better part of 12-13 years now Bills fans have been subject to ahole patriot fans from Boooston with their stupid ass accents acting like they own the Ralph. I don't condone violence & I will have my 11 year old son with me at the game so I certainly won't be looking for trouble but unfortunately Patriot fans bring it on themselves. When you come into someone elses house your supposed to show a little respect not be all arrogant & act like you own the place.



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